My House Got Raided Today.

Yes but she is still a mother and he is a manipulative little prick who doesn't want to grow up - hes 25 yrs old . My daughter came down here and played me pretty good for a while until I realized it and then sent her home .
I hope your wife is smart enough to see through the antics of a no good piece of shit.
wish this place was invite only.. i would love to create a grow based forum.. that needed a invite.. or medical marijuana card... or something along the lines..
Might sound stupid but I'm 62 and without health insurance and would win either way. If I got busted I wouldn't pay a thing and go to jail so I could receive medical care I need. I'm in central California so the likelihood of that happening is so much not going to happen. For you guys that got popped I am sorry to hear that. Need to pressure the gov to stop the BS and make drugs legal just as they have in other nations where crime has gone down and the price has also. Where there is no money to make you wont find crime.
Holy fuck I think im about to trash my plants after reading this thread. I live in Texas and I grow but I don't even smoke. I told 2 of my best friends I grow and we were having a party and this girl was talking about how she smokes weed and he blurted out that I grow weed in front of like 7 people but I know I definately dont seem like the type and I was just like haha yeah right dude. But it did leak and now there are like 6 people who knows for sure, but when they ask hows it going I tell them the plants died and it wasnt worth doing anymore because how expensive it is. But after reading this shit? Fuck man...

You're as good as busted or ripped off.
7 people tell 7 more etc. . .
I know what I'd do.
Eh I wouldn't live in a place that's against marijuana, ever. That's why I'm not visiting China anytime soon... Life in prison for weed lol...

Anyways, if I were you I'd be contacting every marijuana compassion club, and look for the biggest douche bag lawyer you can find, the more of an ass the better. (I'm being serious, you WANT the lawyer who's a dick because he WILL get you safe. Violence is not the way to go but I would find the snitch and have a little talk for sure. It's one thing letting authorities know of something violent or something bad that can affect others safety; It's another to snitch on someone non violent growing for personal. Heck, I would go down to the courthouse and talk to a judge.

That's not acceptable. Don't give up growing though. I'm so inspired by growing, I would like to one day build and maintain a legal dispensary/ grow supply place. Before I do, I need to figure out all the laws where I am and how I could legally do it. For now I'm happy legally growing small amounts for myself.

It's def too hard to give you an in depth plan to do since we do not have all given variables. :( We can however, offer support and encouragement. (Virtual hug of peace).
So now the wife says I shouldnt report the money her son the rat stole from our house . She says it was also all my fault for getting busted and her son didn't mean to cause any trouble here . I knew that this bullshit was coming . Her son is a thief - plain and simple . But I guess I'm a no good weed smoker and to some people that's worse . Amazing that he has stolen from family members in the past who have helped him and I am just finding out about it now . He stole a computer device from his stepmother and pawned it , thats how they caught him . There were locked doors he had to go through to get into my things - off to the lawyers now.
TORPARK now charges for it's download and has done for a couple of years at least, it does not change your ISP (impossible!) it connects you to an onion network where the data is encrypted until it leaves the last node,you can flush the network as you wish in order to send your connection along a different route within the same network.
Connecting to the internet via a proxy server has a similar effect but you are only protected by 1 proxy,not several encrypted ones.

The original TOR, aka The Onion Router, is and will always be OPEN-SOURCE. And it certainly does mask your IP address. Because I'm certainly not in St. Petersburg, Russia right now. TORPARK sounds like a windows knock-off.
Pat, so press charges against him for theft and maybe he will agree to not work with the DA against you in exchange for your dropping charges? Work it, man.
Any body who shoots or beats animals who are defenseless is a scumbag , first off . Theres a bunch of it on youtube - cops shooting dogs . Stepson isn't a drug addict he is mentally fucked up in ways you cant tell from only meeting him . He was trying to get rid of me so he could mooch off his mother and be a thief and a bum . He wanted her (mother) to get an apartment so he could move in with her -he said to her also he couldnt help with any money to get it but he was affraid of the homeless people at the shelter . Then he asked her how it feels to be married to a drug dealer . The charge is 2 -4 oz , theres no scales or baggies anywhere . No one was dealing - and theres no proof of that .

!. Your wife sounds like a typical naive Christian, and blinded by her own love towards a son as well.
2. Unless step-children establish a solid relationship with a step-parent, they tend to try and get rid of them. And it isn't solely for financial reasons, particularly in your case when it's a son and mother. The son always views the step-father as a replacement for the original, even at age 25 and beyond.
3. He is trying to break-up your marriage from what I am gathering.

Hope all went well with the attorney today.
Pat,Im sorry this happened to you,You REALLY need to dump the old lady and her narc son ASAP,if you dont anything else that occurs will be your fault.Also in closing id like to say if you do not turn in the stepson or throw him under the bus you are not very wise,it sounds as if hes ripped alot of people off,is mentally unstable and it would be easy to get others to testify to it in court even your wife,that is unless she want to lie in front of god after she has sworn to tell the truth,then Well see what kind of a christian she is,If he is found to be a liar and a thief in court they will most likely toss the charges,Id say HE planted the weed because he had daddy issues with you and his mom,best of luck to you,Im out,FW
You know what?
I'd tell junior to get out and then turn to Mom and tell her to pack her shit too!
You let this shit go and your the one thats gonna get in trouble, it'll eat at you, some thing triggers you, you loose it and go to jail, she and ratboy get every thing and your stuck in prison kissing her ass to get smoke money......
My .02
You know what?
I'd tell junior to get out and then turn to Mom and tell her to pack her shit too!
You let this shit go and your the one thats gonna get in trouble, it'll eat at you, some thing triggers you, you loose it and go to jail, she and ratboy get every thing and your stuck in prison kissing her ass to get smoke money......
My .02

That's what I would do, particularly if I were the homeowner.

Who needs that aggravation over a second marriage...or even a first one.
The original TOR, aka The Onion Router, is and will always be OPEN-SOURCE. And it certainly does mask your IP address. Because I'm certainly not in St. Petersburg, Russia right now. TORPARK sounds like a windows knock-off.

can someone show me how to do this...???
Pat, so press charges against him for theft and maybe he will agree to not work with the DA against you in exchange for your dropping charges? Work it, man.
I don't know if that could be witness tampering or not . We know the courts do things like that all the time. I never got to see the lawyer ,in my confusion I forgot today is a holiday and no one was there all day .