My monster plant is flowering in July (help)

I'm starting to think you might have this flawed idea of how women think and act. That's probably your biggest flaw my dude. Not knocking just trying to give you some constructive criticism.
Treat them like people and show some confidence in yourself.
In order to have a proper discussion we need to define these often-used terms. Treating them like people, well I mean I don't treat them like aliens, so humans it is. I get it you're saying don't treat them like objects to fuck. And yet in my college experience and other experiences I saw plenty a horned up frat boy or fuck boy who did just that and it worked like a charm and she was in fact aroused by his boldness and animal desire. Confidence? Could be, I say that they had far more results treating girls like a joke and/or something to fuck than I ever did being mild and meek and thinking treating a girl nice and caring about feelings ever mattered. LOL. Back when I was dumb enough to allow myself to be so used I was the fucking idiot loser who a girl could cry to about her shitty bf but had no interest in me sexually. So he treated her like shit and got to fuck her, I treated her like a human being and I was still the piece of shit under the toilet seat of a truck stop bathroom.

Besides those things are just the baseline. You have to LOOK good and if you don't look good, sugar, you might as well end it. Everyone goes around thinking their dream partner has to look like someone from Hollywood. I don't have a great face, i'm 5'7" and 130 lbs (slenderness helps maintain the illusion that I am taller than I am), although I do carry muscle, and I have a pathetic cock barely over 6 inches when girls are rubbing themselves over BBC or 9 inch shlongs on tumblr posts. It feels often I do not stand a chance. Excuse me, I need to pathetically jerk off in hopelessness and then take a nap.

And if i had weed i'd smoke it, but i probably won't now for two months. Oh well. T-break. And i'll have weed for a long time to help kill the rest of my soul/brain so I can be a soulless, deranged animal that goes out there and fornicates with the rest of the zombies. I'm trying to destroy my own moral compass, because no one ever used theirs with me.
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i'm like Seung-Hui Cho / Timothy McVeigh / Elliot Rodgers.....if they had just smoked dank for another 2-3 years instead of, yknow, killing innocent people
In order to have a proper discussion we need to define these often-used terms. Treating them like people, well I mean I don't treat them like aliens, so humans it is. I get it you're saying don't treat them like objects to fuck. And yet in my college experience and other experiences I saw plenty a horned up frat boy or fuck boy who did just that and it worked like a charm and she was in fact aroused by his boldness and animal desire. Confidence? Could be, I say that they had far more results treating girls like a joke and/or something to fuck than I ever did being mild and meek and thinking treating a girl nice and caring about feelings ever mattered. LOL.

Besides those things are just the baseline. I don't have a great face, i'm 5'7" and 130 lbs (slenderness helps maintain the illusion that I am taller than I am), although I do carry muscle, and I have a pathetic cock barely over 6 inches when girls are rubbing themselves over BBC or 9 inch shlongs on tumblr posts. It feels often I do not stand a chance.

People grow up. I know what you mean, that first week on campus was pretty much a giant fuck-fest. Think of this - most people going to college are on their own for the first time and really aren't yet mature/have life experience. Many of them had been sheltered or not allowed to experiment, whether it's with drugs or sex - especially the women in general terms. Then they get out on their own and go "crazy" so to speak. They try and catch up for all those years they were under the watchful eye of their folks.

This goes away as the novelty wears off so to speak.
I do get what you mean though. Ive known women that always went for the "bad guys" or "douchebags" but know that you're at the age now where a lot of women your age have found that those guys are just well... Douchebags.

Try meeting people with the same interests as you. I don't know what part of the world you're in and Covid really screwed up a lot of social gatherings, but I liked going down to the local cannabis cafe. They didn't serve cannabis or let you consume but it was more of a place you could rip a joint on the way and sit down and enjoy a nice coffee and snacks. I met a lot of like-minded people of all walks of life in that place.

I hear ya - I'm 5'6 and only about 140-150lbs. One thing I found was women generally try to match up with guys close in height. Go for the short ones ;)

Oh and don't feel bad I've heard the average is only 5"! It's not the size of the boat but the motion of the ocean :hump:

I once said that to a chick at the bar and she replied with "Yeah, and I reckon that's what a dude with a small dick would say!"

Woop, tab please!
Sometimes it's just the game of numbers. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. It all depends on what you want.

Glad were able to talk it out dude! Also, how's the plant doing? Was looking pretty good.
People grow up. I know what you mean, that first week on campus was pretty much a giant fuck-fest. Think of this - most people going to college are on their own for the first time and really aren't yet mature/have life experience. Many of them had been sheltered or not allowed to experiment, whether it's with drugs or sex - especially the women in general terms. Then they get out on their own and go "crazy" so to speak. They try and catch up for all those years they were under the watchful eye of their folks.

This goes away as the novelty wears off so to speak.
I do get what you mean though. Ive known women that always went for the "bad guys" or "douchebags" but know that you're at the age now where a lot of women your age have found that those guys are just well... Douchebags.

Try meeting people with the same interests as you. I don't know what part of the world you're in and Covid really screwed up a lot of social gatherings, but I liked going down to the local cannabis cafe. They didn't serve cannabis or let you consume but it was more of a place you could rip a joint on the way and sit down and enjoy a nice coffee and snacks. I met a lot of like-minded people of all walks of life in that place.

I hear ya - I'm 5'6 and only about 140-150lbs. One thing I found was women generally try to match up with guys close in height. Go for the short ones ;)

Oh and don't feel bad I've heard the average is only 5"! It's not the size of the boat but the motion of the ocean :hump:

I once said that to a chick at the bar and she replied with "Yeah, and I reckon that's what a dude with a small dick would say!"

Woop, tab please!
Sometimes it's just the game of numbers. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. It all depends on what you want.

Glad were able to talk it out dude! Also, how's the plant doing? Was looking pretty good.
It's hard to say, if i understand correctly it's going to re-veg or it already has although it's been in the past week i've seen it actively developing the beginnings of flower sites. So i'm continuing to give it NPK every three days in the hopes it will boost yield. I should point out this is my second grow of all time so i am pulling everything out of my ass and it's largely an experiment. Quantity or mass regardless, If I end up with enough weed to last a few months though without buying any I will consider it mission accomplished. And from what i also understand this is at least 8 weeks away, not including drying time. But this shit seems unpredictable and i feel like you never really know how fast it's going to develop. This particular girl shot up insanely fast and is also quite sturdy and broadly built. Just how I like them.

That's what most girls at the bar would say, my gut however says they say a lot of that shit to see if you still continue with it despite her attempts to scare you off or make you doubt yourself. If we're naked and she says it's too small once we're already naked then i'd probably just be really rude and tell her to get the fuck out of my apartment. Especially if i paid for her drinks and all that other shit beforehand.

You see i am a late bloomer with scraggly patchy facial hair who has had sex threefold. And these were pity fucks with my virginity taker so it does not even count. I have not even BEGUN to go buck wild yet. I have not even begun to unleash my sexuality upon my target market which is still actually college age girls. I want vengeance for nights spent alone after coming home from my shitty job to an empty shitty apartment and listening to orgies next door, like a caged old bird looking out on a world that has passed it by. I want the feather in my cap, the notches in my bedpost, the glory, the valor of the unlikely hero who rose from underdog to king. I want the world and I want the heads of anyone who ever tried to jack with me on stakes in my front yard.
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On growing up; my sense of wisdom tells me growing up also encompasses accepting the size of your dick and not allowing that to be a point of contention nor something any other human being, wielding vagina or penis, can make you insecure about. If it does, you really still have the locker room mindset of a tweenager, but by that same token, sadly, many grown adults do because they use penis size as a point of contention. I'm smart enough to know at least half my issues are psychological, the other half are probably physical. I could look into penis enlargement i guess. Hear that can permanently fuck up your dick tho worst case scenario. If it ain't broke don't fix it?
It's hard to say, if i understand correctly it's going to re-veg or it already has although it's been in the past week i've seen it actively developing the beginnings of flower sites. So i'm continuing to give it NPK every three days in the hopes it will boost yield. I should point out this is my second grow of all time so i am pulling everything out of my ass and it's largely an experiment. Quantity or mass regardless, If I end up with enough weed to last a few months though without buying any I will consider it mission accomplished. And from what i also understand this is at least 8 weeks away, not including drying time. But this shit seems unpredictable and i feel like you never really know how fast it's going to develop. This particular girl shot up insanely fast and is also quite sturdy and broadly built. Just how I like them.

It does look like it revegged a bit. Google monster cropping. I do it from time to time. I've actually got 2 that just finished revegging and 2 in full flower I put in my veg tent.
Don't overdo the nutrients or you'll burn em up. How much NPK you using? Overall it looks good so keep doing what you're doing.
In my experience revegged plants go nuts once they pick up. It just may or may not delay them a bit.
If you can keep her healthy till harvest you'll be well rewarded trust me.
You're probably looking at 8-12 weeks from now for a harvest but only time will tell.

That's what most girls at the bar would say, my gut however says they say a lot of that shit to see if you still continue with it despite her attempts to scare you off or make you doubt yourself. If we're naked and she says it's too small once we're already naked then i'd probably just be really rude and tell her to get the fuck out of my apartment. Especially if i paid for her drinks and all that other shit beforehand.

Now you got it dude! In hindsight I think thats what she was doing. I could have talked my way into her pants I'm sure but she caught me a little off-guard haha.
Lemme tell you I've never had anyone walk out of the room on me and I'm definitely no porn-star. More like a Nicholas Cage crossed with a Grizzly Adams :lol:

Like I said man, find yourself some like-minded chicks and take it from there. Go out for coffee, lunch, hangout or whatever. You never know what may unfold. The confidence is all you need. It helps if you're great with words.

Play the odds game, if you try and pick up 1000 women you should get 1 that bites. Oh and remember you gotta slay a few dragons before you get to the princess ;)
(No, I don't wanna talk about it... Desperate times... Desperate measures... :spew:)

You see i am a late bloomer with scraggly patchy facial hair who has had sex threefold. And these were pity fucks with my virginity taker so it does not even count. I have not even BEGUN to go buck wild yet. I have not even begun to unleash my sexuality upon my target market which is still actually college age girls. I want vengeance for nights spent alone after coming home from my shitty job to an empty shitty apartment and listening to orgies next door, like a caged old bird looking out on a world that has passed it by. I want the feather in my cap, the notches in my bedpost, the glory, the valor of the unlikely hero who rose from underdog to king. I want the world and I want the heads of anyone who ever tried to jack with me on stakes in my front yard.

A big thing to do is work on your appearance. Even if you have shitty facial features you can make yourself look good.
Take a look at famous actors that have similar facial features and see how they cover them up (such as having a tiny bit of facial hair to keep your jawline full if it's slim. Different hair styles to suit your head shape, etc).
Believe it or not but you can do a lot to make yourself look better.
If you've got patchy facial hair, Google "patchy beards that look good" or "how to make patchy beards look good".
Start looking into the psychology of social interactions and how body language and stuff plays a big role in how people view you.
Dedicate yourself to this. Use that anger as an outlet into a way to change yourself and the way people view you. Be better. Be the best of the best.
You get what I mean?
On growing up; my sense of wisdom tells me growing up also encompasses accepting the size of your dick and not allowing that to be a point of contention nor something any other human being, wielding vagina or penis, can make you insecure about. If it does, you really still have the locker room mindset of a tweenager, but by that same token, sadly, many grown adults do because they use penis size as a point of contention. I'm smart enough to know at least half my issues are psychological, the other half are probably physical. I could look into penis enlargement i guess. Hear that can permanently fuck up your dick tho worst case scenario. If it ain't broke don't fix it?

You're getting it dude. This, this, this.
You seem smart dude, you just need to be a bit more self-aware. Put yourself in the shoes of someone who meets you on the street.
Cool, calm, collected, and calculated. That's how I try to approach everything.

Tbh I'd rather have a microdick than a broken one :lol:
It does look like it revegged a bit. Google monster cropping. I do it from time to time. I've actually got 2 that just finished revegging and 2 in full flower I put in my veg tent.
Don't overdo the nutrients or you'll burn em up. How much NPK you using? Overall it looks good so keep doing what you're doing.
In my experience revegged plants go nuts once they pick up. It just may or may not delay them a bit.
If you can keep her healthy till harvest you'll be well rewarded trust me.
You're probably looking at 8-12 weeks from now for a harvest but only time will tell.
So at best, she is set back a bit for now, but she'll come back with a vengeance. I dig it.

I am using a quarter tsp of NPK with two gal of water which is the recommended ratio (I was given it by a buddy, he didn't give me the jar he just gave me enough for 20 gal) so i don't know what brand it is. I use it once every three waterings and i water it 2 gal every day now. So it will be getting NPK for the next month.

The confidence is all you need. It helps if you're great with words.
Been good with words for a long time, so much i was encouraged to become a lawyer, but that sounds boring as fuck. I like music i've been a musician all my life and music business is what i was in school for. Fuck paper pushing jobs. The confidence is more the other part but it's taken me a long time to begin to understand what that actually entails in a sexual context.

I feel like a loser when i jerk off but sometimes i jerk off just so i don't make really dumb decisions, because sometimes i feel so horned up i want to go out the door and just ask girls to fuck or something or whatever and these days that can get you arrested, especially if she doesn't find you hot so you just fall into the creep zone and nothing you say will make a difference. Maybe i should stop jerking off and harness that energy and just go take those risks. As far as i can tell if you don't take risks it won't happen. There's got to be a girl out there who is tired of masturbating and finds me attractive, and i am tired of masturbating and i find her attractive, and there's just enough overlap in the venn diagrams of who we are for it to happen. I tell myself this shit anyways.

Dedicate yourself to this. Use that anger as an outlet into a way to change yourself and the way people view you. Be better. Be the best of the best.
You get what I mean?
I will be, people try to tell you sex is not an indicator of self worth but to be honest if i was fucking it would probably be because i have myself and my shit together more than i do now. There's nowhere to go but up .

Oh and screw college age chicks, find yourself a 40+ year old and prepare to have your socks blown off!
But they're horny, sexy, young, and tight. At least some of them are still tight. I hear ya tho. I'm just not ruling them out just yet, though yea, because they are still young and beautiful and hold the power to have high standards, passing their standards takes more finesse than some cougar who is happy just to have a young horny in shape guy who can still get it up and fuck her silly. This is also unfortunately probably my best bet atm, but who knows. You're telling me they fuck better than college chix
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Thanks! I guess 27 is a "kid" yeah, if you're an old person

Idk about that, governor. You are correct about how I started it and I did put it out around the end of May, but there a lot of reasons I think you may be wrong. I want you to be wrong. I know better than to argue though. So let's assume for a minute it is. Is it fucking useless now as far as harvest goes? I don't give a fuck how much trimming I have to do. If it IS in fact re-vegging though, I take it i don't need to be giving it NPK until it flips back into flower for good. Assuming that's how it works. Fuck if i know.

If it's trash though i'm probably going to put a gun in my mouth. This plant is all I have to live for, because when you're 27, are the complete black sheep of the family, don't get laid, haven't finished college yet and are restrained to shit ass employment, blowing big blunts off an endless stash of homegrown and the occasional jerkoff session is really all you do have to live for. I don't think anyone will disagree with me here.

P.S. the small dick cocksucking Pigs got me for DWAI, fined me $900 and 6 month license revocation. Add this to list of reasons I will put a gun in my mouth. Unlike your friendly neighborhood law enforcement, I don't like dick in my mouth, I like blunts in my mouth. If I can't get a blunt in my mouth though for the next 6 months while I unfuck my life, unfortunately it will probably be a .45 i'm toking on.
Ha, I feel exactly the same! I'm in NY too. Downstate. My ladies are the love of my life. If I could cuddle them I would. I do kiss and sing to them tho.


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So at best, she is set back a bit for now, but she'll come back with a vengeance. I dig it.

I am using a quarter tsp of NPK with two gal of water which is the recommended ratio (I was given it by a buddy, he didn't give me the jar he just gave me enough for 20 gal) so i don't know what brand it is. I use it once every three waterings and i water it 2 gal every day now. So it will be getting NPK for the next month.

Been good with words for a long time, so much i was encouraged to become a lawyer, but that sounds boring as fuck. I like music i've been a musician all my life and music business is what i was in school for. Fuck paper pushing jobs. The confidence is more the other part but it's taken me a long time to begin to understand what that actually entails in a sexual context.

I feel like a loser when i jerk off but sometimes i jerk off just so i don't make really dumb decisions, because sometimes i feel so horned up i want to go out the door and just ask girls to fuck or something or whatever and these days that can get you arrested, especially if she doesn't find you hot so you just fall into the creep zone and nothing you say will make a difference. Maybe i should stop jerking off and harness that energy and just go take those risks. As far as i can tell if you don't take risks it won't happen. There's got to be a girl out there who is tired of masturbating and finds me attractive, and i am tired of masturbating and i find her attractive, and there's just enough overlap in the venn diagrams of who we are for it to happen. I tell myself this shit anyways.

I will be, people try to tell you sex is not an indicator of self worth but to be honest if i was fucking it would probably be because i have myself and my shit together more than i do now. There's nowhere to go but up .

But they're horny, sexy, young, and tight. At least some of them are still tight. I hear ya tho. I'm just not ruling them out just yet, though yea, because they are still young and beautiful and hold the power to have high standards, passing their standards takes more finesse than some cougar who is happy just to have a young horny in shape guy who can still get it up and fuck her silly. This is also unfortunately probably my best bet atm, but who knows. You're telling me they fuck better than college chix
Love it...40+ (43) here and yes, stay away from college chix. They look good til 35 and decline. I got lucky. I'm still hot. Lmao. Maybe it was the masterbation to hightimes that keeps me young...
Love it...40+ (43) here and yes, stay away from college chix. They look good til 35 and decline. I got lucky. I'm still hot. Lmao. Maybe it was the masterbation to hightimes that keeps me young...
Well i'm 27 and i either used to be more hot and lost it or I have yet to be hot. Based on nonexistant sexual history and a hairless chest maybe it's the latter. Not sure whether masturbation helps or hurts in that regard. What am i doing with my life?

Edit: there also exists the possibility that i'm not hot, i never was hot, and i will never be hot. Gotta leave no stone unturned here.
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Keep up what you're doing sounds like you've got your feeds dialed in.
And the plant looks lovely. You got this dude!

Women love confidence for some reason. I mean who doesn't. I think it really comes down to psychology and looking at a confidence as a person who is a good decision maker. It also shows you're not going to back down/makes you seem "strong". Sorry if I think a lot of things in psychological sense, it's just been a way I've always used to try and understand people/human behaviours.

You try going to any like open mic nights or anything to go out and meet people? Would be a way to meet some like-minded chicks. Or any music-related socials and stuff.

Seriously though start doing some reading on human psychology and picking up.

Sorry I can't be a bit more elaborate right now but I'm a little busy dude!

Hehe when it comes to college vs milf I guess it's strongly preference but don't knock it till you try it! :hump:
Thanks! I guess 27 is a "kid" yeah, if you're an old person

Idk about that, governor. You are correct about how I started it and I did put it out around the end of May, but there a lot of reasons I think you may be wrong. I want you to be wrong. I know better than to argue though. So let's assume for a minute it is. Is it fucking useless now as far as harvest goes? I don't give a fuck how much trimming I have to do. If it IS in fact re-vegging though, I take it i don't need to be giving it NPK until it flips back into flower for good. Assuming that's how it works. Fuck if i know.

If it's trash though i'm probably going to put a gun in my mouth. This plant is all I have to live for, because when you're 27, are the complete black sheep of the family, don't get laid, haven't finished college yet and are restrained to shit ass employment, blowing big blunts off an endless stash of homegrown and the occasional jerkoff session is really all you do have to live for. I don't think anyone will disagree with me here.

P.S. the small dick cocksucking Pigs got me for DWAI, fined me $900 and 6 month license revocation. Add this to list of reasons I will put a gun in my mouth. Unlike your friendly neighborhood law enforcement, I don't like dick in my mouth, I like blunts in my mouth. If I can't get a blunt in my mouth though for the next 6 months while I unfuck my life, unfortunately it will probably be a .45 i'm toking on.
Sounds like your in a dark place bro.possibly a vet at that age. Nothings that bad man theres lots of people out there to talk to
Sorry if I think a lot of things in psychological sense, it's just been a way I've always used to try and understand people/human behaviours.
Same, but understanding human behavior is the only way i'll make it happen, so understanding psychology has come to me as a sort of evolutionary tactic. Then again i never thought getting laid would require so much intelligence. I don't think intelligence is my issue i think a set of balls is but i didn't always know what a set of balls meant. I actually used to not know the difference between my balls and my asshole.

Sounds like your in a dark place bro.possibly a vet at that age. Nothings that bad man theres lots of people out there to talk to
Thanks, but far from a vet, just a grown man with my own sick form of PTSD from more pathetic domestic issues which might seem petty and first world to some but have managed to fuck me up for a decade. i would never enlist. I would never get past basic because at this age i would headbutt the sarge when he starts screaming in my face, get the shit kicked out of me, court marshalled, and dishonorably discharged and have that stapled to every resume for the rest of my life. Now i'm going to get told what a bad american i am and how i am no patriot and i am a coward. If all goes according to plan.
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Same, but understanding human behavior is the only way i'll make it happen, so understanding psychology has come to me as a sort of evolutionary tactic. Then again i never thought getting laid would require so much intelligence. I don't think intelligence is my issue i think a set of balls is but i didn't always know what a set of balls meant. I actually used to not know the difference between my balls and my asshole.

Thanks, but far from a vet, just a grown man with my own sick form of PTSD from more pathetic domestic issues. i would never enlist. I would never get past basic because at this age i would punch the sarge when he starts screaming in my face, get the shit kicked out of me, court marshalled, and dishonorably discharged. Now i'm going to get told what a bad american i am and how i am no patriot.

I think you're getting it bro! Just gotta get yourself out of that dark place.
Try re-inventing your look. If you think looks is the biggest part, change it. Rule it out. If it doesn't work, try the next thing you need to change.
Like growing a plant, change 1 variable at a time until you find that sweet spot.

That's it as well. Gotta have the gonads!

Oh don't get me started. I enlisted (Canada) at 17 and that went south/ruined it.
I thought about trying it when I was 25 and came to the same conclusion.
I've been told several times I have a "problem with authority"
Unsurprisingly that was by people with authority :lol:
I think you're getting it bro! Just gotta get yourself out of that dark place.
Try re-inventing your look. If you think looks is the biggest part, change it. Rule it out. If it doesn't work, try the next thing you need to change.
Like growing a plant, change 1 variable at a time until you find that sweet spot.

That's it as well. Gotta have the gonads!

Oh don't get me started. I enlisted (Canada) at 17 and that went south/ruined it.
I thought about trying it when I was 25 and came to the same conclusion.
I've been told several times I have a "problem with authority"
Unsurprisingly that was by people with authority :lol:
The treatment i got by the cops was imo probably similar. They rely on fear and intimidation tactics which is how they got me to tell on myself and now i have to cough up almost a grand just because new york state needs money. I got practically pushed out the door by a cop in court and i was being NICE to him. Bit my lip so hard. Don't fuckin touch me. I wanna go take a piss in his airvents on his SUV