My Medicine Confiscated!!

funk ya

I met my care giver, picked up 4 plants (legal to have 6) and a small amount of medicine(legal to have one oz.) ... on my way home I get pulled over by a sheriff for a legit reason, and he imediatly smells the medicine and asked me to hand it over, I informed him I am a legal patient and presened my card. The sheriff was young and green, he called for back up, one more sheriff showed up, he didnt know the law either, they called the border patrol, and four border patrol vehicles showed up! its gettin good now, well they didnt know the state law either, so I am on the side or the road informing them all on the specifics of the law! The border patrol searched my truck and found the 4 plants, we were there for three hours almost! Finally the border patrol made the decission to confinscate my plants and medicine! Welcome comments, this could happen to you! Obama's headed in the right direction, there not prosecuting, but the intent was not to allow them to take your medicine away! this needs to be addressed!
Write a simple description of the event to your local news papers too. Call them directly and let them know that you have a story for them and that you will be faxing it over ASAP. Then do so! Get it out there man! The public will do the rest.

Include names of the officers if you can. You can legally request from the courts, the names of present officers for witness purposes. If they tell you that your attorney is the person to do that, let them know that you are representing your self, and understand that you are entitled to it by law. (I always start my conversation by stating that it is being recorded, and is). I review the conversation for any false information or lies, and report that too.

They hate being in the news regarding patient rights violations, especially when it says WHO the officers were. Other officers will want to avoid the exposure and thus numbers of these types of events will decrease dramatically. It’s our way of pushing back. They know they didn’t really take much out of your pocket, but allot out of your confidence. It’s your turn to return the favor.

Brother, keep up the good fight!
Until this shit is legal for all we're ALWAYS going have this kind of crap going down.
I would also suggest copying and sending over to both the news crew and the new paper, copies of the laws and things like what was said by Obama. You have to address everyone like they are completely ignorant to what’s going on (because many are).
Until this shit is legal for all we're ALWAYS going have this kind of crap going down.

Not if it’s constantly in the news. People get fed up with hearing about it and eventually side. Which is where we want people, between a rock and a hard place like we are. That puts the public in a different position when it comes to voting etc. and they are already in favor of Medical.
Not if it?s constantly in the news. People get fed up with hearing about it and eventually side. Which is where we want people, between a rock and a hard place like we are. That puts the public in a different position when it comes to voting etc. and they are already in favor of Medical.

Its a small town, big stir would take some ballsy balls. Im not saying I wouldnt move on my situation... but I want to see if there is some support for this... posted a new thread w/poll ... maybe like you said, people get tired of hearing about it... I love this forum either way, free speach!! I LOVE FREEDOM !! AWESOME COUNTRY !!
It sounds like you're up by the border. If you're not on the res, you should be calling every newspaper and television station statewide. Also call MCN in Missoula. You are probably due some compensation but if you are experiencing any medical problems that your mmj normally treats...go to the emergency room and tell them too.
It didnt happen on any Res..... debating the pros and cons ... dont want any media attention to my self really, and thats not addressing the federal issue, with local news... really, whats the impact in DC ... some how the problem isnt local, in essence ... the issue has to be bigger.
Write a simple description of the event to your local news papers too. Call them directly and let them know that you have a story for them and that you will be faxing it over ASAP. Then do so! Get it out there man! The public will do the rest.

Include names of the officers if you can. You can legally request from the courts, the names of present officers for witness purposes. If they tell you that your attorney is the person to do that, let them know that you are representing your self, and understand that you are entitled to it by law. (I always start my conversation by stating that it is being recorded, and is). I review the conversation for any false information or lies, and report that too.

They hate being in the news regarding patient rights violations, especially when it says WHO the officers were. Other officers will want to avoid the exposure and thus numbers of these types of events will decrease dramatically. It’s our way of pushing back. They know they didn’t really take much out of your pocket, but allot out of your confidence. It’s your turn to return the favor.

Brother, keep up the good fight!

Woodsmantoker is bang need to get this out there! Your rights have been violated by the very people that are (supposedly) entrusted to uphold end enforce the law/your rights. If this were any other person, there would be a public backlash towrads the powers-that-be.
Lets' change the public's perspective!
Call a news station ASAP. The cops have to tell you the officers names. Embarrass them for not knowing the law. Call their boss (I assume Sheriff) and complain that your rights were violated. Good Luck
Has anyone seen the news or read a paper.... shits going down, new props for MM to vote on... one basically revokes our current status, the other prop will put the clamps on everyone who isnt either terminaly ill or cancer stricken. Thats like 95% of us..... the effect could shut it all down... this should get our attention... who wants to do something about it? Im down!
i been legit since 05, so i think i'm grandfathered with the stack o paper i got. i'm pretty sick of these radical motherfuckers that wanna blame marijuana for all their problems. their kid smokes grass and is lazy and steals, they assume its the grass, and not their shitty parenting. thats how people are in the u.s.a. they are lazy, and they always play the blame game. these fuckers are forgeting about their sick fellow montanan. i was born and raise in good ol montucky, and voted for that shit. it better stay the same, or improve, or i'm out this bitch. i will turn my back, if this state turns its back on me. i'm not even scared about these stupid fuckers. they dont even know any really facts about marijuana. they just know the scare tactics. the only people that will follow these weak minded bunch are fellow weak minders. they should start a weak minded commune, where they will reside until they end up like the folks on "idiocracy". dumb as shit!!!!
Luckily the Citizen's Initiative jerkwads didn't get enough signatures to get on the ballot, but the legislature is going to be taking this one up in January. What's going to happen?

Montanan, new on the board. Hello everyone!
take them to court they stole your stuff, i'm in the uk and it's illegal here full stop but if i were in your shoes i'd want payback regardless of what the value of your property was at the very least they will think twice next time they pull some1 in the same circumstances, remember technically they stole from you and violated your rights
I am sorry to hear that.... Sounds like a nightmare... Law enforcement is becoming more and more tuned into the laws, and with any luck things will get clearer. Personally I am hoping for revision and clarification of the inititive to avoid situations like you experienced, even if it limits the big timers, etc....