thanks for the rep ill +rep you backCanada represent!! i was going to ask about where to get the fans as well but i guess you guys both asked and answered my questions lol + rep. saved me lots of time and research (JDMlove and TheBlisters). good luck
thanks for the help and your grow is looking great + repPretty simple, the holes in my wood panel are a perfect fit for the sockets I had... I'm pretty sure you could get them at Home Depot. They're like rubber made. Look at this picture:
Well... I'm from Canada, so I bought one on NCIX.COM at like 16$. But I found cheaper ones on they are like 12$. It's worth it... I'm planning on buying some more to replace all fans with NOCTUA. Don't get SilenX, they cost more and have less airflow... I think NOCTUA is the best fan around... I've made lots of research about silent fans... if you find a more quiet fan, let me know!
thanks for the rep ill +rep you back
lol thanks ill be sure to +rep you tooWell if it's like that rep to
is that chipboard in your case? doesn't that get effected in anyway, because im making a growbox fully out of chipboard and i need some advice on this cheap material. Although it will be painted and coated with mylar... Good choice?
What is a cardboard box exactly? Sorry... english is not my first language, still learning...yeah i meant if it gets warm or moist would the wood expand or somethin. But it sounds as if fans should do the trick... im thinking about using a cardboard box now because im really low on my budget bit of a step down init haha!
Hehehe you won't beleive how easy to find and cheap they are...where did you get those carbon filter sheets from and how much are they?
I water very 3-4 days, and I use Miracle Grow. I know it's basic, but it's what I have here and want to keep it often do you water and what kind of nutes do you use?