Day 8 for clones.
I am up to 7 strikes (Still all WB) and the ones that struck first are really going crazy.
Good news about the cuttings getting rooted. It took me a couple times to get the setup just right so I could get 100% to pop every time. I would avoid tugging on them like you mentioned though. The baby roots are extremely fragile - even more so than a seed's taproot.
Hey, Mared.... What's good buddy? Yea "tug" was prolly the wrong term. A very gentle pull just to make sure it does not come right out. If it does by about day 7 you should start over
craigtheripper -- im on my first grow too.can i post pics on here?
Sure man. Drop a photo or 2 if you want. You should probably start a journal though. Lots of helpful stoners around here
Stoney Jake -- good news about the clones. Thats where its at. One of the clones I had shot up like 4 nodes. Since I dont have room in my veggy area I just put it into flowering. I have seen lots of people do this so I wanted to try it out. The little guy is only about 8" tall.
Sucks about the high temps lately, Its making me kinda nervous about the summer time...I do have central air where Im at now but I plan on moving after this harvest I just started(Aprilish) so Im not sure that will be the case. I guess its good to test the ventilation now before its 90-100 degrees outside
Hey Stoney. Yep, Ventilation is job 1 in a grow op. If all else fails a portable AC unit will work in the hot months.
Wild---- Cool grow dude, just read it all the way through. I'll be following this one to see how those lovely Whiteberrys do.
Cool Wild. Big ups for reading the whole rambling thing. It should get good soon with nuge in the next few weeks

Thansk for the interest in my op.
420 Tokers --- Why is your table not draining? Have you tried to set the whole table at a slant with the lower part on the side of the drain. This is what we did and it works great.
Hi 420. Thanks for the tip. If I put in on an slight incline it does help but it still leaves some water because there are narrow groves in the bottom of the tub I used and the fitting actually set up from the bottom of the tub a few MM. If I had a little more space I would go get a factory table but they do not make one in a size that is efficient in my tent so I made one DIY.
I will take a few pics and post them shortly.