My little babies!!


Well-Known Member
yeah, i just seen your post about fan heaters. I guess it makes sense nt to use them cause it just blows hot air all over the plants. whats the best kind to use?


Well-Known Member
So you really think they are starting to look better? We pruned a shit load of the lower branches, i mean alot. And we will be getting rid of the males in about 2 weeks i guess cause we are starting 12/12 monday. I tried to find the pot we cut those 2 plants out of but i couldnt find it... but we've been tweaking things here and there and we are finally getting everything worked out. They are looking 100% better in my opinion. No new yellow spots, healthy green color, leaves are perky. I cant wait to see how well they flower.

edit: i think ill pick up a new heater tomorrow. we gotta go out and pick up some plastic trays to catch water, some more nutes, and a few other things. Oh, a ph meter cause right now we use strips and drops. The bad thing about those drops is once you add nutes it makes the water so dark, you cant tell what color it changes too. So we gotta get a meter.


Well-Known Member
Fatal your plants sure are growing good, definitely looking a bit droopy but over all healthy.

How do you control the heat with them oil filled heaters? because I have one and am also having problems with my temps being too low during lights out, I know there's a thermostat on them heaters but I found them hard to judge heat specially when lights are out and you cant check the temp.

I plan on using a digital fan/heater, one that you are able to set the temperature to what you want, when the temp drops bellow the temp you set the heater kicks in, I figured this will be ok as the heater will be placed opposite of plants, will not be blowing directly on them and it shouldn't stay on that long or often, also there will be a fan blowing at all times.

Any opinions on the digital heater would be appreciated!


Well-Known Member
Well, thats the funny thing. They dont look droopy any more. What you see is just them when the lights are out. I believe i took this about 2 hours after the lights at gone off. Thats why they look like that. I dont have one of those radiator heaters or whatever. I have a fan. Now that he mentioned it, it does make sense that blowing hot air on them is what was causing that. That second humidifier and turning the heater down fixed em right up. I think i might spin that heater around to face the wall so it doesnt blow right on them. Ill try to catch them right when the lights go off so you can see them. I hate that i have to keep showing pics that are slightly, very slightly drooping. Pictures just dotn do them justice. But thanks for the compliments. They are looking soooo much better now that we pruned them up a llittle and they are perked back up and got rid of the yellowing. I just cant wait to get rid of the males. And about preflowers...they are all getting preflowers. Only thing is, i cant see hais. About how long does it take from the time you see the preflwer til it shows whether its male or female? The only difference i see is some of them look more round, while the others are ovule shaped. I believe the ovule shaped ones are females, but im not getting rid of the ones with round ones until im absolutely sure. So, how long after they show preflowers til the female show some hair. And is the hair pretty distinguishable from other hairs on the leaves and stems themselves? Humboldt i couldnt find any other pics of preflowers that you took...can you help me out? Thanks eveyrone!!!

Edit: Humboldt, how is that male you buried doing?


Well-Known Member
If you already started your plants on 12/12 cycle it's probably not a good idea to disturb them while the lights are out.

My plants showed their sex around nine weeks into veg but if you have already started the 12/12 cycle it shouldn't be long before they really start showing.

I have lots of pics showing sex, I take pics of all my plants private parts, all you have to do is look, bellow is a link to some decent examples of female and male both, there are lots more but your going to have to look.

Nothing on the male buried plant, I believe that it's dead/gone but only time will tell, I'll keep you posted on that.


Well-Known Member
Hey, thanks everyone for the help! Especially you natmoon. After what you said about the heater fan thing i went and turned the heater away from them. That way it blows on the wall and still heats up the room but isnt blowing hot air directly on them. Man you should see them now. I thought they were looking better yesterday. I really see how they are suppose to look now. But yeah, everything is starting to go smooth. Temp never gets about 78 and never below 66. The humidity stays around 57% and the lowest it gets is 47%. Our thermo/hygrometer is cool cause it displays the Max and Min all the time so you can see it. And the new humidifier we got is one that actually puts out moisture you can see, not one of those vaporizers. Man, that thing helped so much. Got that humidity right in the 50s and it could go higer if we turned it up. So everything is working great now. Ill try to get some pics tomorrow. Thanks again for all the help!


Well-Known Member
Some more pics for your view pleasure
Day 30 from seed
Temp:65 with lights off, mid 70s with lights on

These are right before we watered them so they are looking a little wilted. But you should see them after they are watered and had time to perk up. You guys have helped me alot with the humidity and the heater thing. Anyways, check em out! The last one is just kinda showing the branches...the whole shitload of them :)



Well-Known Member
lookin good. gotta get us some pics after they perk up so we can see them in all their glory!

man i'd be bummed if i had to worry about heat and humidity :X too many complications to worry about already lol


Well-Known Member
Well these already look better than the others ones a few days ago. Look at those leaves standing on end. The ones that look like palm trees have been FIM'ed and those leaves dont stand up until they are fully grown. Thats why some look really good then the top part hangs down...thats just how that works. And why dont you have to worry about heat and humidity? Outdoors?

Look at the 3rd pic on this page...see how those leaves are as perky as can be. Thats how they all look :)


Well-Known Member
Well these already look better than the others ones a few days ago. Look at those leaves standing on end. The ones that look like palm trees have been FIM'ed and those leaves dont stand up until they are fully grown. Thats why some look really good then the top part hangs down...thats just how that works. And why dont you have to worry about heat and humidity? Outdoors?

Look at the 3rd pic on this page...see how those leaves are as perky as can be. Thats how they all look :)
I haven't had to worry about heating/humidty cuz of beautiful southern california weather :X (although with the fires lately not so nice, kinda a sad atmosphere out there)

still indoors but with a 170cfm fan pullin air from outside inside and spittin it back out i maintain betweek 70-90 degrees and decent humidity (rarely 90, just on crazy hot days, plants seem happy enough with the air circulation)


Well-Known Member
yeah i live in tennessee so the nights are getting a little cold here. Im also sucking in air from outside so in the day time its alright. Just gotta watch it at night. And its always good to have a humidifier so you can adjust it if you need too. Got some pics?


Well-Known Member
So these look pretty good for 30 days old? As far as size, node spacing and the number of nodes. Also, the ones we topped...they have 4 new growths now. Looking good?


Well-Known Member
ya, this is only my second grow (first attempt only lasted a few weeks and was unsuccessful cuz i had a crappy cheapo hydro system that was a pain in the butt and i killed all but my OGxSD but now she's doin great)

right now i got bug problems =/ my friend loaned me a small ozone generator to hopefully kill it off.

i put them into flower about 7 days ago, they're small but i want to get something produced to have on hand, the medical club prices are destroying my finances.

here are some pics (from halloween, 4 days into flower, about 40 days total for all but the OGxSD)(the seedlings are throw away, i just mess around with em, and the plant on the front right i knocked my fan over on cuz im clumsy and had it positioned dumb and it broke half the plant but its still alive


Well-Known Member
Cool, they look good but what kind of lights are those? I dont think those are the best to grow with. If you got some cfls or something...daylight 6500k or some of the 3500k they would be alot bigger and bushier. Unless thats not what your aiming for. I think you're using those floodlights arent you?

And about those medical clubs, how does that work? Do you go in and get some kinda menu like thing and pick what strain you want and then the amount you want? And how much does it cost on average? Like per gram?


Well-Known Member
Cool, they look good but what kind of lights are those? I dont think those are the best to grow with. If you got some cfls or something...daylight 6500k or some of the 3500k they would be alot bigger and bushier. Unless thats not what your aiming for. I think you're using those floodlights arent you?

And about those medical clubs, how does that work? Do you go in and get some kinda menu like thing and pick what strain you want and then the amount you want? And how much does it cost on average? Like per gram?
I'm actually using a 250w Metal Halide with 6 (10 or 12w) red spectrum LED grow lights, they supplement the MH in vegetative, and they promote bud growth in flowering.

medical clubs, you go in, they verify your patient info, you goto a back room, and they typically have a buncha jars with samples in them for you to look at and smell, edibles, concentrates, clones, depending on the club they have all that stuff.

Place I prefer to go to usually has about 15-20 strains, ranging from 15 an 1/8th (mids) to 70 1/8th (Usually high end OG Kush or Kushes only) usualyl is gonna cost you 60 for good stuff, basically street prices except you know what you're getting.

although the clubs themselves, patients, etc... are still vulnerable to federal law, but the DEA has only been targetting clubs that are taking in crazy profit (unfortunately i think most overcharge and take in crazy profit) and large scale producers of "medicine"