i have tried using CFL's. if you are going to grow 1 plant under a handful of CFL's then why not just buy a bag? if you want to grow for fun do it in your backyard. if you are SERIOUS about growing then use the PROPER lighting. a security light is NOT the proper light, nor is MH for flowering.
having to adjust bulbs daily for optimal coverage is just stupid.
having to rig together 10 cords to power your lights is stupid.
trying to add up all those #'s, 2200k, 3600k, lumens, blah, blah STUPID.
fluffy bids, stupid.
cutting corners to save money, stupid.
not getting to see the full potential of your grow, stupid.
wasting 3 months for a 1/4 ounce, stupid.
i could continue.
i've tried CFL's. they did not work for me. in MY opinion, they are stupid.