my plants going yellow from the bottom up


Well-Known Member
well it sucks i go out today and my plants are going yellow from the bottom up and im loosing some lower fan leaves. if you need pics go to the last page of my signature. i want to straighten it out soon.what do you think?
You could be over watering it. I know for my first indoor grow thats how I killed my ladies and the same symptoms.
well i was thinkin about giving it molasses today. can i give it molasses first then give it a feeding?
its been raining everyday alot but theres quite a few holes in the bottom of the bucket and it only stays moist
well i was thinkin about giving it molasses today. can i give it molasses first then give it a feeding?

i agree ..more nitrogen , what nutes u give it ? it may be dropping leaves due to lack of sunlight but id say if its in good weather it just needs some nutrients
Plants were doing awesome. They are grown in a corn field, soil is very hard and we haven't had rain in a couple weeks. I have been watering them every few days because of the lack of rain. I decide that I should fertilize them and follow the directions on miracle grow which is 22 ml per 6 L of water. I used 22 ml in 8 L so diluted even more. I am thinking that that the miracle grow may of been concentrated too much and burned the roots. Please take a look at the pictures and if you have ay advice let me know. I water them again today with only rain water so I hope they bounce back but not looking good! Thanks in advance.

leaves 2.jpg leaves 1.jpg
nevermind piss wont cure that.. lol.. looks like root rot and maybe lack of nutrients.. also light and heat stress maybe. that about every defficiency possible right there.. try something to aid drainage.
I was considering loosening the soil around the plants; could go tomorrow morning when its light at 5 AM and I won't be seen. Would you suggest more miracle grow as well as loosenig up the soil, its rock hard; The corn is thriving.
well i gave them some more nutes. i have a custom blend from a horticulturalist but i might have to give it a piss. i think cuz my custom blend is granulars that its possible that i used up all the nitrogen in blend. its black white and grey granules. but now theres not that many black ones mainly white ones now. so its possible i think im giving it nitrogen but its just getting as much as i think
Plants were doing awesome. They are grown in a corn field, soil is very hard and we haven't had rain in a couple weeks. I have been watering them every few days because of the lack of rain. I decide that I should fertilize them and follow the directions on miracle grow which is 22 ml per 6 L of water. I used 22 ml in 8 L so diluted even more. I am thinking that that the miracle grow may of been concentrated too much and burned the roots. Please take a look at the pictures and if you have ay advice let me know. I water them again today with only rain water so I hope they bounce back but not looking good! Thanks in advance.

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they are pretty much done all you can do is give them pure water and hope they bounce back
Maybe the ground you planted in was already fertilized for the corn??? And by you adding more nutrients isn't helping your plants.... that would be my guess
May the ground you planted in was already fertilized for the corn??? And by you adding more nutrients isn't helping your plants.... that would be my guess
i didnt plant by corn just a newb stealing my thread. i pissed on it after it rained though hoping you guys are right and i used up the nitrogen in the custom blend. its granules and its in a bad and they separate by weight. and since the black ones are lightest they come up to the top first. and when i pinched out the bag i grabbed mostly nitrogen and im guessing that i havent been give it nitrogen but more potassium and phosphorus
What custom blend of nutrients are you using??? Have you used these nutes before?
yeah i used it last year with excellent results. but now im getting down to the bottom of the bag and it used to be about 75 % black grans 25% white and grey ones. now its about 60 % white and grey ones 40% black ones. i pissed on them yesterday but i didnt have much to give and its raining cats and dogs now. should i go give it another piss after the rain? or would it be too much? im thinkin the rain will wash most the nutes away becuz its been raining so much
Looks like your shit caught some Herpies and HIV at the same time. Your plants over. If you wana save it. Go out to the store or order online with two day shipping.
Your guna want SENSI ZYM and VOODOO JUICE
OH ya.. get some mykos CALCARB...that'll bringem back to health.. its a matter of days or week before its irreversible tho
Looks like your shit caught some Herpies and HIV at the same time. Your plants over. If you wana save it. Go out to the store or order online with two day shipping.
Your guna want SENSI ZYM and VOODOO JUICE
i think the pics you seen were some newb trying to steal my thread. my plants are still green they are just getting yellow from the bottom up and the smaller one has been giving problems since day one. last year and the year before that everything went smoothly. but this year has just been crap for me. my big one is still going good but its starting to yellow at the bottom and the smaller one has no undergrowth on it and ill be lucky to get a blunt off the 4 ft plant. my 6 ft plant has numerous bud sites and the yellow is still low on the plant. the smaller one has been affected by this since day one
those plants have several def. I would use the miracle grow,molasses and some epsom salt and if you have a wal-mart near by they sell some stuff called super thrive it's a all around vitamin like a vitamin pack you buy in the convience store ,has vitamin a,b,1 2 12 d e and alot of micro nutrients you may need loosening the soil at least the height that the plant is down use something thin for around the main stalk so you don't damage the ball root after you feed them dilut it some more and give them a foliage spray a well make sure it your in the sun though shake off the excess water so it won't magnify and burn your leaves and pray to the mj gods but I had one like that and bought it back to life real green