My first Hit and run!


Well-Known Member
Well my first hit and run was today and u know wat it felt awesome!! It was just a fender bender but that bitch got out of the car and started bitching so I got in and just left the scene!!! The beaty part is that I had temps that werent mine (I stoled them from someone) and I got my real plates yesterday so Im chnagijng them tommorow!!! wo0o0ot the perfect crime..:D ANyone else done hit and runs?

Fucking douche bag... what goes around , comes around .. very bad Karma dude .. way bad ..


Well-Known Member
Now that I think about it .. my 1st hit and run was in High school.. with the school slut .. I got her stoned and drunk.. got her pants off . fucked her went to the bathroom took off the rubber cleaned up and told her I was late and had to run.. I hit It an ran ...


Well-Known Member
I really dont give a fuck..wat that bitch was screaming wat ur all blabbing about and yeah I dont give a fuck!!..LOL
You're a real class act Papaya. Tell me son, would you had attempted what you did had the other party been a 6ft 240lb man sporting 19" guns in a real pissed off mood? :lol:


Well-Known Member
Well my first hit and run was today and u know wat it felt awesome!! It was just a fender bender but that bitch got out of the car and started bitching so I got in and just left the scene!!! The beaty part is that I had temps that werent mine (I stoled them from someone) and I got my real plates yesterday so Im chnagijng them tommorow!!! wo0o0ot the perfect crime..:D ANyone else done hit and runs?
I'm turning you in...


New Member
I thought this thread was gonna be about doin chicks and then running away before they wake up. What a letdown.


Well-Known Member
papaya, ok, now you're just being childish. How old are you, 16?
If he is then perhaps his folks should be smacked for raising a child of this caliber. Even at his most obnoxious and obtuse, my son would've never have behaved in this manner (cuz I would've wrung his fucking neck..:lol: )


Well-Known Member
Yeah, no kidding! That's what papaya needs, a good old fashioned ass whuppin!

lol, naw, I don't know him well enough to say all that. But I do constantly wonder why parents don't whup their kids asses when they misbehave. I got my ass whupped when I was a kid! Hell, I was taught to respect my elders, I didn't talk back, I sure as FUCK never misbehaved in public.

That's what gets me the most. People who take their misbehavin ass kids in public, and just expect us all to be ok with their little pain in the ass running amuck.

End of rant.


Well-Known Member
just because this is a marijuana growing forum, doesnt mean we want forums about other crimes which just make us look bad, keep the site clean...


Well-Known Member
well heres my two cents

Dad doesnt have a Drivers liscense. My dad was drinking, hes a drinker..Dear old dad went out driving..Hit a car..Panic drunk dad left the scene..I saw that he fucked up..grabbed the truck and went back to where he crashed the car..I came back and put the car in park at a near by gas station.. she was still there, long story short, I took the blame for my Dad and lost my DL for Reckless driving..

OOH you couldnt step up and be a man, so guess what dude..That makes you less of a man..

Next time brag about saving kids in a fire, you'll get the response you were hoping for..


Well-Known Member
You are a douchebag

CONGRATULATIONS You have now been officially ripped a new asshole by everyone on RIU :hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump:


Well-Known Member
1 of 2 things are going to happen to you.

1. You grow the fuck up and realize what a immature shit you were when you were a kid and thank God everyday you grew out of it.

2. You go to prison. Get out on probation, fuck up again, go do 30 years.
I think he should go for #2! A good ass pounding now and then by the boys in general population would do wonders for him!

Freedom Fighter

Well-Known Member
hipies and karma fearing smokers huh?...

good for fucking you man!! fuck that bitch coming out the car bitching. Accidents happen. I would have done the same fucking thing..especially knowing i had temp plates. I would have grabbed my cock and spit on that bitches smashed up lemon tooo!.

had it been a dude coming out the car at me yelling like that i would have to post up..with the BAT!..and cause even more trouble than if i just had left....the BOONDOCKS have termed this as a "nigga moment"...

scott bullshit..and that bitch learned a valuable lesson.