My first grow


Well-Known Member
I thought we all built our flowering spaces whilst the plants were vegging? lol!
I did.
"Needs must", "necessity being the mother of invention"...etc. ;)


Active Member
Anyone handy with complicated light timers? I picked one up and it seems super complicated to program. Will post pics up when I get home.


Active Member
I figured it out. I just read the directions while not blazed. ;) when I get home today I'll post some update pics if she's looking good. Growing kinda slow in my opinion but I believe I was overwatering before and the MG probably isn't speeding things up any.


Well-Known Member
Is your timer a digital, that can be set to the minute? I'm thinking on getting a couple...


Active Member
I figured it out. I just read the directions while not blazed. ;) when I get home today I'll post some update pics if she's looking good. Growing kinda slow in my opinion but I believe I was overwatering before and the MG probably isn't speeding things up any.
Lol yeah reading something while not high definitely makes a lot more sense , and sweet dude lets see those ladies


Active Member
Yeah you can even set it to the second. It's really nice. Got mine at home depot. 18$ and somethig.
And here's day 10 from sprout. Should the second set of leaves be unfolded yet? They're still sticking up. I feel like its growing slow but am I just anxious? any problems besides the chlorine burn from before?
Heres a couple pics...


Active Member
NOOO!!!! I left the plant on the ground for 30 seconds and the stupid fucking dog knocked it over!! It didn't come out of the ground or anything just fell on her side and he ripped half of the dying cotelydon off. Will this affect anything? I'm bout to get rid of the little fucking bastard of a mut.


Well-Known Member
I would try to get your lights closer. CFL can get super close without burning. If the lights are fixed, then put the little lady on an empty crate etc.


Active Member
Did a little rearranging with the lights and she's looking a lot better! And the battle with the dog didn't even slow her down! Haven't seen her in hours so will post an update when I get home. Maybe post some pics on the pc grow box progress too


Active Member
Gutted out an old pc case to make a pc grow box. Got these three
Fans here. Should I use 2 for intake and 1 for exhaust? Or 2 for exhaust and 1 for intake?