My magic recipe

UB - good advice man. What are your thoughts on Bloombastic? Is it a waste? I read the Bushmaster analysis, and your suggestions to 'learn plant nutrition' is a very good one.
What do you recommend for soil growing environments?
Where do I get bushmaster? And, that other stuff you were referring to. Im new at this...I need all the help I can get. I am growing outside though. Will that make a difference?
Been working at a hydroponic shop for a while now. I discovered a great product called Bloombastic. Its made by the bcuzz people (atami). This shit blows everything else I have seen out the water. Its expensive as hell but its well worth it. It has everything in it. You pretty much only use it with a base. It has doubled nearly tripled my harvest. I use Envy a+b as my base during veg. I start Bushmaster right before flower. Then the 7th day of flower add 2ml per gallon of Bloombastic until week 4. Then add 4ml per gal until flush time. I always use AN Scorpion juice during entire flower stage and finish up with a good carb like sweet or banana mana for a stronger taste. Ill break it down a little...

5 simple products...

Veg: Envy a+b (base)
Humbolts Bushmaster (last week of veg thru early flower)

Bloom: Envy a+b (week1-7)
advanced nutrients scorpion juice aka bud factor x (more trichromes) during entire bloom
Bloombastic 2ml 7th day till 4th week. 4th week 4ml per gal till flush time
Sweet after 4th or 5th week till finish.

Try this shit and tell me about it. Or even better... send me some product :)

Could you run this by me 1 more time, in English please? :P
I'm going to say this is plain English.


The best thing anyone can do is have a good balanced nutrient profile with superb environmental control.

And I'm going to C/P what's being discussed in another forum which is the finish of a side by side experiment using DG 7-9-5 and 9-3-6 exclusively on 2 clones. This is my post a few minutes ago:

- "In my experience, green, healthy plants at harvest are about as good as one can get, regardless of how they arrived there. "

Me - "Yep, been preaching it for years.

What your experiment really suggests is what I've been preaching for years, that high N foods for tropicals, 3-1-2, blow away the myth that "high N foods (with low P) delays and retards flower production and produces lower yields". But you just can't get thru (most) noobs' heads that its leaves that produce the flowers not some sucker punch, cannabis specific bloom food.

And I'm going to C/P what's being discussed in another forum which is the finish of a side by side experiment using DG 7-9-5 and 9-3-6 exclusively on 2 clones. This is my post a few minutes ago:

I'de like to see that quite a bit. Please do c/p that. I had some issues with the Foliage Pro in flower. That might clear up if it was a grower mistake or if FPro is not great for flower.
I'de like to see that quite a bit. Please do c/p that. I had some issues with the Foliage Pro in flower. That might clear up if it was a grower mistake or if FPro is not great for flower.

I did. If you want to see more you need to ask Homebrewer who has the same but limited thread here.
looking at the specs, seems like Envy blows the doors off Dyna-gro. 1.5 tsp/gal delivers N:178 ppm, P: 52 , K:181 compared to DynaGro @ 2tsp/gal N:185, P:104, K:109
Envy also has 5% Calcium and 1% Mag. Dyna 1% Cal, .5% so no need for a cal/mag sup. Sulfur content is 1% in Envy. Dyna .05%. Ammoniacal N is much less in Envy also, only about 10% of total N.

So in a nutshell you get all of dyna-gro (including the guaranteed micro's) plus no need for cal/mag or mag-pro and is 25% more concentrated without all that P, and sells for 43$ a gallon !!! Dyna, I think you have met your match.

I'm trying her out ASAP. SPECS Vendor

Now for Bushmaster and Atami: I spit on your bottles. May a thousand fleas nest in the crotch of all the hydro shop salesmen who pitch this stuff!
looking at the specs, seems like Envy blows the doors off Dyna-gro. 1.5 tsp/gal delivers N:178 ppm, P: 52 , K:181 compared to DynaGro @ 2tsp/gal N:185, P:104, K:109
Envy also has 5% Calcium and 1% Mag. Dyna 1% Cal, .5% so no need for a cal/mag sup. Sulfur content is 1% in Envy. Dyna .05%. Ammoniacal N is much less in Envy also, only about 10% of total N.

So in a nutshell you get all of dyna-gro (including the guaranteed micro's) plus no need for cal/mag or mag-pro and is 25% more concentrated without all that P, and sells for 43$ a gallon !!! Dyna, I think you have met your match.

I'm trying her out ASAP. SPECS Vendor

Now for Bushmaster and Atami: I spit on your bottles. May a thousand fleas nest in the crotch of all the hydro shop salesmen who pitch this stuff!

Actually, DG has all 16 elements, in a proper ratio..... one part solution for 1/4 quarter the price of your rocket fuel. At a rate of 1/4 to 1/2 tsp./gal., one quart costing $14 will last you forever.

So you think because your Envy has more Ca or S that that makes it a better product? You just done locked out 3 important elements plus the K is way too high, as usual with these shitheads that don't know plant nutrition.

looking at the specs, seems like Envy blows the doors off Dyna-gro. 1.5 tsp/gal delivers N:178 ppm, P: 52 , K:181 compared to DynaGro @ 2tsp/gal N:185, P:104, K:109
Envy also has 5% Calcium and 1% Mag. Dyna 1% Cal, .5% so no need for a cal/mag sup. Sulfur content is 1% in Envy. Dyna .05%. Ammoniacal N is much less in Envy also, only about 10% of total N.

So in a nutshell you get all of dyna-gro (including the guaranteed micro's) plus no need for cal/mag or mag-pro and is 25% more concentrated without all that P, and sells for 43$ a gallon !!! Dyna, I think you have met your match.

I'm trying her out ASAP. SPECS Vendor

Now for Bushmaster and Atami: I spit on your bottles. May a thousand fleas nest in the crotch of all the hydro shop salesmen who pitch this stuff!

Are you talking about the Envy 2 part? If so... isn't that 1.5 + 1.5... so 3 tsp actually? I know you have a beef with Dyna.
I notice whenever you compare anything to Dyna you sort of put a spin on numbers.

You don't need cal mag with Dyna. The increased cal and mag in Envy would lead me to believe it is made for RO water. So if you use RO water, cool. I know Homebrewer uses Dyna, no cal mag, with RO water. With Dyna and Tap water, you would not want to use Cal Mag. Envy with tap would be excessive cal and mag, I would think. (Think GH Flora Micro Regular vs Tap.. Envy has the reg (RO) levels, Dyna has the tap levels of cal and mag.

It looks like the retail price on Envy (per gallon) is $60.. the same as Dyna Gro. You need to buy 2 envy, but still, 60 per gal

Looks like it comes out to 9-6-11. I'de like to hear about it if you give it a try. I've seen the stuff before. If my 1.5 + 1.5 thing is true though that would mean it is weaker than Dyna not 25% stronger.

What is it you hate so bad about Dyna that makes you want to play with the numbers? I've called you out on your numbers before. I'm not calling you a liar, but, you know, you can spin a # anyway you want with the right words or a simple mistake. (3 equals 1.5...)

Possibly I'm wrong and there is an Envy 1 part, or, you are talking about .75tsp A + .75tsp B = 1.5 tsp Envy. If so, those are some damn potent nutrients. And, I apologize for jumping to conclusions.
Jesus fuck UB, don't be such a dickhead. Why the insult instead of a friendly debate? Isn't that what RIU is all about?
I'll address this bullshit later.
Jesus fuck UB, don't be such a dickhead. Why the insult instead of a friendly debate? Isn't that what RIU is all about?
I'll address this bullshit later.

The shitheads referred to are the manufacturers who you think are so fine. Now, answer the questions.

I don't know where you're getting your numbers or really what they mean. Bottom line is DG Foliage Pro produces excellent results from start to finish when used exclusively - no supplements or additives needed. The maintenance rate is only 1/4 tsp/gal. which means a quart at $14 will last you a lifetime.

RIU is about the blind leading the blind without bothering to understand what makes a plant tick, and that starts with plant nutrition.

Jesus fuck UB, don't be such a dickhead. Why the insult instead of a friendly debate? Isn't that what RIU is all about?
I'll address this bullshit later.

If you haven't come to expect it by now... what the hell have you been doing on here the last 3 1/2 years? haha. Don't take it personally.

RIU about a friendly debate? :lol:... You must be confused with another site.. It's pretty all things go around here. I prefer it over getting banned for getting animated.

RIU is about newbs sharing their trade secrets... UB verbally abusing them.. Toke and Talk... and everyone abusing FinShaggy (and his sister). Haha.
looking at the specs, seems like Envy blows the doors off Dyna-gro. 1.5 tsp/gal delivers N:178 ppm, P: 52 , K:181 compared to DynaGro @ 2tsp/gal N:185, P:104, K:109
Envy also has 5% Calcium and 1% Mag. Dyna 1% Cal, .5% so no need for a cal/mag sup. Sulfur content is 1% in Envy. Dyna .05%. Ammoniacal N is much less in Envy also, only about 10% of total N.

So in a nutshell you get all of dyna-gro (including the guaranteed micro's) plus no need for cal/mag or mag-pro and is 25% more concentrated without all that P, and sells for 43$ a gallon !!! Dyna, I think you have met your match.

I'm trying her out ASAP. SPECS Vendor

Now for Bushmaster and Atami: I spit on your bottles. May a thousand fleas nest in the crotch of all the hydro shop salesmen who pitch this stuff!
I thought you were hooked on AN? Or are you just on a search to find something that MIGHT work better then dyna just so you can PAT yourself on the back?(pun Intended)
Actually, DG has all 16 elements, in a proper ratio..... one part solution for 1/4 quarter the price of your rocket fuel. At a rate of 1/4 to 1/2 tsp./gal., one quart costing $14 will last you forever.
Looking at the Guarantee labels, Envy has all of what dyna has less cobalt but envy has boron which dyna does not. Envy at least has more guaranteed micro's than the majority of other bases, maybe not all 16. Nickel for one is excluded but why would one need it in a urea-less formula. I don't know what you mean by my "rocket fuel". Are we not talking about Envy? I don't advocate Bloombastic if that's what you're referring to. Envy is also about 15$ a Qt.

So you think because your Envy has more Ca or S that that makes it a better product? You just done locked out 3 important elements plus the K is way too high, as usual with these shitheads that don't know plant nutrition.

UB I fail to see how Envy causes antagonism with a ratio of 1.3 - 1 - 2 - 5 - 1. Many nutes have 5% calcium and 1%
Mag and anywhere between .5 and 1% Sulfur. Humboldt, Canna, GH , to name a few. That's the advantage of a mult-part formula, the ability to segregate the calcium thus providing more of it. I suspect that's also why Dyna has such high ammonicals too, to keep its' one part free from precipitating maybe? not sure on that.


The shitheads referred to are the manufacturers who you think are so fine. Now, answer the questions.

I apologize UB, I thought it was directed towards me. As for the questions I guess you mean Heartlands? I will.

I don't know where you're getting your numbers or really what they mean. Bottom line is DG Foliage Pro produces excellent results from start to finish when used exclusively - no supplements or additives needed. The maintenance rate is only 1/4 tsp/gal. which means a quart at $14 will last you a lifetime.

I totally agree with you, I use it for vegging and then switch after the stretch to AN, Canna or whatever base (which are also 15-18$/qt but not as concentrated.) By my experience though, I need more than 1 1/4 ml a gallon growing in coco or promix in bloom. I also need cal/mag since my well water is low of it. I go with 1.2 to 1.8 EC or so depending on the Base used and the genetics/lighting and so forth.

RIU is about the blind leading the blind without bothering to understand what makes a plant tick, and that starts with plant nutrition.


I don't mean to battle you. I just brought up an alternative nutrient that may suit others better than Dyna-gro. I don't have a problem with it, I use it myself, just not all the way thru harvest.