My Mites Wont Die

I know it's a little late, and sort of "after the fact" but I highly recommend cedar oil spray for your next grow.
Treat the crap out of your grow space, and treat the ventilation intake from the outside....
Make it smell like cedar from the outside in....if you treat the area, you should never have this problem again as long as you re-apply it before every grow.
Do NOT ever spray it on your plants (unless you like to smell cedary-fresh from the inside out, and like to cough your skull off your shoulders)

The mites can't stand it.
No bugs can, reallly.

They'll go elsewhere, even if you are in the middle of flowering the sweetest, most enticing-smelling buds.....they'll smell that cedar, and won't hang around.

The good thing about cedar oil is it is a strong, pleasant smell that lasts quite a long time, and I slather that stuff on all over the place coz I LOVE the smell of it, and I live in a cabin in the forest, so bugs are EVERYWHERE up here, and it keeps them out of the house without giving me cancer.

Once again.....NATURE has all the answers!!!

I hope this helps, I's sure worked great for me here!
I'm up in Angeles Nat'l forest in California.....(a.k.a. "bugville U.S.A.")

Happy growing!!!


Well-Known Member
thats weird, i got a sample from dyna or bontaicare a few years back and used it on some plants in veg and mixed in garlic as well, got rid of them pretty quick. then again, water would do a better job with killing those things, guess the best answer would be spray the shit out of them.
Yes spray the shit out of them with plain water. I did this with great results. Killed 95% of the mites.
I then killed the remaining mites in hiding by spraying the shit out of the bottom
of the leaves with a couple of drops of dish washing liquid in water in a spray bottle. Checked my plants afterwords and
low and behold not a single mite left live. The dish liquid wiped out and killed the rest. Every single mite is dead!
I used this method in the past to rid aphids and figured this method should kill all mites with not a single leftover
and I was very right. This method costs nothing and works perfect. Killed ALL and every SINGLE mite.
Like I said before these mites had no idea who they were dealing with till they met me.


[video=youtube;lwR7e3h6kNU] 7cQq1QdaoOVRw[/video]

Skip to time 08:27 of 23:17 for killing mites

KIll mites!!
1.Floramite sc insecticide
2.Avid insecticide Kills everything
3.Judo insecticide