My first Hit and run!


Well-Known Member
I think he may have tried to say that someone hit HIM but managed to do so in a way that seems very....hmm, what's the word I'm looking for? Anyway, either way, YHBT:

YouTube - YHBT

I Rear-ended a guy like that in a little red honda prelude. His hitch punched a hole in my front bumper. I think he got a little paint on his hitch. He didn't give a fuck...and neither did I...I didn't have insurance.

These days....I don't have a license or a vehicle. I ride a bike or a bus everywhere I need to go. I'll get my lisence back, but I also like not having to pay for gas....and staying in shape. Winter was difficult, but with good treads you can do aight. It's true what comes around goes around, but that's not Kharma, that's Newton's second law by my reckoning. Kharma is a lesson plan. Sometimes newton's law is the means of kharma, but it is only a small part of what real Kharma is. It's that new age hippie witch bullshit I swear. Each and every action has an equal and opposite reaction. That's just the way shit works. Sometimes cultures exaggerate, (10x biblical, 3x new-age-hippie-witches) and have a little fantasy world built up to tells stories that convey their wisdom. Culturally mnemonic metaphors to pas to translate the mys wisdom down to the children. Such thing persisted for the meaning to be preserved since written accuracy wiped the heart that went with the practice. I digresss...


Well-Known Member
LOL..Alright..I hope it kicks it good..and trust me I know this aint the worst thing..!! U guys probably do worser
i do 'worser' shit all the time..

just this past wednesday infact... i was bangin this dudes woman... i just got done jizzing on her face when the phone rang... she got off the phone and said:

"you have to go now, some crazy lady just rear ended my mans truck... he left the scene and he is headed home.... call me tomorrow after he leaves for work"


Well-Known Member
i do 'worser' shit all the time..

just this past wednesday infact... i was bangin this dudes woman... i just got done jizzing on her face when the phone rang... she got off the phone and said:

"you have to go now, some crazy lady just rear ended my mans truck... he left the scene and he is headed home.... call me tomorrow after he leaves for work"


You ARE worser!



New Member
i do 'worser' shit all the time..

just this past wednesday infact... i was bangin this dudes woman... i just got done jizzing on her face when the phone rang... she got off the phone and said:

"you have to go now, some crazy lady just rear ended my mans truck... he left the scene and he is headed home.... call me tomorrow after he leaves for work"
She probably could have answered the phone faster if you hadnt been kissing her at the time.


New Member
I'm sorry. One of my buddies got head from this chick the other night. The chick stayed around, and one of our other buddies ended up screwin her. he then bragged about it and said she was a good kisser. :spew:

Yes, he wa told that night what he had done. many times. :twisted:


Well-Known Member
If the people who think Papaya's actions were ok truly understand the difference between a victimless "crime" (such as prostitution or drug use) and a crime with a very real victim (such as the person left holding the bag after a hit and run), then it is clear they are worse than amoral, they are immoral.

Wikid, you get the prize -- BEST RANT EVAH! And from such a young one, too, oye chica, estoy orgullosa para ti, y para sus palabras de sabiduri'a. :)

Kick ass, chica, kick ass!
*accepts her trophy with tears in her eyes* I'd just like to thank, all the people I had to rip a new asshole to get here....

lol, thank you very much Seamaiden, seriously, that was one of the coolest prizes I've won in a while...But I need a translation for that last part! You're something for me, and for my words....what?

Fill me in here!

i do 'worser' shit all the time..

just this past wednesday infact... i was bangin this dudes woman... i just got done jizzing on her face when the phone rang... she got off the phone and said:

"you have to go now, some crazy lady just rear ended my mans truck... he left the scene and he is headed home.... call me tomorrow after he leaves for work"
REP for you, that shit was funny


Well-Known Member
LOL..Say all u want..but one I was High. Two her dumbass couldnt brake on time...and she hit me..but I have a truck so my bumper took care of that.Basically her car got fucked up not mine. And trust me ive been on the wrong side of hit and runs 5 times.!
This is what happens with every post like this ... the poster gets ridiculed because he is a complete moronic asshole then he tries to make himself sound better. Too late dude, you already screwed yourself. Idiot.


Well-Known Member
*accepts her trophy with tears in her eyes* I'd just like to thank, all the people I had to rip a new asshole to get here....
LMAO! :lol: That just got me verklempt. 8)
lol, thank you very much Seamaiden, seriously, that was one of the coolest prizes I've won in a while...But I need a translation for that last part! You're something for me, and for my words....what?

Fill me in here!
Orgullosa = proud. Sabiduria (I tried to put in an accent) = wisdom
You got the rest.


Active Member
Dam Im famous now..LOL The eternal Papaya..Well bite me people..U guys take shit too serious. I guess..maybe I am in-responsible or someone dat felt like they didnt want to deal with cops and crap. So yeah stay off my case and I get a trophie..?


Well-Known Member
No fool, the trophy was for me, for ripping someone a new asshole for daring to defend your bitch move.

lol, and famous isn't the right word. It's more like infamous...even that doesn't really apply to you, because you're not that big of a deal. You're kinda just entertainment. Dance monkey, dance!

And thank you for continuing to post here, attempting to defend yourself, it gives us fresh material. lol, pretty much every time you post something stupid (and just to clarify, anything you have to say in reference to your hit and run tends to be stupid) you give us a new oportunity to come together and bond over our shared dislike for you and scumbags like you.

Seriously, do you think you're going to win this argument? You can't really, because I know YOU know you're wrong, that what you did was wrong. I don't understand why you keep trying to act like it wasn't, THAT'S the worst part about what you're doing here in this thread.

Anyone can fuck up. I've known people who did hit and runs, not because it was calculated, but becaues they were so scared and freaked out they just RAN. They weren't proud of their actions, they sure as fuck didn't go around trying to brag about it.

No one's perfect, everyone fucks up, that's nothing special. What matters, what proves what kinda person you are, is your actions after you've made that mistake. A good person (I won't say a MAN, because women own up to their actions too) will try to rectify the wrong they've done. And if that can't be done, they are at least sorry for their actions and learn from their mistakes.

Every time you come here and get defensive, you're just denying that what you did was wrong, and YOU'RE wrong. I know you know this, so why don't you just grow up?

To keep arguing a point when you're obviously in the wrong is something only children and idiots do.


Well-Known Member
what a fucking dick. i hope they find you
I hope they find you too, good excuse by the way saying you were high, your a disgrace. and if it wasn't your fault why would you run? I would have claimed whiplash and all that, how come your so cool and smart? if you know that your that retarded on dope why would you drive in the first place? oh ya I forgot it was cool to steal someones plates and drive around high as fuk. your fuckin ghetto buddy


Well-Known Member
Dam Im famous now..LOL The eternal Papaya..Well bite me people..U guys take shit too serious. I guess..maybe I am in-responsible or someone dat felt like they didnt want to deal with cops and crap. So yeah stay off my case and I get a trophie..?
ya a foot up the ass


Well-Known Member
you get the "woodie" we all get to come to your house, and after you blow it we are gonna shove it up your ass and smoke your shitty bud that we confiscate..

have a nice day..


Well-Known Member
This guy thinks he's cool? Dude, I'd fuck your shit up if you did that to me. I would have chased you down and beat your face bloody

Then you'd look real cool

It's sad that this kind of trash made it to RIU