My grow starting from Day 11 3/29/2013

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
hey i got a question?, why is it that when i put my plants out in the sun, they start drooping, but when i put them in dark right after wilting they spring right back up? why do they get drooped when i put them outside?,
probs cause of the heat from the sun. take a pic of the droopiness next time

you need to harden them up. slowly but surely


New Member
ya two days ago they were outside for an hour, and then i noticed the drooping brought them in for dark, and sprung right back up. yesterday i gave them 2 hours of sun then noticed drooping and brought them in again, today i did pretty much the same thing they are in dark now

New Age United

Well-Known Member
You gotta make sure they're getting enough light though bro, at least 16 hrs a day, I would try to match your daylight hours, so when you bring them in put them under a cfl if you can.


Well-Known Member
yah if you bring them in you need to have them under proper lights. only 6-8 hours of dark in the closet if your set on putting them in there.


New Member
they definitly been getting there 18 hours of light tho. not all of it has been from the sun, the 2 days after transplanting they were under the cfl for those whole 18 hours


Well-Known Member
I'm rooting for you buddy. If you want them outside put them somewhere that doesn't get direct sunlight until they are strong then plant them.


New Member
thanks guys, i defintiely appreciate all your guys wishful thinking. now i can see more growth each day, its basically a waiting and caring game from now on, im glad i was able to successfully transplant them.


Well-Known Member
Me too. And they are resilient. You can "over care" them though. So you're doing good sitting back and letting her do her thing. Schedule yourself a few times a day to "check on" or "work" with her. This will help reduce the urge to rob her light, probe her, steal her wind/air lol whatever!


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
hey how were your guy's first experience growing marijuana? you guys were experts when you first started???
My first grow experience was cataloged in my signature. Please take a look. You can see what a person who has read extensively first grow can look like. Was it good? No, it was ok. My definition of success on a first grow is ending with a plant to trim and bud that gets you high.

I'm STILL smoking the bud and it's getting better and better and taking on nuances the original didn't have. It's amazing. But you can see all the mistakes I made. It's painful to re-read.

I am now a little over a year in. This year I've learned enough to be dangerous and I'm making all KINDS of new mistakes. You can see that in my second journal if you are interested.

ok man, soory for the poor attitude. i admit i didnt do my research before, which i now regret not doing because i am exposed to you guys who have way more experience and knowledge in the cultivation of these wonderful plants. and i just look like a total idiot, but i must say i appreciate it ALOT that you guys really took the time out of your day to help out a noob. I really do appreciate your advice, and appreciate you guys being able to tolerate with me not knowing even the right questions to ask, and still replying to me and i really do appreciate you guys welcoming in to your community like this.
You are young. You are showing your youth by lashing out when people don't catch you because of your poor decisions. That tells me you have not been long separated from your parents. Growing up is all about learning to take getting sucker punched gracefully and never blaming anyone else even tangentially, ie if they would have answered sooner I wouldn't be in this mess.

The truth is life is tough and about the time you learn humility and grace under fire you die!
LOL life is pain, handling it graciously is an important lesson. Apologizing is tough, now keep working on reading on your grow. There's no shame in losing a plant etc... So if you fail on this get back on the horse, persevere.

Oh and I am NOT insulting you we have all been where you are at. Some of us matured and some of us didn't. Just keep on coming back with the right thing.

New Age United

Well-Known Member
Very well said curious, I don't think he was lashing out quite as harshely as people perceived him to be, some times our own perspectives can play those tricks, making us assume too much about what a person was actually thinking when they said/wrote it, it is especially worse when it's in writing bc half of communication is body language and tone of voice. I've been chatting with him by PM and he's seems like a pretty good guy, just wish he would listen and stop repeating questions so much lmao. BTW topman when I said "yes god damn it" if you could of heard the tone of my thoughts you woulda realized that I wasn't being harsh at all, but seriously pay attention and you'll learn a thing or two from these people.

New Age United

Well-Known Member
lol, it's all good bro, I know it can spin your head when you get a bunch of diff opinions and I know you just want to be sure of which way to go, some times you just have to trust your intuition, if you plan on growing outdoor this year then go by your daylight schedule, turn your cfl's on when the sun comes up, turn them off when the sun goes down, when you grow indoors and I'm sure you will one day, then go with at least 18/6, that gives the plant more energy right, some do 24. That's just my opinion, you gotta make up your own mind.


New Member
Eldest day 21.jpgEldest day21.jpgMiddle day 21.jpgmiddle day21.jpgyoungest day 21.jpgyoungestday21.jpgwell this is what they are looking like as of today which is day 21 for them, only been 3 weeks, well about 2 weeks above soil so ya, what do you think they look ok?

New Age United

Well-Known Member
Ya they look strong man, new growth is a real good sign, they def are behind schedule but they were just stunted for a bit that's all, they should keep growing, what is your watering schedule?