My First Legal Medical Grow

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With the fat indica leaves>

The other one the Satty pheno looks a lot like the Magic Monkey

BTw, hopefullly i dont get banned, lol.
I had a very sativa Gorilla Grape with thin leaves and an up high, my MM's were more indica.

and if you get banned i swear to fuck ill throw a revolt up in this bitch !
Time to make some beans :)


I cut off the top part of the male that grew above the light. It dried for a gay, and i ran it through the pollen sifter, just to see how much i could get

cool as hell man, i just plugged in my breeding box earlier. right now i got some Lush f4's planned and some calibands. the f3 generation of lush's is way more funkier than the light lemon smell of the first two generations, now i just need a dank ass male and i'm good. i am going to pollinate a branch of each pheno to keep some variation in the f4's. this is where the genetics start to really stabilize, i want to try a couple different moms.
yep yep time to make da dough nuts bruh

you doin hs work foshure just spred dat luv nutin but goud will come to you

wil be a few creeps along da wy but nutin big enough to stop ya

you a runnin back an creeps are defensive tryin to stop you
its day job just spred

one creep keep spreadin 2 creeps keep spreadin feel me

power to da spreaders downfall to da horders an da ones dat holdin mary hostage for ransum

spread bruda spread


Looks like using the 2x4 on the roof of the GH is working perfectly in keeping the water from pooling up :)

Dry as bone inside and no leaks, Gotta love it :)
intersting BC99. doing some lines and making beans.. hahah. nice. thats mighty nice of you to babysit BKBs girls for him. You have an exellent reputation as well. ive heard nothing but fantastic things about your gardening skills.
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