I get that it is the law I'm saying laws of the sort have no place nor do they help keep children from accessing pot
This poor guy that got me fired because I said "Motherf&$#^&r" aloud in an OR one day - he had them every weekend. For a year. He had signs made "Ad in error - no sales here". People still came and knocked all day wondering if he had anything left after the sale was over. He finally listed the house and moved.
That is great! Its like scheduling every kind of home service estimate for the same day to his house. Priceless!
I never understood why being next to a school matters with an indoor grow. If they think children will be breaking in to steal bud then I think the problem is people raising kids who would break into a home. Laws are band-aids that punish those who follow them. Its like saying you can't own a gun or have a script of oxy.
Trust me it's way better than that and the misery never ends. Pro garage salers will cruise his house and knock on the door to try to establish a friendship so they can buy all his best goods. People who do not read English ignore the sign - they go by street address only. Bedroom furniture sells so fast it's unreal. Very high demand as are tools. Model A and Model T parts. Collectibles (car loads of fat bitches pulling up) with handpicked china plates and ceramics. Depressionware. Carnival glass (that stuff brings out the freaks).
Maybe if we left the liquor store and drove into the school they'd get it
If your neighbor can smell it, the police can. They can get a warrant and even come in without a warrant if they "suspect" evidence is being destroyed. They will bring a trained K9 unit. Supreme court has upheld convictions where search & seizure was based on officers smelling marijuana.
but forget the cops.
Word gets around. I would be just as concerned with getting robbed. It happens a lot. A friend of mine was bound and gagged and held at gunpoint while a couple guys in ski masks took everything. And then what are you going to do? Call the cops? Good luck with that.
Seriously. This whole thing could be avoided with a carbon filter or two.
I've lived next to the same next door neighbor for 10 years... He was always the one to call the cops on block parties, dogs barking and every fucking time I play music, so I figured it was a matter of time before he called it on my grow. My plants are on their final weeks of flowering in the garage and our houses are close enough That he can easily smell it in his garage. I wouldn't be too worried but I live literally 100 feet from school property. I didnt answer and they left after like 10 minutes. I live In SoCal and have a legal number of plants but again I'm right by a school, ive been told countless times if I just don't answer or refuse them entry to my house I won't have anything to worry about, just wondering of anyone has had an experience like this go bad.
This poor guy that got me fired because I said "Motherf&$#^&r" aloud in an OR one day - he had them every weekend. For a year. He had signs made "Ad in error - no sales here". People still came and knocked all day wondering if he had anything left after the sale was over. He finally listed the house and moved.
All this shit about weed and children... honestly I'd feel better about finding a bag of weed on some kid than a bottle of jack daniels and pack of camels.
I think the church thing is going too far. You're practicing your religion as far as anyone is concerned.I think its within 1,000 ft for most from schools, churches depending on what county your in, a few others too.