My House Got Raided Today.

Those are some steep penalties you got there in Texas. I didn't realize I had it so good up here. This is all 1st offense in KY:
Trafficking marijuana under 8 ozs. ; Misdemeanor
Trafficking marijuana over 8 ozs. up to 5 lbs; Class D felony 1-5 years prison
Cultivation marijuana up to 4 plants; Misdemeanor
Cultivating marijuana 5 or more; Class D felony 1-5 years prison
Posession marijuan under 8 ozs; Misdemeanor
Posession marijuana 8 ozs up to 5 lbs; Class D felony 1-5 years prison
Waiting for more info....not sure why the o.p. is not giving us wattage, amount of plants etc.
That's just one more state not to move to lol.
I don't want to say anything about details that could come into play later sorry and thank you all for your support - it is not recreational for me it is medicine and the only one that works .
best of luck to you pat!

i think it was an out door grow it seems like they were grown by a fence and pretty soon to be harvested.
maybe a neighbro saw and was mad they couldnt get any
Then why did you even start this thread now you got people all razzle dazzled.

You should be aware of what goes on . I'd be extra careful - no need to get razzled . Incriminating facts about things that can only hurt me - explain the need to know that ? I am just feeling obligated to say this to the community here , not intending to upset anyone . I'm sorry if anyone is upset by what I said .
The thing is we should not have to worry about something like this happening to us . Some of us are living in civilized nations where this is accepted . I won't even consider anything like this in the future unless I am within the laws . I work my ass off when I should be collecting disability . Do my best to be a good person . I try to make sure the things I do actually help people and go out of my way to make sure they do . Any thoughts on lawyers that can help , I was thinking of a NORML attorney .
If I was your attorny I'd tell you to stop talking on this forum right now... Only cause everytime I get in my trouble my lawyer reminds me SHUT UP! Goodluck brother
No . But there was someone who came in my locked house and somehow got evidence for a search warrant . ( she has no key and I am sure she had nothing to do with it ).

i hope your right. but u guys were have probloms about u growing right? are u 100 % possitive she didnt set u up?
I am not surprised, you live in texas.. the police have a duty to harass, pillage, and not tell you their badge number. I got you on moral support, but some things are not adding up. Did they enter with a SIGNED warrant in hand. Did you show up to police already with raid in progress? I care nothing of plant amounts and wattages. I care that your civil liberties were violated. Your property is your business and for those who dont agree should be gang raped by the dirtiest of trolls.

About posting here, that didnt really have an effect. Their are forums for child molesters and rapists to talk about their "accomplishments" and fantasies and nobody says shit. It is smart to not post plant amounts and wattages.. my main question is.. if you were raided why are you not in jail? if you were arrested, did you bond out and what was the bond amount? The DA will place a bond amount on what they think is your net worth (usually for harris and surrounding county). If they didnt arrest you than you have nothing to worry about . They cant raid you for your shit and say goodnight. Thats called looting.

Also if you are in texas you are susceptible by a group of men who go around in police gear doing robberies, well in their words are considered raids. It is done in such a way that they rob you.. than leave. Than you sit around praying you dont have to go to jail and the whole time it was bullshit.

Their is a member on here around last yearish who was growing some afghani and police show up with a sheet of paper with a bunch of shit on it (not signed). The police were very upset to find a couple sprouts underneath a cfl. They took his shit and basically made him cry. Nothing happened of it. Im not gonna name drop so if they see this they can give you the rest of the details.

Cant wait to find out the news.. btw VOTE FOR RON PAUL
I got a call from the cops who had a warrant already in the morning . They said they were referred by a customer

and wanted to hire me to repair a house . When I got there they swarmed me . cuffed me and showed a signed copy of a search warrant - took me home searched , then arrested me . I bonded out for $4000.00