My little "it", first grow GUIDANCE AND COMMENTS APPRECIATED :)


Well-Known Member
Alright here's my status report.

-I water every 3rd day; I am giving full nutrients dosage from my shultz bloom (5-30-5), Fish emulsion (1-1-5), and molasses. I go nute,water,water,nute (molasses with all waterings)

-Stopped giving her daily misting a week back

-PH of the run-off is 6.2, Never had to adjust the ph. Stopped using tap water which had a ph of 7.5 and started using RO water that you get in those 5 gallon jugs from IGA. Which has a PH of 6.5

First off for Im already starting to get yellow leaves which you can see from the pics. Little worried its a little early for it to start yellowing, any opinons? Is there anything im doing wrong?

Second I wouldnt be a good rollitup member if i didnt provide bud porn. :) My guesstimate for final dry weight is 26 grams.

Opinions, critisicm, and just awesome remarks totally tolerated! :mrgreen::peace::blsmoke:

Here is a bongsmilie with all you outdoor growers who have been harvesting and busy clipping this last month. Good Job and Happy Harvesting :weed::leaf::hump:.



Well-Known Member
I used to bash on cfl's but its grows like these that keep me on my toes and keep me honest. great job so far keep it up.


Well-Known Member
thx bigbudz. Yeah if you want to first practice growing mj and keep your budget under 200 dollars cfls are the way to go. But of course in the future I can definitely see using hps for flowering at least. I like how the CFL's keep the leaf nodes very close together making em short and bushy ( that is if you use them right)


Well-Known Member
Sorry to anyone watching for the delay. I have pictures of Day 34 also so ill just post them up consecutively. (First 2pics day 34, 3-4pics day 38 ).

My plants lower and bigger leaves have been yellowing and dieing. It seems to be getting worse and worse slowly going up. Im hoping this is just because of the flowering. Is there any kind of fertilizer/nutrient I should be giving it to reverse the affect? Does it look like it will make it to harvest.

I did buy a microscope for harvesting, couldnt find any 30x but one of our headshops had a 60x-100x one for 35 bucks which magnifies more than it needs to by a long shot.

Haha lots of fun just to see what everything looks like upclose.:mrgreen:


welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
Hope you dont mind me asking a few questions.

What size pot is she in?

How much water do you give & how much run off do you get?

Thats my first lot.:mrgreen:

What I see is claw, bending down tip & edges.


Well-Known Member
the claw shaped leaves on the top colas are when I was having a heat issue at the top (if thats the ones you were implying about). The pot is 5-6 litres so about 1.5 gal US. I water about once every third day with 1.8 litres -> 0.5 gal US. Ill usually get enough runoff that my bottom pot piece is about half an inch high of water. (Its got an enclosed water runoff catcher that you can access through a little 2 in hole. a plastic mesh like false flooring separates the top with soil and the bottom runoff area.) Just look at the bottom of the pot to imagine how much half inch deep of water would be. I cant just pour it out because I have to go completely sideways if not a little upside down to do so

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
I know the pots your on about.
A fellow grower friend of mine tryed them and he had problems, in the end he cut the bottom off.
Im not knocking you there looks to be some nice bud growing!!
Im just worred whats gathering in the bottom?


Well-Known Member
Haha yeah i was thinking of cutting it myself and putting it into a 5 gallon bucket. No worries on the questioning, Always have a ear open for advice and suggestions . :peace: :joint: I myself am kinda getting nervous about the amount of yellowing, I gave it a fertilizing yesterday so we'll see


Well-Known Member
oh and yeah theres some nutrient fluids building up at the bottom that dont evaporate. My roots are leeching about an inch down from the netted piece but are not touching any of the fluids in the bottom tray, I think


Well-Known Member
Sorry for not posting in a while, it just seemed like it was pretty boring for the duration of time. So this would be the end of my grow about now i would guess, its almost week 8 and i have not given it nutes other than mollasses for the last week.

I have the microscope and its hard to keep it still on a certain spot enough to see what the ratio of clear to cloudy trichromes there are, havnt seen any amber ones but there are about 40% orange pistils already.



Well-Known Member
Alright so im sorry to say i already harvested the kush the day after those pics because i had to go to my cuzs wedding 12 hours away and was gone for 3 days and my setup only worked if i manuely opened and closed the closet door for air flow in day and light protection in the night because of not being a 100% light proof by the cabinet itself. It definitely could have grown more because i left the plant alive with all the popcorn nugs and they swelled almost double since before!

The reason I said Kush is because we did a smoke test that confirmed this yesterday! :joint::clap::weed::mrgreen::peace:

I now am going to cure the rest of it in a jar.

WEIGHT. drum roll please . .:hump: . .:hump: . .:hump: . . 117g wet!! Which was almost dead on to my prediction. (ounce of dry for my prediction)

Now here are 2 pics of it just before being harvested and then right after :D

