My House Got Raided Today.

Another victim in the phony war on drugs. We all feel for you man. Probably a hard working, law abiding, tax paying citizen who's world is now turned upside down over a couple plants you allegedly had.
i hope your right. but u guys were have probloms about u growing right? are u 100 % possitive she didnt set u up?

You know I thought there was a familiar feeling here. Pat you had posted about your marriage issues a couple of weeks ago. Mongo's post reminded me and I searched to make sure.

You mentioned your wife is a religious zealot born again right? Suppose she told any one at the church what was going on in her marriage and why she does not feel comfortable living with you? BINGO, probable cause my friend. Someway, somehow it was your wife that got you busted. I would hope not intentionally but I am almost positive this is what happened.
Damn that is dirty. I am so sorry to here this man. They hit you with being within so many feet of a school. I will never live near a school for that very reason. It's fucking stupid imo. I just don't get why people can't stay the fuck out of other peoples business. Especially when they aren't bothering anybody. I got a felony trafficking marijuana conviction when I was 18. It has made getting a good job next to impossible. I can never own a gun. I'm 31 now, and I wish I knew then what I know now. Have your lawyer do whatever he can to keep you from getting a felony conviction. Make sure you don't get in any more trouble either. I'm not saying that you will. Keep your head up.
Damn that is dirty. I am so sorry to here this man. They hit you with being within so many feet of a school. I will never live near a school for that very reason. It's fucking stupid imo. I just don't get why people can't stay the fuck out of other peoples business. Especially when they aren't bothering anybody. I got a felony trafficking marijuana conviction when I was 18. It has made getting a good job next to impossible. I can never own a gun. I'm 31 now, and I wish I knew then what I know now. Have your lawyer do whatever he can to keep you from getting a felony conviction. Make sure you don't get in any more trouble either. I'm not saying that you will. Keep your head up.

That school zone stuff is a bunch of bullshit. Around here they were luring people into school zones just so they could trump up the charges. Having the rat or undercover cop saying "hey meet me at such and such place" knowing damn well it was in a school zone so they can hit them with the extra charges. Surprisingly, the courts got involved and said they couldn't do that kind of shit anymore. Doesn't help the guys who are already got screwed by it though.
u got wife issues girls going in and out.. and other issues.. there u go . ur ex fucked u good.. thats y ur girlfriend or wife cant know ur growing. u rent a property and do it without her knowing.. he got snitched on.. they need to do a buy.. or need proof. like an ex girl saying shit.. and showing them pictures online or someting.. . they dont get lucky.. they rely on informants for everything.
They need more then one persons statement to obtain a warrant. 1 person is heresay. I doubt very much they obtained a warrant thru use of any website. They would have to subpuena(sp) the owners of this site for your isp, etc. Besides that their are 100's of thousands of people posting pictures, logs, videos, on the internet of far worse activities then growing a little weed.

During the discovery stage of your court proceedings you will find out how they obtained the warrant.

Good luck man.
It is also very surprising for them to call you and lure you somewhere just to arresst you and bring you back to your house to search it. Why would they do that when they had a warrant to just kick your door in??
whatever you do NEVER take a plea bargain, always make them work for it! I was surprised at how much shit was dropped outta cases because of not pleading guilty, half the shit they got me on generally was thrown out because the evidence didn't hold up in court for some reason or another.
Man...I used to live in Texas and I moved because a friend got raided and they throw him in the big house for 5 years for 2 plants and a half a pound of bud...he plead out and I spead thing to do is lawyer up and hope they drop it...
Who have you told that you grow? lot of jealous bastards out there as your a home owner. Thats the danger of indoor ,plants growing there 24/7, I prefer guerilla growing, the only time you have it in the house is for drying at harvest about a month.
Stuff like this makes me think that this place should be made private.

Letting Google index sites like this is bad news.
i would be very surprised if this site or any-other website were the cause of this
normally this kind of thing requires someone to actually make a statement against you giving their own details in the process
that statement allows the cops to get warrants etc
they do not often act on random anonymous tip offs, unless it came from a credible informant

if a neighbor/anyone could smell weed and went and made a statement they would have to act and investigate you
its a sad thing, but i think most likely someone in the "real world" not from the internet, informed on you

loose lips sinks ships :(
Law Enforcement does not know anything until someone tells them ... Your bust did not come from this site, but someone close to you... ask yourself who knows I grow or who knows I have weed in the house ...
Up here in Canada the police will take you down away from your home if thy feel that you are violent and/or have firearms in the home (its an officer safety thing)
Where I live the police can not get a search warrant on a tip alone, but will use a tip as grounds to start an investigation!

I have a close friend that was busted all because he was discussing his grow while working out at the YMCA with buddy, all the while an off duty regular uniform cop who was working out near them overheard the discussion and took down license plate numbers leading the police to his home where they grabbed his garbage two weeks in a row resulting in them finding cuttings;rolling papers and roaches. All this was used a grounds for a search warrant and they grabbed him heading in to the gym for a work out as they where concerned for their safety (He is a big boy) .

Rule # 1 Do not tell anyone that you are growing

Rule # 2 See rule # 1
Its easy to get paranoid... for any nosey fukers out there. i pulled em all last night, dryd em in the oven, did bong hits all morning long... all gone. used my last paper, and droped my bowl and broke it... deff was a Fri 13th.....