My First Legal Medical Grow

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were u serious about posting that 600 in the shed with the 1000? cuz i was looking and figured out the perfect config for em. lol.
the red had to go out of the box for the night. :( she got bugs bad. watered her with go nats and stuff. gonna take all the other stuff and put it in the tent in the room in the morning then i was thinking about trying a cfl flower with a bunch of those 48 watt 27k cfls. any thoughts? cuz i really wanted to try it. lol.
My thoughts are stop wasting your time trying out different shit, lol.

Justfveg and flower with what you got, switching to cfls is back tracking and regressing...

You could have fixed the gnat issue with the neem you got and not spent any money... Why waste money if you dont have to?
i tried the neem. sprayed and misted the top of the soil heavily. and mixed up the stuff and sprayed the foliage. but the neem didnt work fast enough. came out this morning and the bugs had multiplied and were landing on the leaves i had sprayed the shit out of as if nothing was wrong. i gotta get rid of them so i can bring them into the house and the go nats is stuff that is supposed to kill it fast as fuck. was thinking about getting the pourus earth stuff just to line the soil tops as preventative so i wont ever have to worry about bugs in the plants.

u should roll by tomorrow to see the results and to hang the wall mounted fans if u got time. i know the baby is there. :) im stoked. lol.

oh and i know it would be going backwards but ive always wanted to try a cfl flower. lol. i want to see how it does with something if im rockin like 300 watts of 27k bulbs in such a confined space on 12/12 timers.

like these but i would get them cheaper elsewhere.
The gnats themselves dont do shit to the plants, its the larvae in the medium, the neem kills the larvae on contact if you do a soil drench, same with the SM-90.

The Larvae dont live at the top of the soil, so lightly misting the top of the soil isnt going to do anything...
i know they dont live on top. but i drenched the top with half a spray bottle of neem for each plant. as much as i could without actually having to water them and opened the box and got blasted in the face this morning. they hatch so fast and lay eggs so early in life i need something that will kill them on contact so i can get ahead of them. plus i got the go nats to use as a wipe down spray and to spray the walls and floors and stuff in the flower box when i clean it and take everything out of it.

plus the neem hasnt exactly done very awesome with my pests in the past. lol. they just laugh at me.
already did it with a really diluted 5 gallons of go nats. it says 1tbs-1.5tbs per ten gallons. i put less then half of one in and mixed it up with nutes. fed the crap out of them. we shall see.
it said 1-1.5 per ten gallons. i put less than .5tbs in for the 5 gallons. roughly 5ml. instead of the 7-10.5 ml that it told me to put in for the 5 gallons.
Oy vey.

1 Tbsp/10 gals = .5 Tbsp/5 gals. Its the same amount. In order to dilute it, you should have gone less than .5 Tbsp/5 gals. More like 1 Tsp/5 gallons.

Only reason I am being so concerned is I saw what the shit did to the Sour OG's before I got them, it really fucked them up.
We dunked Sashas whole root mass in Neem and it didnt do shit to her and killed away lots of Fungus Gnats. They died off very fast and I still used the SM90 in her res till recent. Shit smell like I want to drink it! Sweet Lemony Fresh!!!! We used the Neem we got from the Grow Expo. I will give BC the SM90 when I get a chance to go over there.


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