My first "official" grow thread with pics, and questions (comments are appreciated)


Well-Known Member
You could get your light to about 18in from the tops and be fine, try to have a fan blowing between the light and the canopy. Just make sure the footprint of the light is on all of the plants.

Maybe start at half that for a few days and move it down.


Well-Known Member
@snow hmmm..probably about the same relative to yours being so much more wattage..I could move mine a hair down however if I do that the metal stakes would hit the light and I wouldn't be able to water/feed and let it drain into each plants own 5 gallon bucket.

@torn..I'll def have to move it down a bit then tonight...I think I"m over 18 inches..and it's been like that for a few days now.


Well-Known Member
OK update..the first set of pics should(if it uploads in the right order) last week after I took the clones and before the HPS was lowered..the second pic is far no hairs (then again no pollen sacs either) Getting a bit antsy but that could be b.c I"m out of meds....can't wait till that's a thing of the past.



Well-Known Member
Looking really good man!! Looks like you're getting about an inch a day in new growth, that light should be in a good spot for about a week.


Well-Known Member
420 -your grow looks great - but your clones look like ass my friend..(you know kiki don't lie or bullshit) ... why are they so tall, with all the lower leaves cut off?? Your plants that are flowering look stellar... but we gotta work on your cloning..... i'm gonna send you a link that I think will help you a lot - (it helped me huge) .... are any of those clones rooted yet?


Well-Known Member
thanks for the bump hazaroazo...

So a word update is in order..

The clones are not doing well at of tonight I counted only 3 with any root growth...1 had over 10 roots though on one side...I'm going to let them go at least until sat that will be 2 weeks. Today was day 10 so I guess as they say it is possible to get roots in that long but no way I wanted to transplant that little sucker not yet. Also thinking of getting some sort of rooting liquid and making a mix of some sort with some water maybe a 2:1 ration water to liquid..hopefully excelatre root growth in the exsisting ones. Thoughts??


Well-Known Member
thanks man..not exactly sure how or why but I'll take it LOL...even if I only get 4 I"ll be a happy camper.


Well-Known Member today is officially 14 days of 12/12 still no buds...and yesterday I found this 001A.jpg notice between the nodes...there's a huge..well bump possibly a pollen sac...all this hard work and I think I've got's what the tops on all of the gilrs look like008A.jpg

Any I just paranoid..quite a few of you are past 14 days and I know to a degree buds are strain dependent. I know this plant should be done at 56 days.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Sorry dude, your pictures are entirely too blurry to make out anything. Being that you took the time to draw the circle around the blur I'm perplexed as to how you thought it would show us anything.

If your camera has a Macro setting you should use that. Otherwise just take it from further away. I know that you are "zoomed" because you want to make the thing you're trying to show larger and, thus, easier to see. This isn't working though as it is definitely not easier to see.

I'll take a clear picture that I can expand in my web browser with ctrl+ over a blurry mess of stems and leaf.

At 14 days into 12/12 you definitely have an issue. You should be seeing white hairs all over the top of the plant. If these are not present then you probably have a light leak which is preventing flowering, and probably stressing the plants to hermaphrodite on you.

Dark period interruptions and heat are going to be the primary culprits here and I think you have yourself a problem if they are not obviously female by now.


Well-Known Member
420 - did you move in the last 14 days..... I can't remember - and I'm just wondering if you shocked them with the cold and the move after you flipped to 12/12.
They won't show shock immediately - it will take a week or so to catch up with you - but light leak like snow crash said can cause them to hermi on you - - or the move could have stressed them to... how are your clones doing?


Well-Known Member
OK first of all crash I am sorry for the lousy shots...I took some more 038.jpg that thing in the middle (the pod like item) of the plant with what looks like hairs as well. This shot is what I think will be bud sites but not sure 043.jpg Hopefully these shots are OK..again my apolgoies on those.

Kiki...the clones are just OK at best...def two have roots I'm going to wait for a while though before I rule out anymore for is I have One defanite no go. I did move them but it was probably 18 days before...

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
MUCH better work there with the camera 420Marine. I had an idea what you were talking about with those little nodules but wanted to make sure we weren't looking at boy parts.

Think of those like a healed bone. When you break a bone it heals stronger than it was before. Same idea. These nodes were bent or manipulated some way that damaged the cell tissue. The remaining cells responded by bulking up the area to prevent any further movement. Totally normal and actually desirable as the improved structure will be better at transporting energy and nutrition.

Looking good homie.


Well-Known Member
Those bulbous things at the nodes I've noticed differ from strain to strain. I'll try to get some pictures up of it and post them here for ya, sucks I don't have my own camera. Those things aren't a sign of a male at all. I like the way Snow put it as to what they are but I don't believe it to be stress related, rather genetics as some of my strains have it and some don't.

I'm not seeing any signs of males in those pictures man and it's odd that they aren't showing sex yet. I'm leaning towards a light leak being the reason they aren't flowering. Cool thing is males show signs of sex faster than females so the fact you can't tell yet might just be a good thing.


Edit: Looks like hairs in the second shot, clear indication of a female. The whisker in the first shot is synonymous with males and females. Nestled between that and the node is where the plant will show it's sex and have either a calyx or male pod.

lvl i k e y

Active Member
Is the light leak really what causes them not to flower? what about outdoor plants? when a plant is outdoors the night time is never pitch black. when is the last time you walked outside at night and couldnt see your hand in front of your face? never. Hell you can read a book by moonlight some lights. not including street lights. lights coming from houses. Hows come these plants arent all hermi and not budding?

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
420, go into your grow area, shut it up, turn off the lights and sit there for 10 minutes. Then poke yourself in the eye. If you see it coming, you have a light leak. :)
Just because it looks dark when the lights first go out, does not mean there is not a light leak. You eyes are not used to the lights being out yet. Give yourself a while to get used to the dark.

And do not poke yourself in the eye. It was a joke.



Well-Known Member
Is the light leak really what causes them not to flower? what about outdoor plants? when a plant is outdoors the night time is never pitch black. when is the last time you walked outside at night and couldnt see your hand in front of your face? never. Hell you can read a book by moonlight some lights. not including street lights. lights coming from houses. Hows come these plants arent all hermi and not budding?
Although they say (Jorge Cervantes) that light during the dark period shouldn't be stronger than the full moon, weed outside does take a longer time to flower than weed inside. It takes a lot of light stress to hermi a plant and I believe it's more easily done to a plant that is more genetically driven to hermi than anything else.


Well-Known Member
OK...well I"m glad my pics were up too were definitely looking at females then right everyone...As far as the light leak..gonna work on that when I get back to the grow room tonight..gonna buy some duct tape and really seal her off...although your probably right at the amount of light (moonlight) shouldn't be any...and if it helps them flower faster than I gotta do it. it's a shame you guys can't see how little light leak thier is but a little I guess is too much since your all in conclusion that I"m behind flowering wise as well. Hmm

@kiki...yep same plants
@snow could be stress fractures (another thought I had as well) but was unaware of that much bending must've happened during the move..but like you said they actually look OK if that's what they are.