My Nine Monster: A Story Written and Produced by TMB

What's up Joz-
I have no idea what the NPK values are of that tea. I change it up during bloom season. I use the same stuff, but the bat guano is 0-5-0, and the Alaskan Fish "bloom" Emulsion (0-10-0 I think). More cotton seed and Alfalfa meal during bloom too.
After I add the tea, I top water over the tea another 5 gallons. So the tea is diluted 3.5 to 1 ratio.
Happy Growing

Good to hear! I know the ladies love it!
Hello all-
Thought I would update my thread with some photos.
Here are the girls in the weed cage...


Here are the girls under the carport....


Here's the greenhouse....


Here's the flowering girls....


And the vegetable Garden....


My Plum tree from the orchard...

Stay Safe
Dude those two girls under your carport has gotta be some of the stockiest plants i have ever seen, what are they?
Dude, I hate how jealous I am of those tomatos. Oh, and the weed, can't forget the weed.
Yea, the tomatoes are going off, 7' tall, Cherry, Roma and Beefsteak. The whole veggie garden is doing great, everything from seeds, not a single plant bought.
Weather update...
Sunday nights low was 71.2 and Mondays high was 97.9 under clear skies.
Last night low was 72.9 and todays high was 94.3 under overcast skies, very humid today.
Dude those two girls under your carport has gotta be some of the stockiest plants i have ever seen, what are they?
The two in the foreground are Mad Purps, my buddy calls them "Tanks" . The ones in the weed cage that are closest to the camera are `Mad Purps too.
Great pics Treeman, can't tell you how much I enjoy your updates. Put in 6 squash plants this year and have the stuff coming out of my ears. lol
Is that a Santa Rosa plum tree? Have one in my front yard next to a couple of nectarine, apple and pear. Glad to see the buds showing no ill effects due to this heat. Till next time...
Great pics Treeman, can't tell you how much I enjoy your updates. Put in 6 squash plants this year and have the stuff coming out of my ears. lol
Is that a Santa Rosa plum tree? Have one in my front yard next to a couple of nectarine, apple and pear. Glad to see the buds showing no ill effects due to this heat. Till next time...
Good morning Hodge-
Yes, Santa Rosa plum tree, I have a few more fruit trees, Peach, pomegranate, apple, and a Apricot.
The veggie garden is really producing now, harvesting veggies everyday.
Did suffer some bud rot due to the rains, there was a 1-2 minute time period where the buds were rained on, and with the box being shut every night, and having no ventilation during the dark periods, 3 plants started showing some bud rot. I cut out all I could find, so should be good unless we have some thunder storms the next few days.
Take care-
Loving the pics now I'm upset should have asked you to bring me a clone down. Oh well next year for sure Mad purps will be in my garden. Theya re looking green and strong. I also liked the praying mantis very nice. The predators do work hopefully the new cocoon will produce here soon. Keepem green dirrtyd
Loving the pics now I'm upset should have asked you to bring me a clone down. Oh well next year for sure Mad purps will be in my garden. Theya re looking green and strong. I also liked the praying mantis very nice. The predators do work hopefully the new cocoon will produce here soon. Keepem green dirrtyd
What's up d-
A couple in the bud box had your name on them, I'll smoke some of the buds with you when ready, I'll get ya clones next year, or before if you need them.... just let me know.
I think I'll be in Santa Cruz Sunday, my daughter from Alaska is visiting my daughter that lives in Santa Cruz. Was going to meet her in Los Banos to get my "Alaskan" daughter back home, but think I will go to SC and enjoy the day there, and bring my fishing poles.
Enjoy the day...
Sound like you will have a good time. We have Little League closing ceremonies on Sunday. Enjoy the ride and hopefully you get to put some poles in the water. Me and the family will probably be taking a ride down that way soon for sure. dirrtyd
Weather Update-
Hot and sticky...
Last nights low was 72.8 and todays high under 50%-50% cloudy skies was 97.3 degrees. Don't mind the heat, but hate that humidity. Better weather this weekend!
Hello all-
The organic girls (weed cage and greenhouse) were fed BMO's Grow it green today at full strength. The girls under the carport were fed Maxsea 16-16-16 today, 4 tbs per 5 gallon bucket. Each got a 5 gallon bucket.
The Bud girls got the Maxsea too 16-16-16, showing a bit too much yellowing, so they got 3 tbs per 5 gallon bucket. 10 gallons were spread out evenly between the 14 budding girls.

Brewing up another 10 gallon batch of tea, they look a bit hungry these days. Should be ready Saturday morning.
Have a great day...
Ah more tea!

I really enjoy reading your thread tmb, & I get the weather report too!

Those girls will show you much love, for taking such good care of them.

P.S. tmb, did you ever see 'cousin it' from my greenhouse a few years ago? They look like relatives! lol!
Does anybody else here get an incredible sense of peace and general well being while making tea and waiting for it to brew? I do. It's like saving up and buying an expensive new product that promises to boost your plants beyond your wildest dreams while only spending less than a buck at a time. It feels like I'm screwing the system over, and it feels good, lol.
Does anybody else here get an incredible sense of peace and general well being while making tea and waiting for it to brew? I do. It's like saving up and buying an expensive new product that promises to boost your plants beyond your wildest dreams while only spending less than a buck at a time. It feels like I'm screwing the system over, and it feels good, lol.
I think I have more then $1 into my teas.....
Left over Forest Humas.......$0
Left over Mushroom Compost.....$0
Dr Earths Organic 7.........$8.99 a box
Earthworm castings.....$8.27 a bag
Molasses.........$3.50 for 12oz
Alaskan Fish Emulsion.......$16.95 a gallon
Liquid Seaweed extract......$8.95 a Quart
Bat Guano.........$8.99 for 4 lbs
Soft Phosphate.....$8.99 for 4 lbs
Cotton seed meal........$7.99 5 lbs
So theirs a few dollars invested, but should be able to brew with these items the whole grow. I will get a couple other things when flowering starts.

Weather update....
Still humid,...last nights over night low was 70.9 and yesterday high was 97.3 under mostly sunny skies.