My House Got Raided Today.

If you look at the PM you can see its actually a day old, its from the same time where you told me you hope my legal grow gets busted. Can we just squash this or what?
so if you get caught in texas growing 1-2 plants in some Miricle grow under 5x cfls in a cardboard box.. what are the penalties. <3
It cost me $35K.......... but I got 6 months instead of a very long prison sentence!

Any body operating outside of what the laws are should really think about putting some cash to the side for a legal defense fund , if I had done this it would be a little less stressfull right now for me and it's a great idea . You can always spend the money later if you have it . This is one thing I am learning from this experience . What the lawyer told me this would cost is probably a super deal for a NORML attorney . I'll bet in a lot of places it would be much higher .
You have the freedom not to do illegal stuff (even if you don't agree, it's the law), the freedom to hire a good lawyer and plenty of rights that could work in you favor so you don't "suffer" that much. I can assure you could be waaay more screwed in other countries where "freedom" is a more ambiguous concept.
hell yeah america is a great country i dont care what anyone says. tried being locked up in some third world country i am scared to go out of the country after watching midnight train.
Interesting article, for a state that everybody is saying is harsh this guy seems to have been treated lightly considering the cash and number of plants. Wanna bet there was a high dollar Attorney waiting for him when he got to the county jail?
I wish there was . There could be other charges brought later . I like to think that I am well liked in the community by a few prominent people who may have helped this out , rather than just lucky . First offense and ordinarily a misdemeanor -but the charge is a felony . Who did they think I was going to hurt with weed ? Felony weed possesion of less than 4 oz - are you kidding ?
Well maybe it is light but I sure don't feel that way right now . Thanks for trying to cheer me up bro .
The warrant I saw only listed the things they were looking for with the signature of the judge on it . I didn't even read the whole thing once I saw there was nothing to do but go along I had a big anxiety attack being swarmed by cops and handcuffed by dudes talking about shooting my dogs . I guess theres more to the full warrant than what I saw like how they got the probable cause to issue it , which will name a rat .

that's fucked up.. my mom and dad have 6 dogs too and my dad would FLIP his shit over that. i have similar concerns about my dogs in the event the cops ever raided my house, i have a very protective rottweiler that i KNOW would charge if someone just came running in. sorry you got busted, i don't think you're trolling at all. i'm only on page 12 of the thread (i think) but it does sound like your stepkid snitched on you. when i was 17 state police came to my house with a warrant for specific items. funny thing was, i had a plate on my table with a half oz of weed on it, and when i got out of jdc that weed was still sitting on my table when i got home lol i was like wtf why didn't they take my smoke?
Some people steal to supplement their income and others cause theyre too lazy to work . Now everyone thinks drugs but some people are just theives for other reasons . Sorry to hear that Jack , some of these kids now are worse than ever .

i took that picture =)
I wish there was . There could be other charges brought later . I like to think that I am well liked in the community by a few prominent people who may have helped this out , rather than just lucky . First offense and ordinarily a misdemeanor -but the charge is a felony . Who did they think I was going to hurt with weed ? Felony weed possesion of less than 4 oz - are you kidding ?
Well maybe it is light but I sure don't feel that way right now . Thanks for trying to cheer me up bro .

fight it.. i got one of those in oregon 1/2 #... and it still screws me to this day... fight for "personal consumption" believe me
i got busted here in tx with a quarter pound of weed about 8 years ago..thought i was going to get hanged..when i went to court 4 oz turned into 2 oz and i got 14 days time served..still wondering who got the missing 2 oz....

everybody smokes weed!
The guy I know who was on the jury was pissed because he couldn't give the guy the death penalty , 17 years was the max . He would come and talk about this case almost every day to me and afterward he ranted for months about how they should have the death penalty for all drug charges like he was a crazy man or something

Have you looked in this guy's direction as to a source of the raid?
lol it was his stepson i believe the clprit was found to be a theiving bastard =) the raid was a coverup if im not mistaken =)
Packing up your shit and moving to a MMJ state=$5,000

Setting up another grow show=$6,000

Kicking yourself in the ass in prison, while your wife "waits" for you...PRICELESS.
At the arraignment, the State will present all of the evidence they have against you. Fuck the tip. That's not evidence. If shit head testifies against you, their names are in black and white, so the hit ma...The lawyer can read them.
At the arraignment, the State will present all of the evidence they have against you. Fuck the tip. That's not evidence. If shit head testifies against you, their names are in black and white, so the hit ma...The lawyer can read them.
Wonderful stuff . The courts are saying the only way for me to gain access to that info (where the probable cause for the warrant came from) is to have a lawyer and he has to file a motion for discovery and they will only give it to him , not me even as a pro se litigant . Fucking liars . I now see why the courts are so distressed .
Yo Pat I'm sorry about the mess you are going thru... Even to this day man i never let my Iphone know my current location, never take cell phone pics etc etc and I'm in a legal MMJ state. Shit man I even have to turn down family members that want to come over and visit, " Sorry mom I'm busy tomorrow but maybe later I can stop by your place." lol..