My House Got Raided Today.

Law Enforcement does not know anything until someone tells them ... Your bust did not come from this site, but someone close to you... ask yourself who knows I grow or who knows I have weed in the house ...
I told no one . My stepson who I let stay downstairs just a few days before because he was homeless , came into my bedroom upstairs and searched it ,stole some money - $450-$500 . Then went into the closet ,whichis off that room and probably got some evidence for them to cover up his crime of theft and thats how they got the warrant .I never throw anything in the trash . There is no traffic to this house for anything or any reason - I go to work , the grocery store and thats it no one comes here for any reason . The meter is read electronically . There are 6 dogs in my house that will let no one near or into it . I don't know how I am going to afford a Lawyer .
that's a felony??

what the fuck....that's messed up

this thread had me scared for a sec but the cops are just dickheads in Texas...come to WA we can grow 15 plants legally :lol:

I wish I was living in a state like that but I don't even know anyone who lives in a state where it is legal .
I told no one . My stepson who I let stay downstairs just a few days before because he was homeless , came into my bedroom upstairs and searched it ,stole some money - $450-$500 . Then went into the closet ,whichis off that room and probably got some evidence for them to cover up his crime of theft and thats how they got the warrant .I never throw anything in the trash . There is no traffic to this house for anything or any reason - I go to work , the grocery store and thats it no one comes here for any reason . The meter is read electronically . There are 6 dogs in my house that will let no one near or into it . I don't know how I am going to afford a Lawyer .

Sounds like your step-son got caught with your stolen weed and told?. Either that, or as you mentioned had an elaborate plan.
In texas they dont need a search warrant if somebody called 911 from your house...but nobody will answer the door.

The cops are having a buddy break into suspected grow houses...and if there IS a grow...they call 911 and run. When the cops get there they kick in the door and VOILA!! Surgical removal of your civil rights.
yup sounds like stepson had a drug problem of his own.. robbed u .. got caught buying his fix.. and ratted u out.. to try to get out of trouble.. but him being strung out(most likely.) the cops just fuckin scared him into ratting u out .. they do it all the time.. its rediculous. but hey.. good luck with everything.. i would deff fight it.. take it to trial.. all u need is 1 juror to have had a drug addict or theif of a stepson that got them into some sort of trouble to get threw that case.. it mite just work. but i would deff call a lawyer and maybe even somehow prove it was for personal use only.. not for distribution.. and or if ur a working man and active member of society u mite come out with probation and a empty wallet.. but no jail time hopefully
yeah i think it was a snitch. someone knew. someone told. cops don't come here except to back up evidence they already have.
good luck pat. 2-4 oz is way better than 2-4lbs.
Pat, first of all, NUT UP. Don't say anything to anyone about anything until you find out the particulars. You will find out who told and what they used as probable cause in the discovery.
Contrary to popular opinion, the PD's office does not favor the state, even though the get paid by them. The ABA has very definite sanctions that can be brought against ANY attorney who is found to be incompetent or found to be acting against their clients best interests, and that includes permanent disbarment. The easiest and path of least resistance is for them merely to act as deal brokers 99% of the time. I have a public defender, and we are somewhat fighting this, as I have a couple of constitutional issues that the state stands in violation of. I think she's doing a bang up job, even though I did all the research and drafted the motions, kept all correspondence between myself and the state attorney, etc. She is arguing it and believes we'll win.
I too got fucked by a family member, either my daughter, or by my wife as it is rapidly becoming apparent that a lot of underhanded shit went down behind my back and while I was incarcerated.
Get a PD, and be proactive in your defense. The reason PDs get a bad rap is that their case load is such that they can't possibly spend anymore than 45 minutes per case in total!!!! What kind of defense can you put up with that kind of effort? The first thing to attack is the probable cause and the warrant itself. If the probable cause is based solely on the word of your drug addict son, his credibility can be impeached. You could make a defense that a drug addict will say and do anything to save their miserable asses, and the judges know this. Also, a tip must come from a CREDIBLE source. If they based the warrant on a less than credible source you could get it thrown out that way.

What ever you do, DO NOT TALK TO THE COPS, or anyone else for that matter, until you get an attorney. You are out on bond, and if you refuse to talk to the cops without a lawyer, you'll STILL be out on bond. You are gonna have to remember everything you said to the cops when they arrested you and tell your lawyer what you said.
I feel your pain, dude. My hearing on my motion to dismiss is the 30th of this month and I am a basket case right now.

Try and persevere. It sounds like you have no choice but to trust the PDs office. Remember this. You have the right to fire your attorney at any time and get appointed a new one the second you figure they aren't acting in your best interest. All you have to do is tell the judge in open court that you have no faith in their ability to act in your best interest. You can even tell the judge that you have no faith in the entire PDs office to represent you vigorously!! If you have no record, then in all probability you'll get probation for that. GOOD LUCK!!!
this all suck its like we are suppost to hang our head in shame for what we love its crazy even with the relaxed attitude toward mj the government has to save face to justify a multi billion dollar war on drugs and now the war is bankrupting states housing non violent mj users and growers crazy
Stuff like this makes me think that this place should be made private.

Letting Google index sites like this is bad news.

I also ask RIU for this. I'm very concerned about our security and we know haters will use our tools against us. So please take that into consideration
Am I the first person to say I dont believe this story at all?

I wish it werent true . its fucking ridiculous . Stepson was here , called the cops again . Theres nothing to get arrested for so I terminated his day to day tenancy and evicted him . He took his shit and left . I really dont care if you believe anything , I been through enough shit without your comment Dank . Go pick somebody else apart .
I also ask RIU for this. I'm very concerned about our security and we know haters will use our tools against us. So please take that into consideration
The stepson never had access to my laptop or saw this site on it . But apparently he was full of hate . Security is an important thing esp when theres always a hating fool out there
How could that arrogant fuck even step foot in that house again after knowing everything he has done?
Yeah I couldn't believe it either but I'm glad he's gone now , and the cops saw him off with no more bs . He wanted to make more trouble no doubt . I didn't realize what a lying stealing weasel he was . I was trying to get him a union job too ... well thats all gone now . Some people you just can't help , and if you try they just bring you down . And besides nobody wants a rat around .