Yours are looking good. They are starting to fill in. Still would think though you should have had more growth. Aren't they like two months old or so ? The smaller plants went outside as 6-10" clones July fourth the other 2 smaller ones are revegg plants that just took off about the same time. About a month of growth to reach 2.5-3 feet. The one plant in the center
Has been in the dirt for ........ get this for 4 months> it stayed 4" tall for three months untill it finally revegged and took off. April was to early for it to be outside and froze once too. I like the smaller plants. They seem real vigrant,strong, and looks like they can really produce. Next year we won't plant outside untill june 1st.
Really haven't had to much bug damage. A few catterpillars from this little fucker
( I have seen quite a few of these around lately)
And maybe minute Thrip damage. Took care off those pest with the Spinosad. The glassy winged leaf hoppers are a different story. They seem to be uneffected by the Spinosad even though there is no visible damage they were multiplying fast and suck alot of nutrients out of the plants. I'm not kidding you but, like the article I posted on the glassy wing, they secret or piss out alot of water droplets the size of big tears ( your plant juices) even the small pupa that when dry leaves white spots that can scare the shit out of you. I fixed em though. At least The pupa residents. I sprayed some good ole trusted stuff before flowers are showing.

Has been in the dirt for ........ get this for 4 months> it stayed 4" tall for three months untill it finally revegged and took off. April was to early for it to be outside and froze once too. I like the smaller plants. They seem real vigrant,strong, and looks like they can really produce. Next year we won't plant outside untill june 1st.
Really haven't had to much bug damage. A few catterpillars from this little fucker

( I have seen quite a few of these around lately)
And maybe minute Thrip damage. Took care off those pest with the Spinosad. The glassy winged leaf hoppers are a different story. They seem to be uneffected by the Spinosad even though there is no visible damage they were multiplying fast and suck alot of nutrients out of the plants. I'm not kidding you but, like the article I posted on the glassy wing, they secret or piss out alot of water droplets the size of big tears ( your plant juices) even the small pupa that when dry leaves white spots that can scare the shit out of you. I fixed em though. At least The pupa residents. I sprayed some good ole trusted stuff before flowers are showing.