my indoor grow 3 plants 1 30 watt cfl


Well-Known Member
Lose the tin foil. Doing more harm than good. As far as the plants, they look good but leggy. Once you get more lighting, and move it closer to the plant, that should help it.


Well-Known Member
The more light you add will help stop the stretching you got going on. They look healthy but to tall for what they should be. What you can do to help is add more soil and build it up until you have about a inch or two from the 1st set of leafs for your non-auto's. Your plants will start to root there since you added soil. But ether way it's suppose to be fun and learn as you go. You'll do better on your next grow then.


Well-Known Member
Lose the tin foil. Doing more harm than good. As far as the plants, they look good but leggy. Once you get more lighting, and move it closer to the plant, that should help it.
Show me documented evidence that tin foil doesn't work. I have seen plenty of new growers use it with no damage. Stop parroting unfounded "facts" please.


Well-Known Member
Tine foil will reflex some lighting but it doesn't help NEARLY as much like a mylar. The next best cheap way would be to paint your grow area in a flat white paint.


Well-Known Member
Show me documented evidence that tin foil doesn't work. I have seen plenty of new growers use it with no damage. Stop parroting unfounded "facts" please.
this is a test you can easily do at home before you embarrass yourself further. foil is many many times les reflective than flat white paint. i pulled my mylar years ago and went with a white rubber based paint. this is fact, and not unfounded.


Well-Known Member
Show me documented evidence that tin foil doesn't work. I have seen plenty of new growers use it with no damage. Stop parroting unfounded "facts" please.

Ive looked at lumination meters and a wall painted with flat white paint, reflects more light than tin foil. Aluminum absorbs light and heat. It's surface reflects almost 20 to 25% less than mylar and 15% less than flat white paint.


Well-Known Member
fuck sake just ripped all of the tin foil you sir are a cunt

Youre the fucking noob who is using tin foil and one 30 watt CFL! I'm just trying to help your dumbass out. Worrying about getting an eighth off of your stretched out seedlings. Smh. Bitch please!!! Do some research first. Maybe it will help you out, by not making you look like a fag!


Well-Known Member
foil can create hotspots with HID systems. its not so much of an issue with CFL's as they dont generate much heat. so shadowmousekiller was right in saying get rid of it. white paint will work better or you can grab an emergency blanket from somewhere. they are made from mylar and are usually only around a quid.

i used one of them 4 way splitters with my cfl's. did you buy it from green lamp on ebay. very good company. they sent me a few big bulbs and one broke and they replaced it no questions asked.

you should have no issues with 4 45w cfls and a 30w. thats about the bare minimum required for 3 plants under cfl. 100w for first plant and then at least another 50w for each extra. :)


Well-Known Member
this is a test you can easily do at home before you embarrass yourself further. foil is many many times les reflective than flat white paint. i pulled my mylar years ago and went with a white rubber based paint. this is fact, and not unfounded.
"Does not work" and "does not work as well as other things" is a rather vast rift. He implied it was hurting his plants, not that there were better options. The guy can't afford more light, the tin foil is low on the list of concerns.


Well-Known Member
Ive looked at lumination meters and a wall painted with flat white paint, reflects more light than tin foil. Aluminum absorbs light and heat. It's surface reflects almost 20 to 25% less than mylar and 15% less than flat white paint.
The guy can't afford CFL's and splitters, yet you tell him to tear out his only reflective material on hand? That makes no sense. You went and told him it was hurting his plants, not that it was less than optimal. Phrasing people, think about your phrasing.