My first time

I live in northern,nevada. my friend gave me these 2 plants. One is like 5" and the other like 3". She called me told me she was leaving to brazil and when I got home there was 2small plants on my porch. Idk what kind they are butjug im,growing them any advice on growing outdoors.


Active Member
Wear the cream and don't shave for two weeks. Just read info about growing in general I personally read/watch most things by Jorge Cervantes or atleast when I started my first crop years ago.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
yes, get some good potting soil, a big enough pot, and transplat them. useing phd water and some superthrive for watering after u transplant.


Well-Known Member
Make sure they are in good soil and big enough pots. Water them every couple of days and let nature do its thing. Pics cud help us out as well.
Ok thanks. Their not in good shape either. They have like white dry spots some leaves are dead. One of the plants the leaves look sad.


King Tut
i'd transplant them into 1 gallon pots with a good soil/perlite/vermiculite mix, spray them with some diluted neem oil and keep them happy in the sun if at all possible.