Well-Known Member
Okay so tonight was nice. The girls look even better and i got a moisture/ph meter. All the Phs were a little below 7 or alittle above 7 . thats good right? Not digital so cant get an exact reading. After feeding with tiger bloom and big bloom the ph went down to alittle above 6. How can i fix the ph of the water/nutes to make it a little higher? I dont have a wate rph tester but ill get one tomorrow. If these nutes work like the grow big did then i expect to see some serious bud growth in the next few days. Also got the pest strip in ther only putting one for now. See how that works first. And gotta get my exhaust fan but was stuck between a 4 inch 185 cfm and a 6 inch 460 cfm. do i really need that much? But is 185 sufficient enough? My temps are like 95 lights on door closed. I usuallly leave the door open during lights on but when i get my exhaust i dont want to have to do that. Any help gets plus rep. Thanks