My little babies!!


Well-Known Member
Umm i am and obviously doing something right. I have gotten so much help from people on here that dont pick out the smallest problems on a plant (which they will all have something like that) and not mention one good thing. If the worst i do is water spots, then i have done quite well my first go around. And someone was kind enough to point out thats what that was and ih ave since started watering more careful. See, i do listen to advice. But not when its someone picking out every small thing they can and failing to notice the good stuff. Thank you for your words, but you are wasting your breath posting in my thread. Thanks anyways though, just think now you have time to focus on other things since your words are not wanted here. Thanks everyone for your help. Im sure ill need TONS more when i get to the next stage of this journey :)

Edit:Cutdown, you hit the nail on the head. CONSTRUCTIVE feedback is what i want. Thank you! And you two can team up and argue somewhere else. Please leave this open for constructive feed back. Natmoon has done nothing but shit on me since i began posting. Its a little old and played.


Well-Known Member
Umm i am and obviously something is right. I have gotten so much help from people on here that dont pick out the smallest problems on a plant (which they will all have something like that) and not mention one good thing about something. If the worst i do is water spots, then i have done quite well my first go around. And someone was kind enough to point out thats what that was and ih ave since started watering more careful. See, i do listen to advice. But not when its someone picking out every small thing they can and failing to notice the good stuff. Thank you for your words, but you are wasting your breath posting in my thread. Thanks anyways though, just think now you have time to focus on other things since your words are not wanted here. Thanks everyone for your help. Im sure ill need TONS more when i get to the next stage of this journey :)

Edit:Cutdown, you hit the nail on the head. CONSTRUCTIVE feedback is what i want. Thank you! And you two can team up and argue somewhere else. Please leave this open for constructive feed back.
looks like someone has an ego. he cant listen to someone who has grown a thousand more plants than he has.


Well-Known Member
Oh wow, we have another! I CAN listen. Thats what i dont get. I have gotten so much help from people here and this site. Ego? You're fucking right i have an ego!! Im proud as hell ive done this well for my first grow. And i can only hope i get to the level of some of you. I cant wait until i can grow some plants like i see on here, ive got a long long way to go. But this site has already helped me so much its not even funny. And trust me, im the first one to run and ask for help when i see the smallest problem. I over analyze everything with the plants. But i have already began fixing the water spots and magnesium def. Thanks to buckthesystem for helping me with that. Your damn right im proud of my first grow.


Well-Known Member
Actually i only asked why you would plant many plants in one container.
I think your just another angry kid that knows he need weed to fix himself,but as of yet has none.
You don't listen at all to anything that you don't like.
I have never shitted all over any of your threads,its just that you lash out at anyone who has a different opinon or criticizes you in anyway.
You remind me of a surprised xfactor contestant being told that they cant sing.
The three wise monkeys and a dark wind are at full effect in your mind.
I wish you all of the best in your grow and i hope that you can one day find peace in your own skin:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Thanks doc, you have figured me out. Why wont you get it? I have asked for TONS of help on here. I have run into problems and had to ask people. I am the first to run and ask as many people and read as many pages as i can when i have a problem. Thats how i fixed the water spots and mag. def. Well, im working on it, they havent cleared up yet. As for more than 1 per pot. We have gone over that and it will not be discussed any more. Please just do one thing for me. Follow this to the end. Then, if im wrong you can bath in my sorrow.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Dr. High. I think they are more indica, you're right. You say it might be to close, nat says to far. Who do i believe? HEHE, just kidding. I know the weed they came from had me on the couch just watching tv. Im not to fond of mainly indica plants, but these were free and we are just testing out different techniques until our jock horror and silver pearl get here. Which as a matter of fact, i got an email from nirvana saying my jock horror has been shipped. YAY!!


Well-Known Member
I do not bathe in anyones sorrow you poor sick fool,once again you assume that others are like you,thankfully most are not and i am not.
Your an arrogant angry little man who has very little exp deal with it and do not worry i will not bother to add my opinion to any more of your threads:evil:


Well-Known Member
Thank you kindly. And Dr. High, your plants are looking awesome. Did you grow all the way with cfl's? Please say you did cause that will give me hope that mine will look that good under cfl's. I have some under cfl's right now but they are suffering from heat stress really bad and real bad mag def. I moved them away from the lights and added some epsom salt. I hope that helps, but so far the leaves still look like heat stress.


Well-Known Member
Oh wow, we have another! I CAN listen. Thats what i dont get. I have gotten so much help from people here and this site. Ego? You're fucking right i have an ego!! Im proud as hell ive done this well for my first grow. And i can only hope i get to the level of some of you. I cant wait until i can grow some plants like i see on here, ive got a long long way to go. But this site has already helped me so much its not even funny. And trust me, im the first one to run and ask for help when i see the smallest problem. I over analyze everything with the plants. But i have already began fixing the water spots and magnesium def. Thanks to buckthesystem for helping me with that. Your damn right im proud of my first grow.
You are most welcome bro. Keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Dr. High. I think they are more indica, you're right. You say it might be to close, nat says to far. Who do i believe? HEHE, just kidding. I know the weed they came from had me on the couch just watching tv. Im not to fond of mainly indica plants, but these were free and we are just testing out different techniques until our jock horror and silver pearl get here. Which as a matter of fact, i got an email from nirvana saying my jock horror has been shipped. YAY!!
I'm glad they emailed you man. No worries. :)


Well-Known Member
Umm i am and obviously doing something right. I have gotten so much help from people on here that dont pick out the smallest problems on a plant (which they will all have something like that) and not mention one good thing. If the worst i do is water spots, then i have done quite well my first go around. And someone was kind enough to point out thats what that was and ih ave since started watering more careful. See, i do listen to advice. But not when its someone picking out every small thing they can and failing to notice the good stuff. Thank you for your words, but you are wasting your breath posting in my thread. Thanks anyways though, just think now you have time to focus on other things since your words are not wanted here. Thanks everyone for your help. Im sure ill need TONS more when i get to the next stage of this journey :)

Edit:Cutdown, you hit the nail on the head. CONSTRUCTIVE feedback is what i want. Thank you! And you two can team up and argue somewhere else. Please leave this open for constructive feed back. Natmoon has done nothing but shit on me since i began posting. Its a little old and played.

Why ask for feedback when you apparently expect it to be accompanied by compliments? The guy just gave straight forward feedback from observation, you seem to be the one making a problem in this thread when he came to give advice, and the guy is pretty much the only one that even came in my thread to give me some help. You sir do not deserve feedback when you treat it with such a poor spoiled child attitude. (and you can save the response cuz I've no interest in anything you have to say, I've seen enough of your "character")

NATMOON- my leaves are getting kinda big too, and you're saying that'll take away from the bud node growth, do I need to move my light closer? what should I do to improve my yield when i see big leaves like that?


Well-Known Member
Why ask for feedback when you apparently expect it to be accompanied by compliments? The guy just gave straight forward feedback from observation, you seem to be the one making a problem in this thread when he came to give advice, and the guy is pretty much the only one that even came in my thread to give me some help. You sir do not deserve feedback when you treat it with such a poor spoiled child attitude. (and you can save the response cuz I've no interest in anything you have to say, I've seen enough of your "character")

NATMOON- my leaves are getting kinda big too, and you're saying that'll take away from the bud node growth, do I need to move my light closer? what should I do to improve my yield when i see big leaves like that?
I love you all.


Well-Known Member
Well phaded in case you havent noticed i love feed back and i have asked TONS of questions and had some problems which are being fixed because i did ask for help and i did do what everyone said. As for your big leaves, natmoon said its too close and dr. high said its too far. someone is wrong here. I say its good. Big fan leaves take in more light. You shold leave them alone to improve yield. But thats just my opinion, i hope it helps.

Dr High

Well-Known Member
Yeah my plants use to be under fluros and i went with cfls and i kept adding and adding. get a fan intake and exhaust to your room that might help heat stress. i got 10 40 watt cfls and 2 23 watts. thats that you need to get a good growth during flower. i saw my friends plant during flowering and he used fluros.... it was horrible.... told him to get hps but he didnt have any money then his plants died from root bound and under wattering and pest infestation. worst gropw i have ever seen! Peace


Well-Known Member
Wow, that sucks. Right now i only have 4 of the 26w Cool Light or whatever it is, the 6500k and 2 of the 2700k to mix up the spectrum. I have 2 fans blowing on the plants and 1 blowing on the lights. They are growing so good right now, except one has a little heat stress :( And im going to try to flower with cfl's just for fun. im mainly focusing on the big grow that you're looking at here. Hope everything works out for you dude, good luck!

Dr High

Well-Known Member
everything IS working out my friend come and pay my thread visit you wont be deceived.:) Peace