My House Got Raided Today.

Holy fuck I think im about to trash my plants after reading this thread. I live in Texas and I grow but I don't even smoke. I told 2 of my best friends I grow and we were having a party and this girl was talking about how she smokes weed and he blurted out that I grow weed in front of like 7 people but I know I definately dont seem like the type and I was just like haha yeah right dude. But it did leak and now there are like 6 people who knows for sure, but when they ask hows it going I tell them the plants died and it wasnt worth doing anymore because how expensive it is. But after reading this shit? Fuck man...

u might want to take a break then. be careful. tell your friends to zip it, not cool.
Hey Rocifer, do you happen to play WoW and SC II, do you have a valve account. If you do PM so you can know how I got this info. Policies about privacy of this place needs to change now! as we're all in the spotlight.
If in an illegal state, where mmj does not exist. I have no clue or advice on what you should do other than have a good lawyer available for a SHTF case.

If you have a MMJ card & grow your states limit of plants, you do not need to worry about an agency "looking" for you. Or taking action on it. They want the big illegal tax evading money grow ops.
Oh you googled my name, none of those are me, this name is incredibly popular on the gaming circuit, there are like 200 Roflicers who play WoW and who knows how mnay on sc2, and that isnt my valve
Oh you googled my name, none of those are me, this name is incredibly popular on the gaming circuit, there are like 200 Roflicers who play WoW and who knows how mnay on sc2, and that isnt my valve
HAAHa I just pm that dude on what he could find on me cause my shit is I got to get off this thread before I start getting paranoid. Peace and hope you get out unscathed.
I live in Texas and I grow but I don't even smoke. I told 2 of my best friends I grow and we were having a party and this girl was talking about how she smokes weed and he blurted out that I grow weed in front of like 7 people but I know I definately dont seem like the type and I was just like haha yeah right dude. But it did leak and now there are like 6 people who knows for sure.

Shut down your grow op asap!! You made mistakes #1-100 right there telling other people. LOOSE LIPS SINK SHIPS. Shut it down and if you ever start up again, take this as a big lesson learned and don't be so fucking stupid ever again!

FWIW all it takes is just one of those idiot friends of yours to get busted for something, doing whatever illegal it may be, and want to make a deal with the cops in hopes of getting let go(not gonna happen) or possibly a reduced charge/sentence(more likely). Six people who know are five too many.

*sigh* sometimes this site feels like browsing through GrassCity...
Shut down your grow op asap!! You made mistakes #1-100 right there telling other people. LOOSE LIPS SINK SHIPS. Shut it down and if you ever start up again, take this as a big lesson learned and don't be so fucking stupid ever again!

FWIW all it takes is just one of those idiot friends of yours to get busted for something, doing whatever illegal it may be, and want to make a deal with the cops in hopes of getting let go(not gonna happen) or possibly a reduced charge/sentence(more likely). Six people who know are five too many.

*sigh* sometimes this site feels like browsing through GrassCity...

I agree with that for sure , my situation got fucked as soon as the wrong person found out . No one else knew shit and 1 fucker found out and that was it . I also knew a guy from my hometown who got stopped speeding - had been smokin weed in the car had a qz on him cruizing down the highway - Said to the cop Will you let me go if I tell you about my friends . This piece of crap ratted out everybody he knew who ever did anything to avoid a speeding ticket and a fine for a little weed . A lot of people got busted over that .
Pat, all is not lost. If you have the passion for growing, you'll be able to do so again. Just use this for what it is, a rather HARSH lesson on security. We're in the same boat pretty much, and I certainly haven't given up the idea, in fact, I've had time to sit and go over notes (what they didn't get) and have many ideas on how to further fine tune my op. If you'd like, PM me and I'll send you my email.
This just sucks pure and simple, but it's a risk we take in doing what we do.
Remember when you get responses from Haters, that these idiots have never been in our position, and are talikng out of their asses. They are nobody, especially nobody to concern yourself with. LOTS of arm-chair lawyers out there who don't have a clue how the legal system works, or have never cracked a law book.

If you need, you can bounce ideas off me.


This MIGHT help you feel a bit better about YOUR plight:
Fuck them police...listen to this song while you fix your door.
Pat, all is not lost. If you have the passion for growing, you'll be able to do so again. Just use this for what it is, a rather HARSH lesson on security. We're in the same boat pretty much, and I certainly haven't given up the idea, in fact, I've had time to sit and go over notes (what they didn't get) and have many ideas on how to further fine tune my op. If you'd like, PM me and I'll send you my email.
This just sucks pure and simple, but it's a risk we take in doing what we do.
Remember when you get responses from Haters, that these idiots have never been in our position, and are talikng out of their asses. They are nobody, especially nobody to concern yourself with. LOTS of arm-chair lawyers out there who don't have a clue how the legal system works, or have never cracked a law book.

If you need, you can bounce ideas off me.


This MIGHT help you feel a bit better about YOUR plight:

I don't know what to say but it sounds a lot like my situation and I realy feel for you . Jack you have always given good advice every time that I have read your posts , only wish I hadn't missed that one . You posted that right around the time I discovered this site . Wow .
Hey man, I've been in trouble alot when I was younger in MA... Don't get discouraged man, just keep on keeping on and you'll be back at it somewhere, in peace, soon enough.
What a lot of you folks out there fail to realize is that a 5 year sentence to a 25 y/o man is one thing, a 5 year sentence to a 55 year old is quite another!!!
More and more suspicious is that they called you to come do a job. Shooting you in the face would make them nut themselves. They wouldnt lose by kicking your door in and shooting whoever inside. I work with these people everyday. Kicking your door in would have been the icing on the cake for them. I have been raided a few times.. once on my property and twice on someone elses. Never did they call to see who all was in the house. They just show up and do what they want. They came in my house with a paper saying it was a warrant and it was a paper pretty much asking if they could search the property and it had a scribble. (Cool warrant bro) thats when I call 911 and said I was being robbed by people with guns. My neighbor across the street was already on the phone with fox news, it was getting pretty crazy outside. Sheriff dpt. showed up like wtf, while the constables were looking pretty fucking stupid and claimed to have lost my warrant!!

Anyway, I think your best bet is no reset, reset, reset!! No probation, no pretrial diversion, and defiantly no deffered adjudication. This case can be won. You got a misdermenor bond amount, they had to lure you from your residence.. to presumably make sure you wernt home to take the evidence they needed. To top it off I think each plant with roots is considered not only a pound each but manufacturing. What county are you close to?

i bet they felt like they were doing some 007 james bond type chit by pretending they wanted him to do a job.Probably took 12 cops sittin around for 18 hours to come up with what they prob view as a fail proof non aggressive tactical bust. LOL ..Wish you the best though bro.You gotta get to a medical state stat.
Hey man, I've been in trouble alot when I was younger in MA... Don't get discouraged man, just keep on keeping on and you'll be back at it somewhere, in peace, soon enough.
What they like to do there is find a crackhead who collects disability . He gets his check same time every month and goes and buys a whole bunch at once then they try to catch him in a school zone and claim he's a dealer . That way they can look good and hand out some mean time to some schmuck who gets hit so fast he doesn't even know it . Those cops are crooked as hell up there .