My House Got Raided Today.

Please keep us updated, and please be honest in regards to how you got busted. It would really help us out. I'm all nervous now.
yea that is shitty.for one you got snitched out....meter reader landlord nosy neighbors. something like that maybe even an exgf. second of all the cops are going to verify after a tip. whether its traffic or busting a buyer. the cops will get dirty and resort to things like digging in your trash for grow supply boxes. the only people who would get busted on this site would be people posting large field grows and they feds would hit the guy with the monster grow not the locals.. so the chances of a sheriff going on to this website just to see if some remote chance he has a isp hit in his county is far from reality. good luck. see whos been laying in your nest and you could figure it out most likely
yea that is shitty.for one you got snitched out....meter reader landlord nosy neighbors. something like that maybe even an exgf. second of all the cops are going to verify after a tip. whether its traffic or busting a buyer. the cops will get dirty and resort to things like digging in your trash for grow supply boxes. the only people who would get busted on this site would be people posting large field grows and they feds would hit the guy with the monster grow not the locals.. so the chances of a sheriff going on to this website just to see if some remote chance he has a isp hit in his county is far from reality. good luck. see whos been laying in your nest and you could figure it out most likely

You are right about snitches but don't kid yourself because these sherrifs are just waiting around to bust somebody who is breaking the law and they have computers too
That's why you should surf the web with a VPN or just clone someones mac address to your modem.
Just saying, that sucks if they took your equipments too.

It's reasons like this that I stopped posting grow journals, you never know who's watching you anymore.
I'm sorry to hear of this bust Pat the stoner, I hope things somehow work out for you :)
Good luck.
could be meter reading, FLIR heat sensor readings, or a few other ways if you don't think anyone ratted you out. Also, if they didn't take the computer, I doubt they found you through the internet.
So, didn't confiscate comp? I'd be ditching that hard drive if anything grow related.

Burn it. You can recover anything just about with the right resources unless you physically destroy the drive. Even if you cut it up into pieces they can still recover stuff if they really want to (probably would never go that far on a case like this, but certainly recovering stuff that's just been deleted isn't all that hard).
Texas Marijuana Penalties
tax stamps
Incarceration Fine
2 oz or less* class B misdemeanor 180 days $2,000
2 to 4 oz* class A misdemeanor 1 year $4,000
4 oz to 1 lb* state jail felony
180 days - 2
years $10,000
1 to 5 lbs state jail felony
180 days - 2
5 to 50 lbs
felony of the third
degree 2 - 10 years $10,000
50 to 2,000 lbs
felony of the second
degree 2 - 20 years $10,000
More than 2,000 lbs felony 5 - 99 years $50,000
Gift of 1/4 oz or less class B misdemeanor 180 days $2,000
Sale of 1/4 oz or less class A misdemeanor 1 year $4,000
1/4 oz to 5 lbs state jail felony
180 days - 2
years $10,000
5 to 50 lbs
felony of the second
degree 2 - 20 years $10,000
50 to 2,000 lbs
felony of the first
degree 5 - 99 years $10,000
2,000 lbs or more felony
MMS 10 - 99
years $100,000
To a minor felony 2 - 20 years $10,000
Within 1,000 feet of a school or within 300 feet of
specified areas misdemeanor or felony
Miscellaneous (paraphernalia, license suspensions, drug tax stamps, etc...)
Paraphernalia possession class C misdemeanor none $500
Paraphernalia sale class A misdemeanor 1 year $4,000**
* With no prior felony convictions, if convicted of possession of less than one pound of marijuana a judge must
impose a sentence of probation with mandatory drug treatment. If no treatment center exists within the
jurisdiction, the judge may waive the treatment requirement. They judge can also waive all fines.
** Unless previous conviction of paraphernalia sale or possession (if previous conviction, 90 days to 1 year).
Paraphernalia sale to a minor at least 3 years younger than actor- State Jail Felony = 180 days-2 years;
Possession of two ounces or less of marijuana is punishable by up to 180 days in jail and a fine up to $2,000
Texas Marijuana Penalties
tax stamps
Incarceration Fine
2 oz or less* class B misdemeanor 180 days $2,000
2 to 4 oz* class A misdemeanor 1 year $4,000
4 oz to 1 lb* state jail felony
180 days - 2
years $10,000
1 to 5 lbs state jail felony
180 days - 2
5 to 50 lbs
felony of the third
degree 2 - 10 years $10,000
50 to 2,000 lbs
felony of the second
degree 2 - 20 years $10,000
More than 2,000 lbs felony 5 - 99 years $50,000
Gift of 1/4 oz or less class B misdemeanor 180 days $2,000
Sale of 1/4 oz or less class A misdemeanor 1 year $4,000
1/4 oz to 5 lbs state jail felony
180 days - 2
years $10,000
5 to 50 lbs
felony of the second
degree 2 - 20 years $10,000
50 to 2,000 lbs
felony of the first
degree 5 - 99 years $10,000
2,000 lbs or more felony
MMS 10 - 99
years $100,000
To a minor felony 2 - 20 years $10,000
Within 1,000 feet of a school or within 300 feet of
specified areas misdemeanor or felony
Miscellaneous (paraphernalia, license suspensions, drug tax stamps, etc...)
Paraphernalia possession class C misdemeanor none $500
Paraphernalia sale class A misdemeanor 1 year $4,000**
* With no prior felony convictions, if convicted of possession of less than one pound of marijuana a judge must
impose a sentence of probation with mandatory drug treatment. If no treatment center exists within the
jurisdiction, the judge may waive the treatment requirement. They judge can also waive all fines.
** Unless previous conviction of paraphernalia sale or possession (if previous conviction, 90 days to 1 year).
Paraphernalia sale to a minor at least 3 years younger than actor- State Jail Felony = 180 days-2 years;
Possession of two ounces or less of marijuana is punishable by up to 180 days in jail and a fine up to $2,000

Reminds me why I would never consider moving to Texas...Damn near as bad as Florida.....What a shame...
i got busted here in tx with a quarter pound of weed about 8 years ago..thought i was going to get hanged..when i went to court 4 oz turned into 2 oz and i got 14 days time served..still wondering who got the missing 2 oz....