My girl in saskatchewan, canada

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
I think by the time she is actually in flowering, she will only be able to flower for about 3 weeks till first frost, very premature bud. Like stupidly premature. Ill have to get this greenhouse up soon, in about a week its getting a low of 9 at night.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
4.5 weeks till first frost....

You can see a 2x4 in the second picuture, which is part of the greenhouse. Also in the second pic check out the catknip plant that is budding in the bottom right! My cat goes crazy over it, has accidently nibbled on my cannabis plant too, but only a few leaf tips.


mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Can you guys see the problem with the greenhouse? Cucumbers and Tomatoes are on either side of the plant, not sure what im going to do yet, ive cleared out as much as possible so far.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Storm just went threw, decided to put a tarp over her, not sure if that was a good idea. All her highest tops, about 9 of em are bent over really bad. Its still suppose to rain out and its pretty fuckin cold out, will keep the tarp on I suppose, will see how she is in mourning.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Took tarp off this mourning, tops looking pretty bad. Well see how she recovers. My compost tea is ready this mourning, even though she just got fucking soaked lastnight, god this always happens, whenever im ready to water her with compost tea it just rains out.


Active Member
Saskatchewan is getting the arse end of things this summer. I'm in the same boat as you, minus the damaging weather. I've got about 8 plants in the ground and they haven't really even started to flower yet (stretching away with little pistils but that's it), and I'm in Northern Ontario. I've got them in pots, though, and can always bring them in if it frosts, but really, I've been told that if you can keep the dew off them, then you won't have frost damage (dew falls on plants then freezes, thus causing the damage). I'd make a little frame out of 2x2s or light metal tubes (find an old tent maybe?) then tarp the plants to keep the dew off (or hail, or heavy rain) them (and the tarp).

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Thankyou, not looking too good this mourning though after the storm, lots of broken leaves and a couple broken branches.

Another note, suppose to be storming this whole next week, great. Also with a low of 9 next week, getting cold.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Would have finished the greenhouse today if it wasnt for this fuckin rain... besides that I think I can actually see little buds on the plant now, very small, but they are there. Now for the harder part, protecting her from the frost.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Thankyou, 4.2 weeks approx till first frost. Next week a low of 7. Shit son. If this greenhouse works and I get mature bud off this plant, I will be so effing happy.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Pretty cold outside. Slight purple colour appearing on stems. Need to get the greenhouse up soon. Couldnt today though cause it was raining. Hopefully in the next couple of days. I hope she can make it.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
As you can see in the pic, base is now fully built. Was trying to get the top and sides on today, and accidently broke the top. I fixed it today, just waiting for glue to dry. Within the next few days ill hopefully have the full wood frame built around her, then ill have to cover it in poly.

My dad is worried about his tomatoes finishing up this year too, years before this would be picking tomatoes now, but they are still green! Very large though, just hope they finish.

Also have another compost tea brewing up, added a bit less alfalfa, more bat guano. Also when I add molasses to the tea, ill add a bit more than extra.


Well-Known Member
My dad is worried about his tomatoes finishing up this year too, years before this would be picking tomatoes now, but they are still green! Very large though, just hope they finish.
Maybe you should've built the greenhouse a little bigger. :) Got any leftover materials to make them a little fort?

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Haha well there is 2 tomatoe plants that will be in the greenhouse, because they were planted pretty close to the cannabis plant. Im going to built a frame that can go around the tomatoes pretty soon too, so if any frost comes they can get covered up.

Theres also a catknip plant that will be in the geenhouse, im going to leave it in there cause it looks pretty cool, with little buds haha, almost looks good enough to smoke.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Was working on the greenhouse a bit, neighbour seen me and asked what I was building, hes a pretty cool guy, but not sure if hes cool with me having a huge cannabis plant that is very close to his backyard, with a fence you can see threw, and he has very young kids. I was kind of sketching out, but acted cool, said I was building a greenhouse to cover a few tomatoe plants, as they were still very green and we werent sure if they were going to finish or not. He said thats what he thought I was doing, and walked into my yard a bit and took a peek. You can see the tops of the cannabis plant over the tomatoes, and you can see the base of the greenhouse im building around the cannabis plant. All he said was cool, and if I needed any help to just come over and asked, I talked to him for a bit then he was back to work on his house, and I was back to work on my greenhouse. Kind of sketchy.