My House Got Raided Today.

Pat, My room was a 100% organic grow, and the State is making noise like they are going to ask for a $25K "Toxic Waste Cleanup" from the Marijuana "manufacturing factory"!! (Good luck collecting THAT one!) That is, provided I don't get it thrown out next Monday!!
not being a douchebag but again you had everyone scared for like 10 pages at you magically being busted outta nowhere then turns out occam's razor was correct and youd left details out. sorry that happened though
You can only say no for so long. Then when the day comes, you'll only have on the record denial. Not so pretty to the judge (or jury if you go to trial) Don't deny what's true, be smart and fight what's wrong!

YOU can only say NO until they threaten you, or hurt you or take away your freedom or possessions .. this is a very common way of thinking, so do not be too hard on yourself ..

i like to think differently , why would i want to follow the rest of the sheep ? that only makes things easy and predictable for those that wish to oppress me .. i like to question everything , every notion that exists , it is my right and duty to do so

when you give in and say YES what you are doing is giving the state jurisdiction over you, you are accepting you have been naughty and that you need to be punished .. then you beg for mercy .. like Oliver twist, please sir can i have some moar

i take a different view, i will always say NO, i will not give anyone the jurisdiction over me by consent
jail really isn't that scary, once you get over this, what more can they do to you, ??

you would be very surprised what happens if you do not agree and contract with the state
when you challenge what the state claims is the law, its funny how often that law seems to vanish and you hear no more
just some food for thought

peace :)
YOU can only say NO until they threaten you, or hurt you or take away your freedom or possessions .. this is a very common way of thinking, so do not be too hard on yourself ..

i like to think differently , why would i want to follow the rest of the sheep ? that only makes things easy and predictable for those that wish to oppress me .. i like to question everything , every notion that exists , it is my right and duty to do so

when you give in and say YES what you are doing is giving the state jurisdiction over you, you are accepting you have been naughty and that you need to be punished .. then you beg for mercy .. like Oliver twist, please sir can i have some moar

i take a different view, i will always say NO, i will not give anyone the jurisdiction over me by consent
jail really isn't that scary, once you get over this, what more can they do to you, ??

you would be very surprised what happens if you do not agree and contract with the state
when you challenge what the state claims is the law, its funny how often that law seems to vanish and you hear no more
just some food for thought

peace :)
I am pretty sure this isnt just going to go away . I cant even sleep anymore over this . Been sick to my stomach almost all the time and it looks like the stepson who robbed my home and stole the money is going to walk .
Ummm you have the right to an attorney, if you dont have one, one will be appointed to you. Do you not have rights where you are at?
Don't just take my word for it talk to someone else who had a problem in Tx . My first time here with anything like this . The gov/courts here arent so interested in our rights , yes its pretty bad .
YOU can only say NO until they threaten you, or hurt you or take away your freedom or possessions .. this is a very common way of thinking, so do not be too hard on yourself ..

i like to think differently , why would i want to follow the rest of the sheep ? that only makes things easy and predictable for those that wish to oppress me .. i like to question everything , every notion that exists , it is my right and duty to do so

when you give in and say YES what you are doing is giving the state jurisdiction over you, you are accepting you have been naughty and that you need to be punished .. then you beg for mercy .. like Oliver twist, please sir can i have some moar

i take a different view, i will always say NO, i will not give anyone the jurisdiction over me by consent
jail really isn't that scary, once you get over this, what more can they do to you, ??

you would be very surprised what happens if you do not agree and contract with the state
when you challenge what the state claims is the law, its funny how often that law seems to vanish and you hear no more
just some food for thought

peace :)

Thats all very well and good in theory, but unless you have had the cops swarm you, you really have no way to know HOW you'll react. These guys are masters at intimidation, and I can just about guarantee you that you'd cave. Say what you want, but I have been there and know the stress and trauma of having the cops toss everything you own while you sit by and helplessly watch them trash your house.
And if you really think jail "isnt all that scary", then you've never had the pleasure, or you've never made it past the booking desk. There are some truly stupid mother fuckers in there. And they will fuck with you just to make themselves feel better about them being there. It isn't about how many it will take to whip your ass, it's about how many they're gonna use to whip your ass.
I am not a scary kinda guy, but jail just isn't on my agenda for the decade.

Pat, just hang in there. It looks bleak right now, but it WILL get better. Wait until they give you a lawyer before you start panicking. Find out if he/she is willing to fight the thing, or just negotiate a deal.
sorry to say it Pat,but women as fun as they are,nothing but trouble for a grower.Unless u have the rare woman who loves pot just as much....sigh.Im sorry for your plight,truly hope that things work out for the best.
Thats all very well and good in theory, but unless you have had the cops swarm you, you really have no way to know HOW you'll react. These guys are masters at intimidation, and I can just about guarantee you that you'd cave. Say what you want, but I have been there and know the stress and trauma of having the cops toss everything you own while you sit by and helplessly watch them trash your house.
And if you really think jail "isnt all that scary", then you've never had the pleasure, or you've never made it past the booking desk. There are some truly stupid mother fuckers in there. And they will fuck with you just to make themselves feel better about them being there. It isn't about how many it will take to whip your ass, it's about how many they're gonna use to whip your ass.
I am not a scary kinda guy, but jail just isn't on my agenda for the decade.

Pat, just hang in there. It looks bleak right now, but it WILL get better. Wait until they give you a lawyer before you start panicking. Find out if he/she is willing to fight the thing, or just negotiate a deal.
Watching them trash my home was not very nice , they broke stuff , glass was everywhere when I got back from jail . Makes me wonder what kind of people could do this to a persons home . Dirtbags .Don't feel safe now .
Watching them trash my home was not very nice , they broke stuff , glass was everywhere when I got back from jail . Makes me wonder what kind of people could do this to a persons home . Dirtbags .Don't feel safe now .

American cops are complete cunts. Police are never 'great' anywhere (well, they are in your times of need but not in our line of interest), but just seems Americans have the small-man-on-a-power-trip syndrome down.

I'll never forget being deported from America. The TSA arent cops but same mentality. While I was in an office being interrogated by some idiot I could hear the other drones going through all my stuff and commenting. All I could think of is I wish if this was happening that it was done in England, i've never worried about being mistreated there. Got treated worse than an arab when im a white young male that didnt do anything wrong, can only guess they do that often
could be meter reading, FLIR heat sensor readings, or a few other ways if you don't think anyone ratted you out. Also, if they didn't take the computer, I doubt they found you through the internet.

theyre 'supposed' to have a warrant to even use flir on a residence.
I feel for yah pat hope your lawyer finds a loop hole somwhere, and the dipshit stepson need to be schooled by a luieville slugger
Those are some steep penalties you got there in Texas. I didn't realize I had it so good up here. This is all 1st offense in KY:
Trafficking marijuana under 8 ozs. ; Misdemeanor
Trafficking marijuana over 8 ozs. up to 5 lbs; Class D felony 1-5 years prison
Cultivation marijuana up to 4 plants; Misdemeanor
Cultivating marijuana 5 or more; Class D felony 1-5 years prison
Posession marijuan under 8 ozs; Misdemeanor
Posession marijuana 8 ozs up to 5 lbs; Class D felony 1-5 years prison

Hay kentuckyboy; i lived there most of my life, moved to da islands lastyear bro got Med card now. keep the bluegrass growing.
shame ole gatewood never got elected huh
Home equity?
Did you have a lot of equity in your home? Was it paid off?
One of the things they like to check before they serve a search warrant is home equity. Is there something there for them to seize.
If you have a lot of equity in your home, your a bigger target!
I own my own home, but I regularly refi to keep it mortaged to the hilt. They'll get nothing from me. Any valuable real property you own is up for grabs
Try to keep titles & registrations in other peoples names or they may take them. They may seize your bank account. They will take any cash they find.
If the Feds get on you, they will rape you! And be proud of it!
Good luck bro, you should move

Search warrant was issued the previous day . I had no idea of anything . Yes I will sell all and move when this is over , so I can smoke a joint in peace without being fucked with . no equity in the house yet . Thanks for all your support , too bad there is no underground railroad for smokers .
hot damn, i havnt read the past posts pat.. Quitters never win and winners never quit. That means no retreat. Your a texan and no matter how fucked up are "service men/women" are, you sould be ready to bare nuckle box a bear for your rights.

if you already kno this and thats whats going on than fantastic! Im burning for you right now btw, you might be supprised with the outcome of all this. They want money more than your prison time buddy && to show they reformed you somehow. they work off point systems to get more money from the gov.

All your money+All your time+Breaking your spirit= The courts happiness!
I am not running away from anything or I would have been gone already and set up somewhere else . I should run - isn't that what people do - run from tyrants ? "An unarmed man can only flee from evil and evil is not overcome " My freedom comes from where the gov ? Shit . My rights don't come from them either . They think they own us , like were slaves . There are no lawyers who will represent me the way I would if I were a lawyer . They will only try to convince me that they are going to . What a circus this all is . Yeah thanks for the input . All about the benjamins . Agreed or just greedy
You should sit in a rocking chair with a BFG in one hand and a gigantic spliff in the other and just wait for them to come

Thats too much man . They took all my guns and said if I gave the guns to them before I was arrested that I would not be charged with having them . But I like your idea . First I would sandbag my house and get a browning M-2 then just wait . Seriously though the charges arent that much .