My House Got Raided Today.

I love the internet too . People say punk ass shit that they could never have the balls to say to someones face . OK so now the only place I have come to get away from dickheads has officially been taken from me .
Not really sure. Looks like bloatware. Tor and privoxy are all I ever needed.

That link I gave in post #201 looks like a nice friendly diy tutorial complete with pretty pictures.

yeah i checked tha link after i posted... pretty wierd i read there can be problems with sites coming up in diffrent languages, due to the proxy? being in other countries? whatis YOUR experience with THIS SUBJECT... i thought it might be a little troublesom for a small legal med grow as my own =)

Dam finally finished reading this entire post, crazy long....
Screw it Pat why get upset with posters, who cares.....
Keep your wits and your trusting friends about you, the rest, well not to sure...
Will you ever work it out with the wife, maybe....
Will you ever be able to grow again with her around, never......
Are you willing to give it all up to only be punked again when she lets him back.....
Sorry bro for your dilemma, wish you the best of luck with the court.....
I would be freakin out....
I love the internet too . People say punk ass shit that they could never have the balls to say to someones face . OK so now the only place I have come to get away from dickheads has officially been taken from me .
Bro, let the dickhead go - there's one in every crowd.
There's quite a few people here rooting for you. Myself included.
Dam finally finished reading this entire post, crazy long....
Screw it Pat why get upset with posters, who cares.....
Keep your wits and your trusting friends about you, the rest, well not to sure...
Will you ever work it out with the wife, maybe....
Will you ever be able to grow again with her around, never......
Are you willing to give it all up to only be punked again when she lets him back.....
Sorry bro for your dilemma, wish you the best of luck with the court.....
I would be freakin out....
You got a lot of truth bro but that little mother fucker will never be living with me again . I hate a theif more than just about anything .
It's easy for the mind to get a little crazy after an happened to me MANY years ago (875 plants indoors) and I was looking at 20+ years at one point. You need to call Normal and ask for a couple pot lawyers in your area. Call and make an appointment. Go talk to them, see what they have to say, get their prices for their services and tell them you'll need to think about it. See more than one! Many lawyers today will work with you regarding payments, etc. cause money is tighter right now. If you can't afford it, you'll need a public defender BUT expect to do a lot more jail time using these people. It's a numbers game with them and couldn't care less about you. A good lawyer right now is so important I always tell people who grow the most important thing is to have $$$$$ to pay for a lawyer if trouble arises. Stay calm, squeaky clean, don't talk on the phone, etc. Oh, by the way, I know more than 1 person in jail right now in Texas for pot- it's about the worse place to get busted. Good luck with it all- you'll get past this.
Pat, we're going thru that same thing with my nephew. I caught him stealing silver flatware at my moms house, and evidently, this has been an ongoing thing. I dont' THINK he's addicted to pills, but that would be the only thing that would explain the theft.
Some people steal to supplement their income and others cause theyre too lazy to work . Now everyone thinks drugs but some people are just theives for other reasons . Sorry to hear that Jack , some of these kids now are worse than ever .
I know better than most its people running their mouths that get them busted, 1 friend knew because he is suppose to start growing too and another because he is the one who would be buying it all (he sells 2-3 lbs per week). But yeah it def ended up out of control, I guess ill take it down later on today

I read some of your other posts in this thread. You should definitely consider getting rid of that friend who blurted out that you grow, during a party.

Someone like that very likely lacks character, principles, morals, ethics, or any type of integrity in general. Someone who does that will trash you for any reason, at any time, when given the correct situation, guaranteed. I'm not trying to place judgement on you, but if you value anyone of those characteristics, that is not someone you should hold any reasonable amount of value to in your life. In regards to their position on potentially dictating your freedom, they've already exploited that position with you.

You should also question the integrity of the guy selling 2+ pounds a week. If you're in a non-medical state, at that rate he will get caught, it's just a matter of time. If he doesn't have the utmost amount of integrity, you're probably going down with him if he gets caught. It may seem worth it at the time, but probably won't be when all the legal entanglement takes place and has settled.

Point being, most human beings lack integrity. That lack of integrity among human beings, always seems to cause some other poor human being, more problems than it was worth for affiliating with that scum-bag to begin with.

Do what you may, but people tend to be shitty, so you always have to be aware of who's in your life, and what they know about you.
Pat, I read this thread and I just have to point out two things.

1. The armchair detectives, trolls who are calling you a liar, well they have egos protecting them from the severe anxiety caused by the paranoia that your plight inspires. It is easier to dismiss the anxiety by calling you a liar. That also explains the side plot in this thread about privacy browsing software. Stick around, this is your community.

2. Sunbiz1 stuck his foot in his mouth trying to hint that you should get a divorce (I think). If that is the case well I tend to agree. Even if her son is the culprit, dump her. She raised him and she doesn't approve of your lifestyle. She already told you she thinks this is all your fault. Just because she is patient and doesn't attack you about it doesn't mean she isn't biding her time to train you (yes, train you, she IS a woman afterall) because she wants you to get raptured with her or what ever. She doesn't want to bluntly make you choose between her and weed.

I'm a stranger and I'm not attacking you, I don't think you're a liar or a troll and definitely not a criminal. I can't tell by the pics of your plants alone, but I'm pretty sure your plants will grow well if you get a divorce and leave Texas.
well saying i got a transport of paraphernalia in texas almost had car towed, I WILL NOT TRAVEL TROUGH TEXAS.
yeah i checked tha link after i posted... pretty wierd i read there can be problems with sites coming up in diffrent languages, due to the proxy? being in other countries? whatis YOUR experience with THIS SUBJECT... i thought it might be a little troublesom for a small legal med grow as my own =)


Basically if a website comes up in a different language, it is because the website is showing you the language of the native country your IP SHOWS you to be in. So if it is bouncing your IP to russia, the site may come up in russian. An easy thing to do, is set tor to only use American IP's from a certain range. Fiddle with it a bit. Again, this is only if you want to mask your IP, personally I dont think it is necessary, but I figured I would show people the software exists. Some people like to be safer than sorry, i get that.

So again, Check that out.. That part of the site has basically all you need to know.
Made alot of friends in the service from Texass they got caught for like a roach and had a choice of service (Viet Nam) or prison time.
Talk about people living in the stone age, TexAss acts like Hemp could actually hurt their Oil Money...
They sit on it now they might end up holding the bag and no profits?? It will happen mark my words non belivers.....