You mighta not been thinking 99 cent store but I kinda was.I didnt mean a 99 cent store timer.... thermostat Idea is good.. Im not sure about CO2 intake during dark cycle.. I only suggested it to stop the chance of your temps getting out of control during lights on....
If your gonna spend money on a good thermostat/ environmental controller might as well invest in a real CO2 system.. thought the point of a cheap CO2 supplement was to stay cheap lol?
By the way .. A cheap timer ( walmart or homedepot $5-12 bucks) are rated at 15 amps.. a inline fan draws about 1 amp .. maybe 2 if yours is a beast. So at 1/15th of the rated load.. I think a cheap timer will suffice.. just my opinion.

Your right ! It is supposed to be a cheap way and needs to stay cheap.

Ahh I feel good. They are both on the same cicuit.DEFF! Another good thing to do is put your inline fans on the same circuit if possible as your lights.. I keep mine on the same light controller .. that way if the circuit blows.. alteast your light turns off too and you dont fry your girls..

as long as the human doesnt forget to turn the fan back on!
do u know electrical stuff? if so, try having it run on a timer. but also have a thermostat in the circuit so if the timer fails and it gets too hot, it turns on the fan. just as a security measure.
i think if u use the same line input for both the timer and the thermostat, it should be ok. but if u have them on 2 seperate lines, and they both turn on at the same time for whatever reason, there is 2x the voltage going to the fan, and it will fuck shit up
Good Idea .