Damn that's BAD jj....
20+ years ago me and my buddy (double rainbow man....... Paul "Bear" Vasquez......I'm sure you seen the video on you tube) we would snorkel in the Merced river (river that flows thru Yosemite) and catch dozens of crawdads in a day, take them home, and chow them yummy lil bastards down. Now, I see no more crawdads, we ate all those bastards....oops!
Weather warmed up a bit again today....95.0 was our high, and 65.1 the low.
I beat my buddy at golf today, all tied up after 17 holes, came down to the last hole ....... I had to make a birdie to beat him, and a birdie was made!
So much fun when it gets that close, I luv it! The wins feel so good, and the losses sting like hell! Golf.....shesh!
It was shrooms, he has a few jars of the stuff. Eats them like you eat M&M's.I knew that fucker was high on something in the video! Was it shrooms or acid? I want to know!
It was shrooms, he has a few jars of the stuff. Eats them like you eat M&M's.
We worked for security in Yosemite Valley in 1987. We started our shift at 6:00pm and get off at 2:00am. He was my boss and we would play in Yosemite Valley after hours like we owned it. (everybody's sleeping after midnight) We would eat a handfull of shrooms at 1:30am, get off work at 2:00am and tripping hard in Yosemite Valley by 2:30am. We owned Yosemite Valley back then. Paul's 6'-1" and over 300lbs, then I was 6'-5" and just under 300lbs, nobody fucked with us. We still stay in touch, he bought my backhoe a couple months ago, he made over $200,000 off that fricken video between the royalties, appearances, and other stuff. Chevrolet paid him $50,000 just to the rights to that video. Talk about falling on your face and hitting pay-dirt! If you go to his "You Tube" page, that's me filming the Chevy video he did on his old Chevy. video http://www.youtube.com/user/Hungrybear9562?blend=6&ob=5#p/search/0/YbTAfXcJRm0 Check it out!
Paul is a cool dude and loves to have a good time, no doubt about that.Do you have any clue how happy you just made me? I am so fucking happy right now! Ahahaha. That is fucking awesome. I like you even more now, just through your association with this guy. I knew it was fucking shrooms, I fucking told everyone that it was, they were all like "oh I don't know man." Tell Paul that I fucking love him and both his rainbow and chevy video. Good camera work TMB, you helped captivate the love for that truck, made me love that truck. That video sounded like such a special treat I decided to double up; I pulled out the first nug of this recently harvested strawberry cough x c99 hybrid and took my very first burn of it while watching that video.
SC99 is fucking devistating btw, but a mold whore, and she secretly hermed on me when I wasn't looking in what seems to have been week 6.
But seriously, I want some of Paul's fungus. That story about Yosimite sounds great, how I wish I could have been there. I don't do shrooms often, but I do like them plenty. Last time I was actually up in SF, and we went to the forest right at the edge of the city and munched some shroom chocolates down, which did taste like M&M's, by the way, lol. I actually wanted to go out to Yosemite to do them, but nobody was down for the drive but me. I'm from socal so I try and spread myself as far across central cali and northern cali as I can when I go up state. You were right in earlier posts though, you truly do live in "God's Country." Yosemite is fucking gorgeous. I now live in the smog zone of so cal up in the mountains, but I used to live right at the base of the Santa Rosa Plateau and used to go get mega ripped and go hiking, then take shrooms at the top of the water falls and go fuck around. I always have a packed pipe in my hand, so nobody fucks with me... they just want to hang out. haha.
Fucking a'... this SC99 is fucking devistating. I just wanted to stress that real quick... whoa fuck... I think I hear my lamp barking.
And finally, 200,000 dollars for having a video of yourself at your very silliest on the internet? Damn, I think I might still have some sleep walking videos that I could get rich off of. Ever been pee'd on by a sleeping man?
Seriously, you and Paul are the fucking man.
Hey Hodge-Hoping the purp strains that I had will purple-up (color) up at our Trinity site. Elevation is 3200 feet with cooler temps than here, (900 feet)
Wish you were closer, have about 2 oz's of bubble just waiting to be shared with good people. If TLD ever heads up this way, your invited to join him?