My House Got Raided Today.

The more I look around me the more I feel like this place is crazy . Is this how the kkk takes over the world ? I'm pretty sure they have been running this place for a long time . I remember working with a guy here who went on jury duty here . The case he was on was high profile for this little town . A guy had 2 lbs of meth in his car - the cops knew it but the guy died of a heart attack before they could bust him . So they waited and watched . His brother inherited all the stuff , so they waited and watched him . The brother never knew about the meth so he did nothing , he was not a dealer or user he never found out . The cops couldn't wait so they told him they were working with his brother who died and he had something in the trunk they wanted and they would pay him for it . He agreed , when he opened the trunk it was in there for 3 months and they busted him for selling it to them . This guy was never a dealer or anything prior to this he had no drug record . He got 17 years for it . The guy I know who was on the jury was pissed because he couldn't give the guy the death penalty , 17 years was the max . He would come and talk about this case almost every day to me and afterward he ranted for months about how they should have the death penalty for all drug charges like he was a crazy man or something . This is the mindset of many here - people have already been saying I might as well have been caught with heoin . WTF . On a good note calling the lawyers office right now . keep you posted as to what happens .
I hate getting into legal advice it is all subjective as the law is no ever clear and penalty's are never solid...
However in the interest of provoking freedom I will point out "the bill of rights" take particular note of the.... well all your rights... (seriously)...

Shut the fuck up, agree to nothing that does not set well with both you and your lawyer, if you are at odds with your lawyers opinions then they are not adequately serving you and you should request another on those grounds...

There is no reason on this earth that anyone whom is not exploiting another should ever face more than a day in jail (while its all being sorted out) get smart about the law and your rights (particularly how they conflict) then play it by the numbers (particularly rules 4-8 according the the bill of rights).
Sorry to hear that bro, but i would definitely comb through that warrant with a toothpick. Although its convenient to use your own space, I tend to use other unoccupied spaces just in case. Although they (the law) shouldn't be able to infringe on our rights to do whatever we want as long it doesnt physically affect someone else they can get sued. What I would do is study case law on this particular subject get all the facts in the warrant and get a lawyer and sue Texas, the agency that came in and any other parties involved. Did they arrest you at the property or let you go, and if they did let you go they should've gave you the warrant or atleast let you see it before they came in unlawfully unless its a "no knock warrant", and for that to be the case they would have already had STRONG evidence that they would find something "incriminating". It's many tactics they use or "excuses" to come check you out, one being your power, heat , neighbors anything. Research lawyers who have won these type of cases preferably one's who sued and won the cases, call and ask questions or set up an appt and go from there. Hopefully this will help other growers alike who may run into this problem. Good luck to ya, when you get the warrant let us know the basis and if it was someone on here dropping dimes.
I know . I did not intend to insult anyones beliefs . It's just that being a Christian means something very different to different people . Like me and my wife . To me it means that I don't let circumstances change my values . Regardless of how I can make out better . She has said to me I havent been a Godly man whenever I say something she doesnt like . Because I am not Godly in her eyes she then justifies behavior that could be anything - including changing values . To make it worse she has a group of people who think they have a church telling her that is ok . To me a real church means helping people when there is nothing to gain from it not just helping those who give them money for it .

What I said to you yesterday was designed so that you would figure it out for yourself, which I think you now least in part. I apologize for taking the direct approach without fully explaining myself. That church your wife attends is full of problem people...sounds like they need a new Pastor. Tell your wife the enemy is doing a very good job of dividing her church...that's what he does best. Church lies within the heart, churches can also be full of lies. If the Bible is in fact true, then Satan doesn't have to bother with unbelievers...they are already his.

Your battle lies on 2 fronts my friend, what you see and what none of us can. If you're going to ride this storm out, it's your job to influence your wife in all phases. That's what I meant by man-up...which was rude...sorry.
Pat, I hate like hell to say this, but if that woman is a fundamentalist Christian, she's a big problem. Either stop growing and patch things up with her (and I believe that growing is just one of many things she's gonna try and change about you), or come to the realization that her views and yours do not coincide. That woman will rat you out to the cops, if for no other reason than to "help you see the error of your ways".
I pray to Christ to protect me from his followers.

It sucks that you have worked probably for decades building a life and credit in your community, only to have this happen. Honestly, I think that if you don't make a huge change after this all blows over, welcome to the rest of your life. Hell this could be the best thing that ever happened to you. If you have equity in your home, sell it and run. Apply for disability. You should now have a decent stack of cash and some reliable monthly income. Fresh start brother. What good is a house in Texas and a wife who wants to be married to a modified Pat? Don't let possessions slow you down, you can't take them with you when you die either and for all intents and purposes, your life in TX is over. You're a criminal there.

Tell your wife to read Genesis 1:29.
Ok the lawyer wants $5000.00 in full up front before he will take the case . Which means it will be a while before I will know anything . I'm about $3000.00 short right now , but plan on busting my ass to come up with the rest . Now I understand why someone here said to have a good ammount of cash ready if legal troubles arrise . Life is like a shit sandwich - the more bread you have , the less shit you have to eat .
Wow are you always so bright . like were you a genius in kindergarden or what . I take back what I said before I really hope you get busted and get totally fucked up by it so then you will know you fucking troll .

I use mj for my insomnia, and I have a legal grow. You arent nice obviously, but I will just squash it.
hypothetical troll lying thread...i love the internet
Maybe you otta try it for that City Attitude of yours??
City Attitude is were an individual thinks they are the only people that count in the world...
Some call it asshole sindrome.

It's Tokentalk try to keep up jr. LOL!!!!!!!
I'm truly gutted for you Pat, personally I would tell the stepson that u gonna call the cops for stealing etc and only if he retracts will u drop the charges. On another note I had a learning experience yesterday that frightened the shit outta me. I have an iPhone3 that I use to take pics of my grow and upload them here. What I didn't know was that there is GPS and IPS on it too, attached to the camera, and I had a lovely pm from a fellow site user asking me for some nugs with a link showing me a picture of my house as seen on google maps. I live in UK he lives in US. Just another way anyone could be busted if u are sharing photos on any site not just this one. Luckily I emailed the site admins and they deleted all my pics, but taught me I need to be much more careful. Anyway, I really hope all goes well for you. If i were you id tell ur wife ur going to have to sell up and move somewhere cheeper or rent, then use the funds to fight this charge and pay the lawyers, then divorce both the wife and stepson and split what ever is left for the sale of the house 50/50. Don't let her or her spoilt son fuck u over again, it was her son that grassed so she should cough up. Just don't tell her your plan. Good luck. Evie x
Ok the lawyer wants $5000.00 in full up front before he will take the case . Which means it will be a while before I will know anything . I'm about $3000.00 short right now , but plan on busting my ass to come up with the rest . Now I understand why someone here said to have a good ammount of cash ready if legal troubles arrise . Life is like a shit sandwich - the more bread you have , the less shit you have to eat .

I didn't even notice until today that this was you, sure turned to shit in a hurry.
Hey DANK HANDS whats up .You come off like you want to not say nasty shit then you pm me 20 minutes after your post to squash it with ways you want me to kill myself and other super nasty shit like I deserve much worse than whats happened to me . You have no reason to be the way you are and your def a PHONY thats all . I never did shit to you but you want to call me names . If you want to forget it and squash it then do it and stop sending me those nasty rotten private messages . What the fuck is wrong with you dude ? Now everyone who reads this can know who and what you are .
Well hell no wonder I couldn't keep the 2 of them seperated, I was taking down a post and moving it to the other thread wondering why was I saying things to this guy that sounds so good for the other thread??

She has and is not moving in . I need the money for an attorney now . So I was hoping to get a roomy who would pay some cash to help out but at this point I just want to work my ass off to make enough to do what I need , cause I already had enough bullshit with the last one
You come off like you want to not say nasty shit then you pm me 20 minutes after your post to squash it with ways you want me to kill myself and other super nasty shit like I deserve much worse than whats happened to me . You have no reason to be the way you are and your def a PHONY thats all . I never did shit to you but you want to call me names . If you want to forget it and squash it then do it and stop sending me those nasty rotten private messages . What the fuck is wrong with you dude ? Now everyone who reads this can know who and what you are .

Just let it go, some of us on here use for Mental reasons.
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