My First Legal Medical Grow

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Well-Known Member
Glad to learn that. :-)

I did a little research and may pick it up from some stores near me. After all, I don't have a silver necklace and my fiance wouldn't take to kindly to me using one of hers. Would it ruin it in any way?


Well-Known Member
From what i can see there is no damage to the necklace, i mean, the particles are on a microscopic level, so i don't think you could do too much damage. A Silver coin would work just as well.


Well-Known Member
Those nuts are noticeable, lol

Hopefully mine will show sex soon too so I can figure out what to do with them


Well-Known Member
Definitely, I wish I knew what they were, for breeding purposes. I am assuming they are some sort of kush, but which kind, I have no idea.


Well-Known Member
The pollen is high grade, I have no doubt about that :D

Mine have only been in 12/12 for a few days, I wonder how long it'll take for BMA and BMB to show their privates


Well-Known Member
Bill, if any of my bm's are female, are you going to want any clones? I was just going to let them flower...

Silent Running

Active Member
Yup. I have a friend that collects males from others and his own. Well...full might be pushing it. 3/4ths full on two and little over half on the last..because I used some of it (white widow) for my girl.


Active Member
Very nice! I'm using little containers that used to have colored sugar for cakes in them. I only have one right now, and it only has about 1/4 inch in it, but hey, gotta start somewhere!
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