My Growing


Well-Known Member

found problem for plant need to transplant it but no room unless i get rid of big plant

Root stunting is characteristic of calcium deficiency, acidity, aluminum toxicity, and copper toxicity. Some species may also show it when boron deficient. The shortened roots become thickened, the laterals become stubby, peg-like, and the whole system often discolours, brown or grey.

New shoots unopened; young leaves distorted; dead leaf tips; pale green plant copper deficiency
New shoots withered or dead; petiole or stem collapse; shoots stunted; green plant calcium deficiency​
Young leaves pale green or yellow; rosetting or dead tip; dieback; dark green plant boron deficiency​


Well-Known Member
ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6240572 said:
here it is
Why would you like that Foolet :D :D

That sucks man :( .. Has the plant perked up at any point? Looks like N deficiency mixed with over watering. Hope it pulls through. :D Do you have other plants going?


Well-Known Member
Toppings amazing huge new growth in my healthy plants one is even growing a new leaf out the top of the cotyledons thats new:hug::joint::joint: post pics when i get new batterys for my camera


Active Member
There is always a chance the plant will dispose of the old (bad leaves) and make nice fresh new leaves. I'd recommend not counting on it living but give it a chance.


Well-Known Member
alright i still have it up and will keep it up untill it shows signs its completely stop growing.

big plantphoto 1.jpgphoto 3.jpgphoto 2.jpgphoto 4.jpg
smaller plant in big potphoto 1.jpgphoto 2.jpgphoto 3.jpgphoto 4.jpgsmallestphoto 1.jpgphoto 2.jpgphoto 3.jpgsorry bout the sideways shots


Well-Known Member
hahah yup so i just put the one in the coke a cola bottle into its pot and i am probably plant the seeds in my backyard this spring because i have a huge field back there prb keep like 3 or the winter but i also found some very tiny bugs running around in my soil, is this a problem?