My House Got Raided Today.

I agree with that for sure , my situation got fucked as soon as the wrong person found out . No one else knew shit and 1 fucker found out and that was it . I also knew a guy from my hometown who got stopped speeding - had been smokin weed in the car had a qz on him cruizing down the highway - Said to the cop Will you let me go if I tell you about my friends . This piece of crap ratted out everybody he knew who ever did anything to avoid a speeding ticket and a fine for a little weed . A lot of people got busted over that .

I know better than most its people running their mouths that get them busted, 1 friend knew because he is suppose to start growing too and another because he is the one who would be buying it all (he sells 2-3 lbs per week). But yeah it def ended up out of control, I guess ill take it down later on today
I know better than most its people running their mouths that get them busted, 1 friend knew because he is suppose to start growing too and another because he is the one who would be buying it all (he sells 2-3 lbs per week). But yeah it def ended up out of control, I guess ill take it down later on today

This could be a good thing for you . Later on you could change your mind and just not let anyone know what you are doing . As long as you don't get caught I'm telling you , you win . 2-3 lb. is a good ammount of weed . He comes in contact with one snitch and they could end up at your house .
Hey Pat, I just read this thread, and you have my deepest empathy, and sympathy. I lived in Texas and was snitched out, so I have some advice. It seems you keep looking for a way out bu trying to find a mistake in the warrant, or police actions. I think you are going about it all wrong. It sounds like you were ratted out. In my situation it was a "friend" who got in trouble and needed an out to get out of his trouble. The police obtained the warrant by the snitches testimony (yes, in TX one person is enough). That is actually good for you. If that person changes their mind about testifying, the case can be thrown out becuase there is no longer probably cause. No witness, no case. Everything obtained, even by warrant is now useless by the D.A., because they could not have obtained the warrant without the witness.

They HAVE to tell you how they obtained the warrant. It should be in the actual police report. You should be able to go to the courthouse and look at your file. I beat my cae becuase i beat the witness. Then I got the fuck out of that ultra right wing, bible thumping, racist, place immediately.

Be VERY careful what you say to anyone. Calm down, you have a long time before you will actually face a court room.

Wishing ALL the best!!!!!!!!!!!

I agree, PD is the best route. In my case, I was bailed out and they said if I could afford bail I could afford an attorney.
Hey Pat, I just read this thread, and you have my deepest empathy, and sympathy. I lived in Texas and was snitched out, so I have some advice. It seems you keep looking for a way out bu trying to find a mistake in the warrant, or police actions. I think you are going about it all wrong. It sounds like you were ratted out. In my situation it was a "friend" who got in trouble and needed an out to get out of his trouble. The police obtained the warrant by the snitches testimony (yes, in TX one person is enough). That is actually good for you. If that person changes their mind about testifying, the case can be thrown out becuase there is no longer probably cause. No witness, no case. Everything obtained, even by warrant is now useless by the D.A., because they could not have obtained the warrant without the witness.

They HAVE to tell you how they obtained the warrant. It should be in the actual police report. You should be able to go to the courthouse and look at your file. I beat my cae becuase i beat the witness. Then I got the fuck out of that ultra right wing, bible thumping, racist, place immediately.

Be VERY careful what you say to anyone. Calm down, you have a long time before you will actually face a court room.

Wishing ALL the best!!!!!!!!!!!

I agree, PD is the best route. In my case, I was bailed out and they said if I could afford bail I could afford an attorney.
Yeah they don't want you to have a lawyer , could tell by the way they acted - like they didn't think I'd qualify for a pd but they'd make sure . Sounds like I hear a train full of klansmen comin my way with ropes . Dude they had a naacp rally here and the same week the klan had a convention the kkk were at the hotel by my house or I would of never known . Come monday they were gone - no publicity or anything . The naacp got a ton of coverage - mostly negative . On tuesday they found 3 black men had been strung up in trees -They never caught anyone . I am pretty sure a couple of the cops that were here were klan . I also feel like the courts are crooked and some of these judges here are kkk . I dont know how anybody gets a fair trial with shit like that going on . Thanks for your support and advice
Check out TOR if your in a state thats non MMJ. TOR is a program that changes your ISP so you can visit forums discreetly. Figure I would post this up just to help. Its easy to use, and free, bunch of tutorials online.

TORPARK now charges for it's download and has done for a couple of years at least, it does not change your ISP (impossible!) it connects you to an onion network where the data is encrypted until it leaves the last node,you can flush the network as you wish in order to send your connection along a different route within the same network.
Connecting to the internet via a proxy server has a similar effect but you are only protected by 1 proxy,not several encrypted ones.
I been in places where it's totally different than here most of my life and never seen no place like this . I get 'where you from boy' all the time cause I aint from here and I talk different . This a backwards ass fucked up [place , I felt like that before all this shit .
You know I thought there was a familiar feeling here. Pat you had posted about your marriage issues a couple of weeks ago. Mongo's post reminded me and I searched to make sure.

You mentioned your wife is a religious zealot born again right? Suppose she told any one at the church what was going on in her marriage and why she does not feel comfortable living with you? BINGO, probable cause my friend. Someway, somehow it was your wife that got you busted. I would hope not intentionally but I am almost positive this is what happened.
I agree especially if that someone she told might be trying to get in her chonies and wants you out of the way.
I told no one . My stepson who I let stay downstairs just a few days before because he was homeless , came into my bedroom upstairs and searched it ,stole some money - $450-$500 . Then went into the closet ,whichis off that room and probably got some evidence for them to cover up his crime of theft and thats how they got the warrant .I never throw anything in the trash . There is no traffic to this house for anything or any reason - I go to work , the grocery store and thats it no one comes here for any reason . The meter is read electronically . There are 6 dogs in my house that will let no one near or into it . I don't know how I am going to afford a Lawyer .

That's exactly how you got busted fool,you've just answered your own question!

Pat,out of curiousity is this the son of your religous wife or from another wife?If hes a druggie and living in your house would it have been plausible for you to say it wasnt your op/stash at all but his?just thinking out loud and trying to figure a way to turn it around on the little rat.
that really sucks so bad dude sorry to hear about all this as for your stepson excuse my language wot a wanker fuck bag
you let some one into your home get them on the street and they steal from you that really buggs me dude
Pat,out of curiousity is this the son of your religous wife or from another wife?If hes a druggie and living in your house would it have been plausible for you to say it wasnt your op/stash at all but his?just thinking out loud and trying to figure a way to turn it around on the little rat.

Exactly what I was thinking, just throw it on him, rats will do anything to save their ass, especially lie. I pray you get the best outcome in this, RIU is such a nice community and it always sucks when someone who isn't a threat gets in trouble. It's too bad you can't tell us how many plants you have, that would help a lot to your case so you could say whether or not it was for personal use or not. I'm pretty sure it would be pretty damn hard to be a dealer with 1 personal plant.

I don't grow marijuana but I sure as hell would like to, and if I was going to, nobody would know because it would just be a small 1-2 plant grow for personal use, nobody else would have to know because it's just mine. It sucks that you took every precaution you could and just got fucked over because you were trying to help someone out. I've never been to court before but maybe if it's your first offense and if you haven't had any speeding tickets or anything, they'll give you a small fine. I'm sure other people will agree with me on this, you can always make your money back from a $5000-$10000 court case, but you can never get those 5 years back that you spent in jail for something so simple.

Like someone else said, what happened to the land of the free?
I had my house hit oct.22 2010 and have not been indited yet and Im in Tennessee,they searched my house with no warrant and the traffic stop that originated all this bullshit has been supressed.My insides shook for 3 months,they beat my dog bad.It seems like every scum bag on earth wants to be the police.I had 85 plants and a lawyer wanted 25,000 just for retainer in federal court.Ive got the evidence supressed in state court now.Im still tore all to hell and cant sleep good at all..
I had my house hit oct.22 2010 and have not been indited yet and Im in Tennessee,they searched my house with no warrant and the traffic stop that originated all this bullshit has been supressed.My insides shook for 3 months,they beat my dog bad.It seems like every scum bag on earth wants to be the police.I had 85 plants and a lawyer wanted 25,000 just for retainer in federal court.Ive got the evidence supressed in state court now.Im still tore all to hell and cant sleep good at all..
Who the fuck would beat an innocent animal unless it was trying to attack them?
Who the fuck would beat an innocent animal unless it was trying to attack them?
Michael Vick for 1. There's loads of cowardly pieces of shit out there.
I adopted a pregnant stray pitbull. She got knocked up so some asshole just threw her out on the streets. All she ever wants is our love and affection. Never a bark or growl...not even to squirrels. Lol I swear she's a purebred pussy. Just last year she was put in a pitbull calendar where The proceeds go to helping more pitbulls in need

Back on topic ...


Ive used this install on a few different computers, works easy enough, and definatly gives you a bit of protection while surfing if you are worried. Again, not needed, figured I would just let people know if they wanted it.

Copy Pasted: Tor protects you by bouncing your communications around a distributed network of relays run by volunteers all around the world: it prevents somebody watching your Internet connection from learning what sites you visit, and it prevents the sites you visit from learning your physical location. Tor works with many of your existing applications, including web browsers, instant messaging clients, remote login, and other applications based on the TCP protocol.

Tor is a network of virtual tunnels that allows people and groups to improve their privacy and security on the Internet. It also enables software developers to create new communication tools with built-in privacy features. Tor provides the foundation for a range of applications that allow organizations and individuals to share information over public networks without compromising their privacy.
Any body who shoots or beats animals who are defenseless is a scumbag , first off . Theres a bunch of it on youtube - cops shooting dogs . Stepson isn't a drug addict he is mentally fucked up in ways you cant tell from only meeting him . He was trying to get rid of me so he could mooch off his mother and be a thief and a bum . He wanted her (mother) to get an apartment so he could move in with her -he said to her also he couldnt help with any money to get it but he was affraid of the homeless people at the shelter . Then he asked her how it feels to be married to a drug dealer . The charge is 2 -4 oz , theres no scales or baggies anywhere . No one was dealing - and theres no proof of that .
Pat,out of curiousity is this the son of your religous wife or from another wife?If hes a druggie and living in your house would it have been plausible for you to say it wasnt your op/stash at all but his?just thinking out loud and trying to figure a way to turn it around on the little rat.
Thats a nice thought but there are details that make that unlikely to believe . and yes he is the stepson of the religeous wife .