Well-Known Member
The treatment i got by the cops was imo probably similar. They rely on fear and intimidation tactics which is how they got me to tell on myself and now i have to cough up almost a grand just because new york state needs money. I got practically pushed out the door by a cop in court and i was being NICE to him. Bit my lip so hard. Don't fuckin touch me. I wanna go take a piss in his airvents on his SUV
I got my own opinion on cops which I won't say here. Just chalk it up to lesson learned. Do what you gotta do - best to swallow your pride and be free man.
Should see the ridiculous fines they have here for cannabis related offences post legalization. Nothing but a cash grab. The Gov doesn't want just a slice of the pie but the whole thing. Don't try and take a bite or you'll get slapped. Hard.
Seemingly, most growers are still staying underground in the black market for those reasons.