My First Legal Medical Grow

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Well-Known Member
Well my fiance and I have been wanting to, just always one thing or another comes up involving cash, if anything possible once we get past Christmas and such. But it's definitely on the to do list. You'll be the first to know buddy!


Well-Known Member
are all these the same from same batch of seeds??
grown in same enviornment ??
looks like front coco rear soil -maybe thats it

yo question of whats going on do you see a prob wit them
if so i cant see it-back just looks lighter in color- i like color of ones in front better


Well-Known Member
Weird.. yeah it looks like soilless in the front soil in the rear? Are you giving them the same nutrients and PH or are you leaning both on the acidic side? Looks like N deficiency to me but if you're feeding them or if you know there is plenty of food in the soil then I would guess its the start of the PH issue. Did you by chance meter the PH of your runoff? If you get it quickly no harm done, good luck BC.


Well-Known Member
What is their diet right now? What are they in? pH sounds pretty reasonable. Possibly lock out, how often do they get plain water?


Well-Known Member
They are all in coco or coco/perlite/ mix. All recieveing the same feed, looks like N def to me as they are very light green and looking nothing like the front four.
Diet consists of micro 15 ml/gal and grow 20 ml/gal with a foliar spray.


Well-Known Member
Check pH run off, and try giving a flush anyways. Coco holds salt real well and can get lock out from out of nowhere. Definitely does not look like it is brought by s, ca, mg, or fe. I also assume it is lock out because the ones up front look like they are borderline over feed with N, while the ones in back look borderline underfeed.

Are these growing outside, or were the brought outside just for the picture? It could be light. If they are shaded most of the day, it could be because the ones in back aren't getting enough light, all shade may look the same, but the closer you get to the unshaded part the more lux you could pick up with a light meter, even if there is no notable difference with the naked eye.

I notice that the ones in back are all in smart pots, the ones up front are mainly in hard cases, not only that, but the ones in back are taller and bushier, or at least looks like it. So what kind of def could cause node spacing to stretch?


Well-Known Member
Ones in the front are under 6500k cfl's vegging, while the larger four are under a 600W HPS, but up until 3 days ago they were all under the same 600W hps. They all recieve the same nutes, and i will double check my run off but my ph is usually roughly 6.0. I almost wonder if it is pheno as the norther skunk had extremely dark green leaves regardless. I flushed them today, and gave them a clean feeding so i will see how they reacted in the AM. Balls and hairs are starting to form and ill have sexes in a few days most likely. Even on the ones in veg, which are all reaching maturity.


Well-Known Member
Ones in the front are under 6500k cfl's vegging, while the larger four are under a 600W HPS, but up until 3 days ago they were all under the same 600W hps. They all recieve the same nutes, and i will double check my run off but my ph is usually roughly 6.0. I almost wonder if it is pheno as the norther skunk had extremely dark green leaves regardless. I flushed them today, and gave them a clean feeding so i will see how they reacted in the AM. Balls and hairs are starting to form and ill have sexes in a few days most likely. Even on the ones in veg, which are all reaching maturity.
Shoot, my guesses are still the same unless the ones in the 600w room are just exhausting their carbs faster than they can be replaced, but I doubt it. Maybe it is because they are growing faster that they need a bump in the PPM more often than the little ones do that are not growing as fast. That actually does make sense if they are exhausting carbs in that case.


Well-Known Member
That's the tough thing about coco when still learning it, most likely going to encounter some problems. What did you decide to do for treatment? You said coco/perlite mix? The back ones look like enriched coco perhaps? The medium looks completely different, either watered more liberally or very different coco. Whenever I see a problem the first thing I do is check PH of the medium. I hope you're getting if figured out BC.

Sulphur & Iron are unlikely to be short considering your feeding schedule and such low requirements. If they were locked out the lack would most likely come from PH fluctuation like Illumination said. Both of these elements would effect the youngest growth first and would lack consistency effecting the entire plant so uniformly. I would say you're warm with N given that the entire plant is effected. Even then, its strange that all plants are being fed the same and these plants are deficient. This again makes me wonder if there is a difference in PH requirements for the substrates.
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