got my Hydroton yesterday, i "washed" it off, i just ran hella clean water through it until it came out clean. do i need to do more? ima read more ..
have a few leaks but im getting silicone today to seal it up no worries.

it just slow drips a few spots where the bottom of the mixing tub isn't flush. sealing it up. i didn't think to order a drain line, so for now i just cut another hole in the rez lid and have a length of attached to it just going down below the lid, it works till i eventually get a hose. im lazy tho and this works so it may be a while lol.
had to cut a few slots out of the table to let the lines run through.

with the middle slot left empty for the F/D fittings to fill it. i have the drain set to overflow at just above the middle of the pots. it takes 1 min for the tray to flood to the point of overflow.
but it takes around 5 for it to drain. my pump is a little op for this, im worried about the force of the feed knocking the fitting off and just having a geyser in the room/ also when it comes on it SPLASHES like a mofo. so until i replace the pump im going to just leave a small plate over the empty slot

and ill just set a small weight on it to make sure if the fitting does pop off i dont have the geyser. sorry this whole paragraph is useless now... but ive already typed it. i had it empty until i decided on the plate while typing so its helpful lol.
i ran a few test fills to get timings down and such. letting it dry fully so i can apply the silicone.
momma slurricane got a little hungry and ignored for a week, have been suffering from my own inaction for a bit but i have her on the way back.
i want her to get a few more days of happy life before i start cloning to help the clones start of stronger. as of this point (

) that's the only thing holding things up.
i do still have a few things to figure out on feeding the clones once they go into their hydro homes. But 99% of the fear that comes from doing something new