My House Got Raided Today.

Thats too much man . They took all my guns and said if I gave the guns to them before I was arrested that I would not be charged with having them . But I like your idea . First I would sandbag my house and get a browning M-2 then just wait . Seriously though the charges arent that much .
So they made you surrender your guns before the arrest & you weren't charged for them?
Will you get them back?
Yeah, Ga is the same way. The soon to be ex got a yr probation misdemeanor, and she had a .22 revolver that she lost and will not get back. Even now when shes off that probation.
Pat, first off about your guns. IF they took your guns, they had to file paperwork on them to file them away, in which case if you were not charged for them you CAN infact go to the police station and get them back. If the cops refuse, tell your lawyer, it is injust due to the fact that they took them without providing you with a written receipt of everything taken from your house apon the time of the raid. If they did not provide you with the list when you were released or they need to provide it to your lawyer, if they fail to do so that is a major mess up on there part and your home free.

In my case, they forgot to give me a receipt, as well as I discredited there "snitch" to the point where they had no just case. I didnt even make it to court, the DEA came in took my bud, my gun, didnt even arrest me....It was like I got robbed, but local cops were there also, but it was one massive fuck up. I was laughing the whole time "mostly because i ripped a fat bowl right before they knocked my door down"

Hate to say it, but you can press charges on the kid for theft, thats easy to discredit him, he is living homeless.......Really? Now break down his mental status of why he is pissed at you. Really there case falls apart when the reason they have the evidence falls apart. Your fine if you can accept payback in the form of cutting your step-son off.....
Pat, first off about your guns. IF they took your guns, they had to file paperwork on them to file them away, in which case if you were not charged for them you CAN infact go to the police station and get them back. If the cops refuse, tell your lawyer, it is injust due to the fact that they took them without providing you with a written receipt of everything taken from your house apon the time of the raid. If they did not provide you with the list when you were released or they need to provide it to your lawyer, if they fail to do so that is a major mess up on there part and your home free.

In my case, they forgot to give me a receipt, as well as I discredited there "snitch" to the point where they had no just case. I didnt even make it to court, the DEA came in took my bud, my gun, didnt even arrest me....It was like I got robbed, but local cops were there also, but it was one massive fuck up. I was laughing the whole time "mostly because i ripped a fat bowl right before they knocked my door down"

Hate to say it, but you can press charges on the kid for theft, thats easy to discredit him, he is living homeless.......Really? Now break down his mental status of why he is pissed at you. Really there case falls apart when the reason they have the evidence falls apart. Your fine if you can accept payback in the form of cutting your step-son off.....
I reported the breakin , they even came in and took fingerprints but there were no good prints , just smudges . He definitely robbed me . Possession of guns and marijuana together - the only way I'm getting those guns back is with a not guilty finding . There are 2 charges 1- paraphaneglia(grow lights, any ferts) ,2-possossion of mj . The first charge is tried in a lower court , where I cant get a lawyer-no lawyer I called will rep a case there because the max is $500 fine . Then the second charge will be tried after in a state court . I would love to beat this but you see the first charge , without a lawyer ? They are trying to fuck me thats all .
Pat, they stick u with a bunch of charges because they don't stick, 90% of court cases are plea bargined out.

If u wernt charged for ur guns u got off easy, and can use that to ur advantage. That means the cops TOOK your guns unlawfully. Thus everything after is null and void.

I was a Criminology major for two years, I know the ins and outs lol.
That would be awesome if it goes that way . I've seen the court here and how a few trials went , all I can say is that charged persons werent treated like anything but guilty from the start to finish . The lawyers for defendants were not acting in the best interest of their clients . It made me say to myself why have a trial at all . I have seen other trials elsewhere
Thats when you file for a mistrial, get your bs ass lawyer disbarred, your case will get thrown out. Your fine, my lawyer was excited to take my case because thry took my gun, but charges never came....Good luck man.
I have read this entire thread and i must say there are indeed some people with good advice in here. There are also some assholes who will likely find themselves in the pinch someday and remember back to when they where over here hating. Karma's always watching you. What has happened to Pat is not funny and could happen to any of us. Well atleast us non leagal outlaw growers.

I like others here have had my share of run ins with LEO and it is always best to just shut the fuck up. Hire the best defense you can afford. I for one am totally against the PD as they are on the same team that seeks to incarcerate you. Sometimes even hiring an attoney from a larger city near by will be enough to put all invovled in your hearing out of there comfort zone of dealing with the same faces they see in the community on a daily basis. One case i had i hired a badass Chicago lawyer and the judge about shit himself when i fired my PD and intoduced my new council in court. I think it tipped the ball in my favor considerably. I dont know where im going with this but let them understand you mean business and you are preapred to fight for your freedom.

Best of luck to you Pat and Jack. Ill be subbe'd sending all the good vibes i can out to you both. :peace: 1BMM