My first stealth grow! Pineapple Express and White Indica, Help greatly appreciated!

this is my stealth box, its made from two 60 litre plastic tubs, black tape, foil, 4 small cp fans, and a fluro light from my local hydroponics store.
080320131229.jpg080320131231.jpg these are my two seedlings "Pineapple Express" on the left and "White Indica" on the right, both in a seed raising mix, they are 4 days old in these pics, i am running a 18/6 schedule, and the fans go on for 15 minutes 3 times a day.
i use a spray bottle to water them, its been a day since last water.

Any help is much appreciated!
what should my next step be?
hows my lighting?
how often should i water?
when and what nutes should i use?

im gonna go with LST when the time comes, i might trim the top swell, what do you's think?

and most important, HOWS MY SETUP LOOK? :)



Well-Known Member
Your light is too high and not enough for them. You will need to either get a chain to lower the light or find a way to bring the plants to the light, otherwise they will stretch like nobody's business. Other than that your setup looks decent for a first grow. Look into some 13 watt cfls in 6500kelvin rating for "grow" lights and 2700kelvin for "flowering" lights. Get a surge protecter power strip and socket plugs for the cfls.

you can get 4-6 13w cfls and the plugs for around 40 bucks. And that would a lot more better off in the long run than the setup you have right now.

On the the watering question:

here in the next week your girls will be developing a nice root system, to do this they need oxygen and water. Nutrients will come later.

water them when the pot is lite in weight. You will be able to tell.. Also allowing the pot to evaporate moisture, in turn allowing the roots to search for more water, don't overdue it though. Your babies need water just give em the chance to search.
Statistics show that a plants root system is 3x larger than the plant above ground. So give em time and love and in probably about a week or twos time if everything is close to par you will see a major difference.

water the pots till water is coming out of the bottom so than when it drains the water being pulled out by gravity will suck fresh air down to the roots. Aerating the medium.

ADDRESS THE LIGHTING ISSUE THO! And account for any temperature change if you decide to bring the plants to the light. And maybe run your fans all the time. Fresh air never hurt anyone.




Well-Known Member
Water the actual pot tho. Misting won't be enough and can create droplets that will burn holes in the chlorrophyl in the leaves and stress out the plant depending on light intensity.



Well-Known Member
Also what's the npk rating on the soil?

Nutrients should come in around the second week or so depending on how "hot" the soil is.

Start looking into what nutrients are for what. And how the plant up takes them. This is a science. So start a notebook for routines unless you can remember your routine, it will come in handy, and help you store the massive amount of information you are about to learn.
Go big or go home. That's my motto

Also what's the npk rating on the soil?

Nutrients should come in around the second week or so depending on how "hot" the soil is.

Start looking into what nutrients are for what. And how the plant up takes them. This is a science. So start a notebook for routines unless you can remember your routine, it will come in handy, and help you store the massive amount of information you are about to learn.
Go big or go home. That's my motto

wow great info, thanks heaps, i will take all of this into account, id love if you could keep checking in and keeping me in line haha, ive got an alright cash flow so i can change whatever if necessary! recon you could write me a list of everything you think i will need to have a successful grow please? and an estimate price cost? i was hoping to get a response like yours! thankyou so much!