Ursus marijanus
No fossil of that sort can be found. The line of monkeys and apes diverged millions of years ago. Every line of life on earth, be it H. sap or E. coli, is equally ancient, and has danced the molecular dance of unending change every day.No fossil has ever been found that was half man half monkey with all the so called "evolving" that was going on surely we would have found some huh ?
The question you pose is once again the product not of science, but a setup designed to ridicule the actual science. If you read about mammalian evolution (I recommended a very good starting text) you'll find that scientists don't ask that question because it makes no sense. As such, the only reason it holds such power as a challenge to evolution is ... because the lay public doesn't study the biology, and is unequipped to realize that the creation scientists are pulling a fast one. In the early Enlightenment this intellectual game of three-card monte was called "jesuitry" after its finest practitioners. Today, the culture of jesuir=try has been taken up by the fundamentalists. cn