My friend died from smoking Spice, K2 , Legal whatever the fuck you want to call it.

[TABLE="class: wikitable"]

[TH]Binding affinity for the CB[SUB]1[/SUB] receptor[/TH]
[TH]Binding affinity for the CB[SUB]2[/SUB] receptor[/TH]
[TD]K[SUB]i[/SUB] = 40.7±1.7 nm[SUP][26][/SUP][/TD]
[TD]K[SUB]i[/SUB] = 36.4±10 nm[SUP][26][/SUP][/TD]
[TD]K[SUB]i[/SUB] = unknown. Reported to be 5 times more potent than THC, based on physiological responses in rats[SUP][27][/SUP][/TD]
[TD]K[SUB]i[/SUB] = 234 pM (100–800 times more potent)[SUP][28][/SUP][/TD]
[TD]K[SUB]i[/SUB] = 9.00±5.00 nm[SUP][26][/SUP][/TD]
[TD]K[SUB]i[/SUB] = 2.94±2.65 nm[SUP][26][/SUP][/TD]
[TD]K[SUB]i[/SUB] = 8.90±1.80 nm[SUP][26][/SUP][/TD]
[TD]K[SUB]i[/SUB] = 38.0±24.0 nm[SUP][26][/SUP][/TD]
[TD]K[SUB]i[/SUB] = 1.0 nM[SUP][29][/SUP][/TD]
[TD]K[SUB]i[/SUB] = 2.6 nM[SUP][29][/SUP][/TD]

I found this chart on the 'Pedia. Synthetic cannabinoid-oids found in "spices" fall into two classes: the naphthoylindoles, which are dead easy to prep, and the tetrahydrobiphemyls, of which good ol' THC is the natural archetype. cn

there's a lot of these "AM" verities as well, and knowledge on some of these?
With weed being illegal people are looking for other things to use that aren't illegal (Just way more dangerous)

I took one rip of that spice shit...within 1 minute my body felt tingly...then it started to vibrate...then I couldn't even concentrate...then I stumbled badly into the bathroom and was staring into the toilet until that shit wore off. I immediately threw the rest in the trash.

And apparently head shops are now carrying bath salts with designer names that people are snorting like coke and getting the same type of high. And yes people are dying from heart attacks from that shit because you shouldn't be snorting bath salts in the first place.

Makes no sense...all the dangerous stuff that people have died from (dust off, spray paint, bath salts, spice, alcohol) are all legal

But weed...wait just a minute there sparky.
yea its a backward world, sry to hear about your friend...i tried that stuff once and wasnt a fan at all. imagine the economic boom and safer alternatives to (booz, pills, and k2 balogna) if marijuana were just legalized. If its not legal by the time im 55 Im pulling some suicide islam shit. (probly not but its very frustrating)

the only plus side i see in keeping the bad stuff legal is population control...we dont want to overpopulate planet earth. especially with foolish bathsalt sniffers.
While this is true the reason the bad products exist is A-due to prohibition and its lack of working,and B- as they keep banning any chemicals that arent harmful,so now they all have AM200 analogues on,(tryptamines) and are used in massive doses,there was several synthetic cannabiniods that people werent dying from,but they banned them,and now there is worse chemicals being used,basically while people want to get high RC chemicals are going to be around,and if you want to take them you are playing with a loaded gun,saying that most cocaine or mdma or pills you get now are fake too and will be methadrone/cathinones that have been previously banned,just cut with larocaine novacaine etc,to make you think its the real deal,and all this due to prohibition.
I'm sorry for the loss of your friend... And so young.. I will howl for him.

Many, many threads on the dangers of this (you're right) evil stuff

Marshmallow plant
Opium lettuce
Lion's tailMarijuanilla

Spice needs to be eradicated..
I grabbed a bag of something a few weeks ago, it was the only thing that was close to weed.
The next week I hear about all these people having kidney failures or some shit. I bought it because I didn't want to take a long drive for the real deal. Scary shit.
my brother will smoke that stuff when hes broke and cant afford buds. he talked me into taking a hit, I could barely inhale I felt like I was smoking insense. so nasty. never again. now that I heard this story I am really going to get on my brothers ass about it! so sorry to hear about your friend and thanks for sharing the story.
THC is only a partial agonist, these chemicals are full agonists and as a result can cause seizures and all kinds of other major issues. They are dangerous. Sorry to hear about your friend man.
Sorry,i should of said that they are less dangerous that what they are now using since they banned the jw- compounds,which they only seemed to use liberally,now they literally coat the stuff in yellow crystalline am200 or something,I actually know alot of people that use the stuff as its quite big in the Uk,and the original spice that had jwh-018 on was fairly mild and was very few reports of people having seizures,in all fairness I didnt hear of a single person having one until that was banned and they moved onto the AM compounds,now they seem fairly prevalent.

THC is only a partial agonist, these chemicals are full agonists and as a result can cause seizures and all kinds of other major issues. They are dangerous. Sorry to hear about your friend man.
25 years old found unresponsive on bathroom floor.

Died of cardiac arrest and head trauma.

He was smoking a bowl of spice and went into cardiac arrest fell hit his head and never woke up.....

Tox screen came back negative for all drugs......

He had no history of heart problems and was the most average guy in the world.

R.I.P. Shane

I beg you guys stay away from it.

Smoke herb.

Don't smoke random Chinese chemical mixes. Even if they are sold in a liquor store.
No I mean I have tried jwh-018 and it was like a crap indica,made me sleepy and want to eat,that was all, I wouldnt try any of the new stuff as its a tryptamine,and if you look up amyltryptamine you will see its meant to be smoked,and all the people I know that didnt have convulsions from it said the first few times it was more trippy than any drugs they have done,unless they had taken DMT or salvia before,like seriously trippy,hence why I was saying it was so much stronger

Potency and ease of vaporization are not related. cn
its fucking disgusting

i smoked some once by myself i literally. thought. i was going. to die. worst experience of my life. fuck that shit, seriously its nasty. backyard grass clippings sprayed with unknown chemicals. so lets smoke it.
Sorry to hear that about your friend,its mostly the legal shit thats the worst for ya,and that u hear about someone dying from truely a back asswards state of legality we are in.
i smoked some of the weaker stuff the "k3" stuff gave me extreme chest pain didnt smoke it anymore. gets you extremely high, for like 5 minutes lol. people who die usually smoked a lot, i know these one hit cases are public a lot but most were because you just plain cant smoke more than 2 gs of the crap in one day. i would tell all others to never do it, never doing it again myself. at the time there was low knowledge of it and it was legal so i tried it. big fail