My House Got Raided Today.

Sorry to hear all this. I'm in a med state under my limit and few people know. But I'm still worried about this shot happening to me. Good luck on the case gonna hope for the best. Let us know what happens. But as you have be told don't say anything here that might make it worse. And don't get bugged by people saying this isn't true.
so wait, your house got raided but they didnt serve you with the papers immediatly? they have to show the search warrant that day, not the day after, or a week after.
and yea, lawyer up dude. dont say a fucking word to anyone thats not YOUR lawyer
No I will get the full search warrant info this week . And please do not ever tell someone info that can identify you , your address or any other shit - this is to anyone on here . This shit will probably cost me around 5 to 10 grand before its all done . Any idea how much weed that could buy ? Not to mention I could lose my house and bussiness over this shit if I go to jail I'm done . No bs growing in a state thats not legal just doesnt seem worth it .

please stick around to let us know what you find out.

ignore the noise and unfounded allegations of armchair internet detectives. or just let me troll them for ya. ;)
so wait, your house got raided but they didnt serve you with the papers immediatly? they have to show the search warrant that day, not the day after, or a week after.
and yea, lawyer up dude. dont say a fucking word to anyone thats not YOUR lawyer
The warrant I saw only listed the things they were looking for with the signature of the judge on it . I didn't even read the whole thing once I saw there was nothing to do but go along I had a big anxiety attack being swarmed by cops and handcuffed by dudes talking about shooting my dogs . I guess theres more to the full warrant than what I saw like how they got the probable cause to issue it , which will name a rat .
Sorry to here... hope it works out.........I know what it feels like to have them say "I'm going to shoot your dog".....been there.....good luck to you...
The warrant I saw only listed the things they were looking for with the signature of the judge on it . I didn't even read the whole thing once I saw there was nothing to do but go along I had a big anxiety attack being swarmed by cops and handcuffed by dudes talking about shooting my dogs . I guess theres more to the full warrant than what I saw like how they got the probable cause to issue it , which will name a rat .
dont do something to stupid when you find out....
Wasn't trying to stir ya up dude just saying if you start a thread about getting raided people are gonna ask all sorts of paranoid ques. here cause they are worried the same.
You don't have to move to a med state to grow just move out in the country somewhere. Except Texas!
All the luck to ya bro I feel ya for real.....Been in serious trouble before and just keep your head up and keep a positive attitude will help you get through it. I know it feels like the end of the world but its not by far.

2 all you fucking pigs suck my fucking dick and try to find me.....wait.. find me and then suck my dick.
Don't live in Texas. Move to California or Arizona if you like it hot.

PappaBear hit the nail on the head. If it's for medical reasons I honestly don't see a problem. I'm not even remotely interested in visiting Texas now. Good way to lose tourism.

I'm truly sorry that this has happened though. You let a homeless person stay for kindess of your heart, he robs you AND your only safe haven was your medicine and some koolaid drinking bimbo robs you again. What a nice world we live in eh? I really hope Ron Paul wins... Your state needs him dearly...
Was gonna say too if they had any clue you were on this site getting info or what not they would of took you computer for sure.
Holy fuck I think im about to trash my plants after reading this thread. I live in Texas and I grow but I don't even smoke. I told 2 of my best friends I grow and we were having a party and this girl was talking about how she smokes weed and he blurted out that I grow weed in front of like 7 people but I know I definately dont seem like the type and I was just like haha yeah right dude. But it did leak and now there are like 6 people who knows for sure, but when they ask hows it going I tell them the plants died and it wasnt worth doing anymore because how expensive it is. But after reading this shit? Fuck man...
Thanks UB I really like this site . And I appreciate all the support from everyone on here .

I know like 99% of the time they claim its a warrant to search and its actually asking for permission to search. If something ever happens to me im going to be like nope fuck u. I will know they have legit and real cause when I am in handcuffs watching them do it, but other than that its them trying to scare you into folding. Like when you hear about them searching vehicles they say "I am going to search you vehicle ok" and the person thinks they are telling them, and go ok, BAM just gave them permission to search. Either way I am seriously considering either trashing my grow or getting a shed to lock my grow inside of that only I can get into so that the warrant has to specifically say the shed.