My grow 2.5, 400 watt hempy scrog, Big Bud x Northern Lights, OG Kush, and Bubba 76

I believe moebious from the world of hempy thread thinks i have a cal mag issue i think he could be quite right... Although i believe my issues on my first grow were cal mag related and i don't see any where near the same symptoms i saw with that...
I was thinking that but basing it on threads I've read through and pics I've seen but I didn't want to say when I didn't know for sure and perhaps lead you down a wrong path.
Well ether way man thanks for your opinion, i appreciate the fact that you didn't want to lead me in the wrong direction and i wouldn't want to do the same to any one Else's grow with out knowing just like you, but so far that's 2 opinions I've got thinking that it could be cal mag and i have been wondering as well, i ordered GH micro for hard water because my tap water is about 250-300 ppm but when i got my water report it said nothing about excess calcium in the water, I've been wondering for a while if it could be the root of all my problems but i wasn't sure, i think I'm gonna get a bottle of regular micro and see what happens with it...
Hey! Found your thread searching for "hempy scrog," haha. Look what happens when you feed your plants! They look better than mine :lol:

Best of luck with your auto plant, the buds look pretty good, even if the leaves don't.

Also yeah, soilless with RO water leads to cal/mag defs.
Thanks for stopping in man, i really hope some cal mag remedy's my issue, and yeah it is pretty amazing how well they grow when they are getting feed lol...
Well i got some cal mag as well as a booster fan ordered so i could see if i could get this critical + problem and veg cab ventilation problem under control, however i got stoned today and decided to put my big girls in there proper place and in my stoned haste i chopped down my critical + because i had no where to put it, so now i wont get to find out if cal mag was the root of my problems until i flower my 2 big girls, thinking back to my first grow though I'm starting to think that i was having similar symptoms just not as severe because i was in soil and i did supplement a bit with horticultural grade Epsom salts. The critical + was probably about 10 days premature her pistils were probably about 30% amber and the trichomes were a mix of clear and cloudy with a few amber, if i had to guess right now i would say i probably got about 10 grams out of her, but that could be a bit of an over estimate because they are still swollen from there water weight, I'm sure i probably lost a decent bit of yield but it had finished its flowering stretch and wouldn't be getting much bigger so i would rather my big girls get the best seats in the house anyways, plus I'm running low on bud and don't mind a good wake and bake high.



burmese kush


critical + automatic


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Nice Bro, you disappear for a while and come back with some nice bushes!!! I never thought of cal/mag as the issue as i've never run into a problem with my tap water, but it could be the culprite to your issues. You asked in WoH if you should top them to get 8 heads on each. You'd have to make that call as topping them will lengthen the time before you can get your next round started (12/12). If you're not worried about adding a lil more time before you flip, I'd say go for it. :) Your ladies are look'n great now. The auto was just wasting space and decided to go off on her own trip. I would have made the same call you did and just chop early and give the more cooperative ladies the room. Peace!!
Yeah they have been growing along pretty good since I've bumped the nutes up to aggressive veg, I've got a ways to go before i will be ready to flower though so i don't mind the week or so recovery time of the topping so I'm probably going to do it, these are not my preferred stock of strains so i don't have a set ready to replace them, I'm working on getting things perpetual but i still don't have my preferred seed stock so its kinda hard to get things going with out those lol, as far as flowering goes I'm going to let the girls really fill out the screen and I'm also waiting on the cal mag. I went back and reviewed all of my pics from my first grow and judging by a lot of the photos it looks like i have nearly the same symptoms, i thought it was mag def back then but I'm thinking it was cal mag because i was using R/O, this time I'm thinking its cal mag because I'm using tap water and GH hard water micro which is lite on calcium because its supposed to be in the tap water, I'm going to wait till i get it to hopefully avoid what ever happened to the Critical + when it started flowering. I am also going to clone these before i go into flowering provided this booster fan helps out enough with my veg cab temps.
Hey psilo, glad to see a nice update again from you mate. You definitely look to have some good growth from the last time we talked! I hate to be that guy but I told you so on the cal/mag;-) back on post #134. The cal/mag definitely helps them utilize the ferts much better. I posted a reply on WoH about your scrog mate. Looks great, that veno is already pretty full. If you are still in veg I would look to pull those branch ends down and let that middle growth shoot up to fill the interior of the screen. If you already flipped, I train for the 1st 2 weeks or so. I like to to let them stretch to about 3 inches above the screen before I leave them alone. If you have any specific questions ask away, I have a few successful scrogs under my belt and would be more than happy to help out. Peace
Hey man thanks for stopping in again, indeed you did suggest the cal mag lol, looks like i should have listened, I've been planning on it but i tend to have a problem with planning to much and acting to little lol, ether way i have it on the way and i hope it gets rid of this pesky problem, also thanks for the scrog advice I'm looking forward to reading it.
After looking at your advice i went down to the hard ware store to get a few things that i needed for training but they are closed today, so i decided i would just super crop the shit out of them for now, i also topped them both and lollipopped them a bit, i was just wondering stoned after you fill out the screen do you continue to hold the tops under the canopy or do you let them grow upwards after you fill up the screen? The main reason i ask is because the lst threads i have read said that the reason for the side branching growing so tall when the main branches are lower than them is because of a growth hormone imbalance in the limbs, but that sounds a bit like nonsense to me i would guess the reason for the better growth would be the great light coverage that the normally shaded side branching receives, so yeah i was just wondering what your thoughts on this were...
Just a warning for anyone using walmart cheapo plastic drip pans or anyone who does not have their power cords suspended, the other day about an hour after i watered my plants i checked on them and what i found was that one of my drip pans had a hole in it and was leaking, my grow room came about a foot away from having some major problems, i've known i should have my power cords suspended for a while but i was being lazy and thought meh nothing is gonna happen but i came very close to something very bad possibly happening, so i hung my power cords from the wall and went and got some rubber made tubs to use as drip pans for my crates and i cut them to fit.
I just figured i would take a few pics since i started training, the cannopy is looking a lot better distributed already after just 2 days of super cropping...



burmese kush



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I've decided that before i get started with my next grow I'm going to do some more remodeling, I'm going to cut the height of the crates down to reduce the veg time and give my self some space to build a bud drying chamber below the crates so that i will be able to take advantage of my flowering rooms ventilation and filtration system and not have to dry the bud in the hot bright flowering room or out in the open in the room that my cab intakes air from... When i built these crates i had planned on using 5 gallon buckets for the hempys, i believe i was allowing for 10 inches between the tops of the buckets and the screen, but i have since decided that these 3 gallon trash cans should be sufficient and now i am left with a big gap between the hempys and the screen, I'm also going to be trying to work out out an adjustable mounting system for my fan that will hopefully be as ingenious and simple as shags, i love it for a tent but I'm not so sure about incorporating it into my grow room...
Man they are looking very nice now psilo. Really starting to bush out and fill that screen. If you want some mobility with your screens you can make a frame out of pvc pipe. Nice and lightweight and you can attach them right to your buckets. About the height, you want to give yourself just enough room to reach under and move branches and thin out after the stretch is done. Shoot for 6-12 inches above the bucket.

Looking like your going to have a nice canopy there. I'll be checking back. Peace.
Thanks for the compliments man, i had thought about building a pvc framed scrog crate system before i started on my wood ones, but i wanted something sturdy and wasn't sure how well those would hold up but now that I'm thinking about it a bit more I'm thinking that they should work out pretty well because 90% of the weight from the system was the wood and soil and with out ether of those i really shouldn't need anything that sturdy really, i guess I'm going to build some of those for next grow to...
Well i got my cal mag and I'm going to start using it today but I'm not quite sure how much to start out with i was thinking about going with 1 tsp per gallon, i also received my booster fan for my veg cab so i've got a 24 hr temp test under way.
Yep give em 5mL per gallon. I usually start at every feeding and back it off to every third, although I have had to use it alot more my current grow.
Well it's been 14 hours since i started my veg cabs 24 hr temp test and unfortunately i did not get good news, with 4 27 actual watt CFL's my max temperature was 97 or 98 degrees Fahrenheit, the good news is that i turned off 2 of the 4 bulbs and the temperature dropped pretty quickly to 85F which should be sufficient to get some clones going but its not exactly great lighting for veg, while this is not great by any means it is considerably better than my previous test with 2 bulbs that got me into the triple digit range. So i guess my choices now are to go with a 4" centrifugal fan, rework my veg cabs ventilation system or attempt to go with lighting that puts out less heat, does anyone know if tube florescent's put out any more or less heat than cfls?
So it was just yesterday that i gave my babys there first dose of calmag with their feeding and they already seem to be looking a lot better to me, what do you guys think does it look like its about time to break out the HPS and put my girls in flowering?



burmese kush



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