My Growing


Active Member
Is that the one that we thought was going to die?? If so it definitely seems like it is going to pull through.


Well-Known Member
alright well i caught one of the little things and im not sure what it is. its very small and white 6 legs mostly crawls through the dirt ive seen one on a leaf but that was it they mostly only come out of the ground when i water, i tryed doing a light spray with dish soapy water and i still see them. what do any of you think? and they dont fly


Active Member
ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6286979 said:
alright well i caught one of the little things and im not sure what it is. its very small and white 6 legs mostly crawls through the dirt ive seen one on a leaf but that was it they mostly only come out of the ground when i water, i tryed doing a light spray with dish soapy water and i still see them. what do any of you think? and they dont fly
Capture one and take pictures of it, I think I know what you are talking about though. If we are talking about the same thing I have 1 of them in my soil, I let it be.


Active Member
ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6288629 said:
has any one ever heard of leaves haveing a even number of leaflets? like instead of the normal 5 7 or 9 i have some with 6 leaflets its wierd
Yurp, just noticed I had some of those too!


Active Member
You never cut a break do you?? I'm not sure what deficiency that is but I'd use that plant_abuse thing you showed me.


Well-Known Member
Looks like phosphorus deficiency :(. that sucks. I'd say for future plants try a new soil mixture. Hope they bounce back nice :)


Could be Phosphorus deficiency i'm not sure but as far i know Phosphorus deficiency in Vegetative Stage starts looking for the damage to occur near to the end of the leaves, and leaves with dull Color greyish with a very brittle texture, now, when Flowering this symptoms is different... leaves are dark green or red/purple, and may turn yellow. Leaves may curl under, go brown and die... Note that some deficiency during flowering is normal, but too much shouldn't be tolerated...
I hope this help my friend.

Phosphorus Deficiency during Vegetative Stage

Phosphorus Deficiency during Flowering Stage


Well-Known Member
eww doodoo. :lol: They should't need any nutes for the first 30 days. Just have to be real careful with the watering. What kind of fertilizer are you using? Is it granular? (soil mix) Or is it the kind you can mix with water?